Chapter 279 End of selection

After seeing Ye Yuesheng’s true strength.

Elder Tianbing has already determined.

This time, Ye Yuesheng will definitely be able to get one of the positions of Daozi in Tiangong.

After a smile flashed across her face, she said to Ye Yuesheng:

“Unexpectedly, you actually solved this chaotic monster.”

“This really surprised me.”

“A person who can do this just by relying on the level of the Third Stage of Heaven.”

“Even if it is placed in Tiangong’s history for so many years.”

“It should be very few.”

“It’s definitely a good thing to have you in Tiangong.”

Ye Yuesheng heard what Elder Tianbing said.

A smile suddenly appeared on his face.

He didn’t say much.

Turning his head to look at the pile of chaotic monsters turned into ashes.

He beckoned directly at the pile of ashes.

Waiting to get the Chaos Demon Core inside.

After putting it away properly.

Ye Yuesheng turned around, looked at Elder Tianbing, and said directly:

“Elder Tianbing is really exaggerated.

“I believe that other Daozi candidates also have considerable strength.”

“If it’s too careless afterwards.”

“Maybe you will lose, and you won’t be able to become a Taoist priest.”

After saying this, Ye Yuesheng seemed to have thought of something again.

He continued to speak to Elder Tianbing:

“By the way, Elder Tianbing, I still have one more thing I want to ask.”

“Although the number of Chaos Demon Cores is the criterion for evaluation.”

“But the quality of the demon core is also very important.

“After all, if there are the same numbers.

“It’s necessary to classify high and low according to quality.”

Hearing this, a trace of satisfaction flashed in Elder Tianbing’s eyes.

What Ye Yuesheng said just now.

This is the hidden standard in this assessment.

Being able to detect this in such a short period of time proves that Ye Yuesheng’s savvy is very high.

I saw Elder Tianbing cover his mouth and chuckled:

“This kind of thing is just your guess.”

“I didn’t say it clearly.”

“If you think this selection is judged according to this set of criteria.

“Then do your best.”

“I believe that in the end, you will be able to become the Taoist of the Heavenly Palace.”

Hear the words of Elder Tianbing.

Ye Yuesheng’s heart was immediately determined.

He had previously decided to take into account the plan of both the quantity and quality of demon cores.

It is extremely correct.

Next, I saw Ye Yuesheng say to Elder Tianbing:

“Since the Chaos Demon has been solved by me.

“It’s also time for the younger generation to go to other places and start hunting chaotic monsters.”

After speaking, Ye Yuesheng turned around.

Go further.

Begin to search for the traces of the Chaos Demon.

Elder Tianbing saw Ye Yuesheng’s clean actions.

There was also a hint of satisfaction in his eyes.

I saw her muttering to herself:

“.々This time the Daozi selection, Tiangong’s luck is really good.”

“Even so good seedlings were recruited.”

“As long as we spend resources on training, we can definitely become the pillar of Tiangong in the future.”

Elder Tianbing’s voice just fell.

She perceives another direction.

Another Daozi selector is in danger (Zhao is good).

After she shook her head helplessly, she turned into a stream of light directly.

Completely disappeared here.


This time the Daozi trials in Tiangong.

The duration is only three days.

In a situation of constantly chasing chaotic monsters.

Soon came the final day of the trials.

Although a little tired.

But all the people who survived have an extremely confident look on their faces.

It seems that the position of Daozi is bound to be won. .

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