Chapter 306 Secret Realm

In the following days.

Ye Yuesheng did not cultivate anymore.

Instead, he was preparing all kinds of things about the Flying Fairy Secret Realm.

With the identity of Tiangong Daozi.

He got a lot of help in a short period of time.

This situation.

Naturally, Ye Yuesheng’s confidence in this action soared.

After that, Ye Yuesheng, who had done all the preparations.

There was no further delay.

Immediately passed the teleportation array of the Tiangong headquarters and went directly back to Yunyin City.

Began to wait for the take-off fairy-the opening of the secret realm.

And the sweetheart of Yunyin City.

After learning that Ye Yuesheng came here.

Naturally, he was extremely welcome, and immediately received Ye Yuesheng from his residence.

A good hospitality.

Time flies.

It hasn’t been long since Ye Yuesheng came to Yunyin City.

One day, somewhere outside of Yunyin City.

Suddenly a very strong light burst out.

It directly attracted the attention of all practitioners in this area.

I saw these practitioners running around on the street, constantly shouting:

“Flying Fairy Secret Realm!”

“This mystery is finally opened!”

“As long as you can win the secret treasure inside, anyone can fly into a fairy.”

“Everyone, hurry in!”

Fei Xian Ling, as long as you buy the Fei Xian Ling made by Tianbao Pavilion, you will be able to enter smoothly!”

“Five Chaos Demon Cores can buy Fei Xian Ling.

“Those who want to seize the opportunity, hurry up and buy!”

And the other side.

Just when those practitioners are extremely excited.

Somewhere in the elegant garden of Yunyin City.

The heavenly heart looked at the light in the distance and said:

“Look, Ye Daozi, this Flying Fairy Secret Realm has initially appeared.”

“Just wait a few more days.

“You will be able to enter this secret realm.”

“Of course, if there is no Fei Xian Ling, it is impossible to enter.

“The token I gave to Ye Daozi, should Ye Daozi also bring it this time, right?”

Ye Yuesheng nodded immediately when he heard the words of the heavenly heart.

He said directly:

“Senior don’t worry.”

“The juniors have already prepared everything about the Flying Fairy Secret Realm.”

“As long as this secret realm is opened, I will directly take Feixianling in.

After saying this, Ye Yuesheng’s eyes suddenly flashed an inexplicable color.

He looked at the sweetheart of heaven and continued to speak:

…Please ask for flowers……

“Unexpectedly, seniors should be so powerful.”

“Unexpectedly, two hundred years ago, he was able to obtain the Flying Immortal Order from Tianbao Pavilion.

“This is really unexpected for the younger generation.”

“You must know this flying immortal order.

“But it was only sold by Tianbao Pavilion in recent decades.”

“Senior can give to juniors in advance, and it seems that it is definitely not an ordinary Seventh Stage character of Heavenly Dao.”


“I wonder if Senior can tell me about his relationship with Tianbao Pavilion?”

The heavenly heart heard this.

Immediately stroked his beard, he laughed and said:

“It’s not a secret.

“As Ye Daozi, it should be easy to find out.”

“However, since Ye Daozi asked in person, the old man will tell you directly.

After speaking, the sweetheart Tianxin seemed to recall something.

After he sighed slightly, he said:

“The old man was considered a more famous person in the temple in the past.”

“And the pavilion owner of this Tianbao Pavilion is a big man who has a connection with the old man.”

“She provided a lot of help when the old man was practicing.”

“So it’s not a weird thing that the old man can get the Flying Immortal Order in advance.”

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