Chapter 286 The shock of the elders

Although forty-two Chaos Demon Cores have been taken out.

But Ye Yuesheng still did not stop.

He continued to take out the new Chaos Demon Core and began to put it in the flashing cloth bag.

And those Daozi candidates.

Behind the scenes after seeing this.

The heart that was somewhat contemptuous had become very jealous.

They asked themselves when they were in the Third Stage.

There is absolutely no way that Ye Yuesheng can easily produce so many Chaos Demon Cores.

Only twenty can be taken out at most.

This is the limit they can reach.

I saw a candidate for Tsing Yi Daozi, and he glanced at Ye Yuesheng’s back.

He said directly:

“Is this kid-is it a monster?”

“Unexpectedly able to come up with so many Chaos Demon Cores.”

“When I was in the Third Stage, I couldn’t reach this point at all.”

“If it is at the same level as him, who else can beat this kid?”

“Before I was thinking about putting him under his command.”

“It seems that it is really ignorant.”

After speaking, a complex color appeared on the face of this Daozi candidate.

He is the heir of a hidden family in the Chaos World.

He has been nurtured by countless resources since he was young.

And the guidance of the strong from all walks of life.

I thought I was among my peers.

It is the absolute number one.

Now I found a better guy.

This immediately caused the invincible will that he had established in his heart to suffer directly.

I saw this person take a deep breath.

Then began to clear out the distracting thoughts.

Then continue to watch Ye Yuesheng’s results.

And the same.

Those other Daozi candidates.

The same is true in my heart at this moment.

For Ye Yuesheng’s views.

Has completely changed.

They never expected that it would be a Third Stage guy.

Jingran can achieve such amazing results.

Except for these Daozi candidates.

The elders of the heavenly palace felt extremely shocked in their hearts at this time.

Tiandao Third Stage Tian has such a level.

This is only a few cases in the countless years of Tiangong’s history.

It is almost impossible to be born.

However, now it really happened in front of them.

It is incredible.

I saw the old white-robed elder, a trace of vicissitudes flashed in his eyes.

He whispered to himself:

…Please ask for flowers………

“After so long, Tiangong finally recruited a person with such qualifications.

“The Temple of Heaven will surely prosper in the future, and even directly control the entire chaos.

“It’s not impossible.

After speaking, the white-robed elder smiled slightly.

Continue to focus on Ye Yuesheng.

I do not know how long it has been.

Just when everyone felt a little numb.

Ye Yuesheng finally stopped what he was doing.

He looked at the light curtain in the air and said to himself:

“Eighty-one Chaos Demon Core.”

“This is what I can achieve in three days.”

“Although this result, it is difficult to get the first place.”

“But if you become a Taoist priest, there shouldn’t be any problems.”

“After all, my Cultivation Base is nothing more than the Third Stage of Heaven.

“Achieving this step, it should be satisfied.”

After speaking, Ye Yuesheng smiled slightly.

Turn around and leave the shiny cloth bag.

For Ye Yuesheng’s current goal.

As long as he can become the Taoist of Tiangong, his goal will be more than half accomplished.

As for ranking things.

In the future, there will be opportunities to take it back. Of,

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