Chapter 281 Elders show up

Appeared in front of Ye Yuesheng at this time.

It is an extremely magnificent scene.

The crowd who could barely see their heads appeared directly outside the square.

It’s like the sea.

It makes people feel extremely shocked.

And at the same time.

At the moment when Ye Yuesheng and others~ appeared.

The crowd outside the square immediately had a very lively discussion.

They whispered one after another, and began- said:

“Is this the Daozi candidate for Tiangong?”

“The breath on the body is as heavy as a mountain, and it seems that the strength is really too strong.”

“My kind of Heavenly Dao First Stage guy, I’m afraid it’s not their opponent at all.”

“Xiongtai is right.

“The weakest person on the field, Cultivation Base has reached the Third Stage.”

“They are definitely not comparable to us.”

“If you can follow any Taoist in the future, I am afraid you will be able to reach the sky in one step.”

“Yes, I wish I could be selected as a follower by a Taoist.”

And some Daozi candidates standing on the square.

After hearing this.

A hint of pride flashed across his face.

They achieved such an achievement at such a young age.

Naturally a bit pretentious.

Next, I saw a certain black-robed youth on the field, after seeing this scene.

Then he laughed:

“I didn’t expect that there were so many candidates participating in the Tiangong selection this time.”

“It seems that Tiangong has been in the most recent period.

“It’s getting better and better.

“After all, only powerful forces can make those people rush.

When everyone heard the words, a smile appeared on their faces.

It seems to be extremely agreeable with this.

Then, I saw a young man in Tsing Yi speak:

“You are right.”

“The Temple of Heaven is indeed very powerful.

“It is for this reason.”

“This chaotic world has so many people to participate in the selection.”

“And if you want to become a Taoist standing above everyone.

“We have to come up with the strength to crush.

“In this way, we can be worthy of the position given by Tiangong.

A person nearby heard this.

Immediately laughed.

“These words, let’s wait for the Daozi in the Heavenly Palace.”

“We still have a dozen people left here.

“There are some people, but they are definitely not the Taoists of the Heavenly Palace.

When everyone heard the words, an inexplicable color flashed across their faces.

After they shook their heads slightly, they said nothing.

Just wait quietly for the start of the assessment.


I do not know how long it has been.

Just when everyone was waiting impatiently.

The elders of Tiangong finally showed up.

I saw several figures with extremely powerful auras.

After slowly emerging from the depths of the heavenly palace.

At an unimaginable speed.

Came to the square in a flash.

An old Taoist priest.

Immediately after appearing in the square, he directly announced the start of the assessment.

I saw him speak directly:

“I will announce now that the evaluation of the Daozi Trial Tournament has officially begun!”

“Next, Tiangong will choose a new generation of Daozi.”

“And the future Sect Master of Tiangong will also be born from these Taoists!”

Many new disciples who were onlookers heard this.

An expression of excitement also appeared on his face.

They all looked up to the sky and yelled.

Use this to express your excitement.

Ye Yuesheng and others are seeing this behind the scenes.

The heart, which was originally calm, also became excited.

I saw Ye Yuesheng secretly said inwardly:

“In this assessment, I will definitely be able to win the position of Daozi.”

“At that time, Qingxian and the others will be able to receive Tiangong here.”

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