Chapter 335 Take an eye

Those strong in the underworld.

After hearing the plan from this person.

There was a flash of emotion in his eyes.

As long as they can kill Ye Yuesheng on the spot.

That would definitely make the prestige of the underworld a few more points.

After all, any guy who dared to provoke the underworld would immediately be killed by the underworld.

This powerful deterrent.

It can definitely make all the forces of Chaos feel frightened.

Thought of this.

I saw a smile on the face of the black robe man.

He directly said:

“Very good, then we will take this action.”

“Let all the powerhouses of the underworld, 780, attack together.”

“Just let that guy feel what it means to be better than death.”

“I believe that under this kind of threat, that guy will definitely not dare to resist our underworld.”

After saying this, the black-robed man seemed to have thought of something again.

He looked at a certain netherworld elder and said:

“How’s the situation with Tian Fuzi recently?”

“His cultivation technique is blocked?”

Upon hearing this, the elder of the Tiangong immediately said:

“Returning to Sect Master, the recent cultivation of the Heavenly Devil is very smooth.”

“He has continuously broken through the realm of the two heavens, allowing himself to successfully step into the (bdfi) Seventh Stage.

“Such a speed of advancement is unique in the history of the underworld.

“I believe that in the not-too-distant future, the Heavenly Devil will be able to make the prestige of the underworld completely resounding across all chaotic regions.”

Hear what the elder said.

The Sect Master of the underworld nodded with satisfaction.

After he pondered for a moment, he said:

“Since the guy who killed the Huntian Demon.”

“Also entered into this secret realm.”

“Then the probability that this person is a peer is not zero.”

“If it’s really the same generation, then it would be inconvenient for us old guys to shoot.”

“under these circumstances.”

“I will let the Devil of the Sky kill people and let him establish a reputation.

“In this case, there should be no problem.”

And the elder of the prefecture heard Sect Master’s words.

Nodded suddenly.

It seems to agree with this very much.

I saw him speak:

“Sect Master is wise.”

“In this way, the prefectures can also avoid being settled.”

“I believe those forces, they should not dare to say what they are.

At the same time.

The underworld is discussing.

How to deal with Ye Yuesheng.

I don’t know how far it is from the underworld.

The depths of the flying fairy.

Ye Yuesheng has also walked in front of the one-eyed monster.

He glanced at the corpse of the demon, then said:

“Fortunately, the fluctuations of previous battles did not come here.”

“Otherwise, this monster’s eyes will be directly damaged by me.

Although Ye Yuesheng’s net worth.

I have become a lot richer just now.

But if you can easily enter another secret realm.

He will naturally not give up such a good thing.

Next, I saw Ye Yuesheng squat down directly, and then stretched out his right hand.

Directly put the most precious part of the one-eyed monster.

Got it in his own hands.

After that, Ye Yuesheng looked a little helplessly, and then called out a brocade box.

Immediately put this eyeball inside.

And after doing this.

Ye Yuesheng turned around.

Take out the jade slip given to him by the elder Tianxin, and look through it again.

I saw him secretly saying in his heart:

“This time the goal in the Flying Fairy Secret Realm.

“Part of it has also been completed.

“Later, I will look for the earth spar that Elder Tianxin needs.”

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