Chapter 253 guard

In order to break through the bottleneck as soon as possible.

Reach the realm of the Third Stage.

The Blood Queen did not choose to make a breakthrough in the world opened up by Ye Yuesheng.

Instead, he came to the chaotic world.

Began to make a breakthrough.

And the reason for this practice.

Naturally, it is because of getting chaotic vitality in the chaotic world.

It will be easier.

Although in the world opened up by Ye Yuesheng.

The Queen of Blood can also absorb the chaotic vitality of the chaotic world.

But if you do.

The efficiency will undoubtedly be lower.


I saw that after absorbing a lot of chaotic vitality blood.

The whole body is constantly exuding shocking auras.

It seems to contain a huge amount of energy.

13 is extremely amazing.

And Ye Yuesheng, standing nearby, saw this behind the scenes.

A look of surprise flashed across his face.

Just passed a close observation.

He has noticed that the blood queen’s background is equally powerful.

Even if it is not as good as yourself, it will not be too different.

It can be called the strong in the same rank.

After a slight smile flashed on Ye Yuesheng’s face, he secretly said in his heart:

“The consequences of blood are terrible.

“No wonder I have been able to deal with the ancestors of Bai Dun for such a long time.”

“Without great strength, she would definitely not be able to do this.”

Thought of this.

Ye Yuesheng looked directly around the open space.

Muttered to himself:

“Although it will be a lot easier to break through in the chaos world.”

“But this will also bring a lot of risks.

“The monsters in the chaos will directly rush towards the person who breaks through.

“Swallow it completely to plunder the opponent’s power.”

“If the blood queen breaks through the bottleneck at this time, and no one is guarding the law, maybe we will face a major danger.”

Ye Yuesheng just finished speaking.

He sensed a monster that had just stepped into the realm of Heavenly Dao.

Is constantly coming here.

I saw a trace of coldness flashing across Ye Yuesheng’s face.

Without any hesitation, he rushed towards the monster directly.

Ye Yuesheng’s speed is very fast.

It only took a while.

He had already found the trace of the monster.

Did not hesitate.

Ye Yuesheng immediately launched an attack on this monster.

I saw that after he took out the God’s Axe, he slashed towards the opponent fiercely.

The dazzling golden light is like a flood.

Furiously pouring out from the axe knife, directly destroying the monster that had just stepped into the realm of the heavenly realm.

And Ye Yuesheng after doing this.

It didn’t stop immediately.

I saw him turning around, looking at another place and muttering to himself:

“There are other monsters coming.”

“This time the monster is not bad enough, and it has reached the level of the Second Stage of the Heavenly Dao.”

“If you leave it alone, it is estimated that it will cause huge damage to the blood queen.

After saying this, Ye Yue730 Sheng displayed his magical powers.

The whole person turned into a long rainbow directly, heading towards the newly-appearing monster.

Ye Yuesheng’s walking speed is quite fast.

Just in the blink of an eye.

They found the trace of the monster.

At this moment, the monster appeared in Ye Yuesheng’s eyes.

It is a monster transformed from plants.

Its head is as if swollen with water, it is extremely shocking.

And that monster, after seeing Ye Yuesheng, his swollen head suddenly screamed.

It seemed unusually angry.

It makes people feel terrified.

Seeing this, Ye Yuesheng’s eyes flashed with killing intent.

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