Chapter 339 Spherical Goblin

At this moment, the demon who appeared in front of the soul-eater.

It is a very strange existence.

It is rounded all over, as if it were a sphere.

It looks very strange.

And the soul-eater on the opposite side, seeing this behind the scenes.

A hint of shock also flashed in his eyes.

I saw him speak:

“How can this Chaos Demon suddenly become like this?”

“According to previous records.

“This monster should have limbs like other Chaos monsters.”

“Could it be that after so many years, this monster has been Upgraded?”


The Secret Realm of Flying Fairy is opened every time.

Both require very long intervals.

And in such a long time.

These chaotic monsters are more or less, naturally they will change.

Even some monsters with characteristics directly change into another form.

It is also a common thing.


Like it is now.

Completely changed the situation of the form.

But it still made this soul eater feel extremely shocked.

He had never imagined that this chaotic monster could turn into a sphere.

It was really beyond his imagination.

Next, I saw the face of the soul-eater, after a trace of hunting color flashed.

Then he said:

“No matter what this Chaos Demon becomes like”. ”

“Since I dare to swallow Xitu in, then I must take it out.

“For the immortal Tianzong inherited for many years in the future.”

“I have to finish this thing for Soul Eater!”

After speaking, the Soul Eater turned around and looked directly at the two puppets.

He said:

“You two are useless things.

“Hurry up to me!”

“Hurry up and get rid of that chaotic monster!”

And the two puppets with wit, after hearing the words of the real soul devourer.

But he didn’t say a word.

They are like machines, faithfully executing the orders of the soul-eaters.

It directly turned into two incomparable black streamers, and rushed towards the chaotic monster in front.


I saw these puppets who had come to the front of the monster.

Directly launched his own offense.

I saw the puppet with long hair.

After a long roar in the sky.

Its right hand turned into a huge ghost claw out of thin air.

Then he slammed the Chaos Demon fiercely.

And another puppet nearby.

Also launched an attack at the same time.

After seeing this puppet open his mouth, he spit a flame fiercely towards the chaotic monster.

As if to burn everything in the world.

It makes people feel extremely shocked.

The soul-eater in the distance, after seeing this scene.

An expression of excitement suddenly appeared on his face.

Later, as long as the two puppets succeed in removing the demon.

He will be able to obtain the coveted breath of soil.

Next, I saw this soul-eater, Yang Tian laughed wildly:

“.々The chaotic monster in this rumor is nothing more than that.

“Faced with the attack of my two puppets, they were indifferent.”

“Such a careless monster.

“It is absolutely impossible to defeat me.”

“For (Zhao Qian’s) I will be obedient to die!”

However, just when the voice of Soul Devourer fell.

The demon suddenly began to act.

I saw the body that looked like a sphere.

There was a sudden movement.

Two huge arms were directly transformed.

Then he grabbed the puppet in front of him hard.

I saw the pure attack from those two puppets.

In front of this arm.

It’s like paper.

It disappeared completely in this space in an instant.

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