Chapter 296 Ask for help

After hearing Ye Yuesheng’s answer.

A hint of unpleasantness flashed across the blood queen and Yu Ling’er.

Such a foolish answer.

It really makes them feel a little unhappy.

And next.

Just when the Queen of Blood and Yu Ling’er were planning to further question Ye Yuesheng.

But suddenly felt a powerful force coming here.

Although this force converged in an instant.

But it still made the blood queen and others~ feel a bit shocked.

After seeing the blood queen pondering for a moment, he directly-said:

“Husband, there can be such a powerful person in Yunyin City.’

“There is only the sweetheart of heaven.”

“It seems that he already knows that you are here.”

“Why don’t you go out and see the situation now?”

“After all, he is the first person in the Cultivation Base in this domain. We still have to give the necessary etiquette.”

Ye Yuesheng nodded slightly when he heard the words.

He directly said:

“You are right about the Queen of Blood.”

“Since the sweetheart of heaven has come here.”

“Then he should have received news from the Tiangong headquarters.”

“In that case, I will go out first.”

After saying this, Ye Yuesheng walked directly out of the hall.

Came to the courtyard outside Yayuan.

And the other side.

The heavenly sweetheart who came here.

After seeing Ye Yuesheng.

Then apologized, he said:

“I didn’t expect Xiaoyou Jingran to really become a Taoist priest.

“The old man really didn’t expect this situation.

“So that when I came here, I felt a little unstable, which caused my aura to escape a little.”

“I hope Daozi won’t blame it.

Hear the words of the heavenly sweetheart.

Ye Yuesheng laughed immediately, and he said directly:

“This matter is nothing.”

“Junior, I would also like to thank senior for his kindness in showing the way in the first place.”

“If you don’t have the support of the seniors, I am afraid that the juniors will not be able to participate in the Daozi selection.”

Hearing the words, the sweetheart of heaven suddenly showed a smile on the old face.

He didn’t expect Ye Yuesheng to become a Taoist priest in Tiangong.

I still have such respect for myself.

This really made him feel a little bit emotional.

Next, I saw Ye Yuesheng look at the sweetheart of Tianxin and directly said:

“I don’t know why the senior came here?”

“If I can help, I will definitely help.”

“With my current status in Tiangong, I should be able to help seniors with something.”

Sweetheart Tianxin heard what Ye Yuesheng said.

He laughed suddenly.

He didn’t sell anything, and directly said:

“Taozi is right.

“The old man rushed here in such a hurry.”

“Except for orders from the headquarters, it is necessary to protect Daozi.”

“I just want to tell Daozi a chance.”

“As long as Daozi can win many treasures in the secret realm.”

“That will definitely be able to break through its own bottleneck faster.”

After speaking, the sweetheart of Tianxin seemed to have thought of something.

After he sighed slightly, he said helplessly:

“In addition, the old man has one more thing that may need to be troublesome.’

“I hope Daozi will not refuse.”

Ye Yuesheng nodded immediately after hearing the words.

If there was no help from the sweetheart of heaven at the beginning.

It is estimated that it is difficult for him to be a Taoist now.

Can only become an ordinary Tiangong disciple.

Therefore, now that the Heavenly Heart Sweetheart is facing difficulties.

Then Ye Yuesheng can help him.

It is also due.

Thought of this.

Ye Yuesheng opened his mouth and said:

“Senior, but said it’s okay, as long as I can help you.”

“I will definitely try my best.” Zhi.

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