Chapter 248 Change the world

I saw what Ye Yuesheng should do.

After everything is done.

He left his own world directly.

Back in the chaos.

And the other side.

When the blood queen saw Ye Yuesheng come out, she directly spoke:

“Husband, how’s it going?”

“Qingxian and the others should agree to this.”

“Except for this method after all.

“We don’t have any better solutions for the time being.”

Ye Yuesheng nodded immediately after hearing the words of blood.

He said:

“After the blood, you don’t have to worry too much.

“Qingxian and the others are very smart, and they naturally understand your good intentions.”

“You don’t have to hesitate too much later.”

“I can directly use my ability to completely change the aura of heaven and earth that I control.”


Hearing this, a smile flashed across the face of the Queen of Blood.

She covered her mouth and smiled and said directly:

“Since the husband said so.

“Then I will start directly and completely change the aura of this world.”

After saying this, the Queen of Blood seemed to think of something.

She looked at Ye Yuesheng and continued:

“In order to be able to change the breath of heaven and earth more thoroughly.”

“Later, husband, you still need to release the power of Yin under your control into the heavens and the earth.

“This way I can change the world.

“Let those people who follow us completely lose their target.”

When Ye Yuesheng heard this, he nodded and said:

“It’s easy. Don’t worry after the blood.”

“As long as you start to act, I will release those energy immediately.”

After hearing this, there was no delay after the blood.

She immediately turned into a mist.

Directly into the world opened up by Ye Yuesheng.

I saw Blood Queen just came in.

He began to show his own avenue.

Gradually invade this world, and let the breath of this world begin to change.

And the other side.

Ye Yuesheng felt the changes in his own world.

At this moment, the power of Yin was also released at the same time.

Let the blood queen invade the world at a faster rate.

I don’t know if it’s been too long.

The world opened up by Ye Yuesheng.

Has been completely controlled by the blood queen.

The original breath of the whole world.

All were directly affected by the Great Avenue of the Queen of Blood.

It became grey and gray, and it kept showing a lifeless appearance.

As if Nine Nether Territory, it looked extremely amazing.

And Ye Qingxian and others staying at Buwen Peak.

After feeling this drastic change.

There was also a look of shock on their faces.

This world now.

Under their perception, they have completely changed their faces.

It has become completely different from before.

I saw Ye Qingxian mutter to himself:

“Madam’s strength is really amazing.”

“Unexpectedly, it can trigger the drastic changes of the whole world so quickly.”

“If you didn’t see it with your own eyes.”

727 “It’s really hard to believe this kind of thing.”

Except for Ye Qingxian.

Those Sects who are waiting for the opportunity of the world to change drastically.

At this time also felt extremely shocked.

They have just seen the changes in the world.

Has completely broken his own cognition.

Let them be full of awe for Ye Yuesheng.

I saw Gu Tianchen of Xuanhai Sect, and after a long sigh, he spoke:

“The realm of heaven is really difficult and difficult.

“After watching the changes in the world, I only improved the Cultivation Base a little bit.”

“There is not much breakthrough at all.

“If this is the case.”

“I don’t know how many years of cultivation will be needed before we can completely step into the realm of heaven.”

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