Chapter 256 Monster source

After the blood, I heard Ye Yuesheng’s question.

Naturally it won’t sell anything.

I saw her speak:

“The source of these monsters is actually very simple.

“They are just subsidiary products in the Chaos World.”

“As long as one feels a lot of chaotic vitality gathering.”

“These monsters will appear out of thin air.”

“Then attempted to swallow the existence of those gathering chaotic vitality.

Ye Yuesheng said this after hearing the blood.

The eyes flashed suddenly~ a hint of clarity.

Obviously, these chaotic monsters.

Probably it is the self-protection mechanism of the chaotic world.

It is a specially created existence to avoid the loss of a large amount of chaotic vitality.

Although the number of these chaotic monsters is quite large.

But his own strength is relatively low.

Therefore, for people walking in the hidden cloud area, they should not be regarded as a serious threat.

Thinking of this, Ye Yuesheng continued to ask after facing the blood:

“These chaotic monsters are unique to the Yunyin area.

“Or is it the same in his area?”

“If I reach other areas, will I encounter the same thing?”

Hearing the words, the blood queen explained patiently again:

“Based on what I learned before.”

“Chaotic monsters are ubiquitous monsters in the chaotic world.

“Because their main purpose is to slow down the dissipation speed of the chaotic vitality.”

“So as long as the phenomenon of chaotic vitality is found, it will appear immediately and the source will be eliminated.”

“Except for the cloud hidden area.”

“The same goes for other areas.”

“on the other hand.

“Because of the difference in the amount of chaos vitality in each area.”

“So the Chaos monsters in different areas have different strengths.”

“If it is in a more advanced area, then the strength of the Chaos monsters may have reached the level of the Tenth Stage.”

After Ye Yuesheng heard the words of blood, a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes.

He really didn’t expect it.

The chaotic monsters in this chaotic world have different levels.

It is too amazing.

Next, I saw Ye Yuesheng continue to say:

“Then what is the connection between the chaotic monster called by the ancestor Baimei and the chaotic monster?”

“The two sound similar.

“But the displayed strength is very different.”

…Please ask for flowers……

After the blood, I heard what Ye Yuesheng said.

A dignified color flashed in his eyes suddenly.

I saw her speak softly:

“Strictly speaking, the Chaos Monster is the same existence as the Chaos Monster.”

“It’s just that these guys are more advanced.”

“They have higher intelligence and autonomy.”

“It’s not because of the discovery of a massive accumulation of chaotic vitality.”


“Just show up.”

“It would stay somewhere, waiting for the prey to come, and then devour the prey.

“Or waiting for someone to call.

“Then swallow the person who summoned him and the existence of that area.”

Ye Yuesheng’s explanation after listening to the blood.

A hint of clarity flashed in his eyes suddenly.

He is now.

Has a fairly clear understanding of the entire chaotic world.

As long as you reach Yunyin City smoothly.

I must be able to improve my strength as soon as possible, and let myself break through the current bottleneck.

Next, in the later time.

Ye Yuesheng and the blood queen didn’t have any trouble again.

It was easy to come to Yunyin City. Of,

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