Chapter 232 Big wedding

Ye Yuesheng’s wedding was held.

It started soon.

Although there were quite a few people present.

But under the arrangement of Ye Qingxian and others.

It’s also very organized.

Did not cause the slightest confusion.


Somewhere in Buwen Peak.

I saw Ye Qingxian staring at the crowd, and exclaimed:

“Unexpectedly, Master’s marriage this time was so grand.”

“Even the forces of the heavens and all realms have surpassed “July 20″ is here.”

“If it weren’t for the Master Cultivation Base’s depth and ability to create a piece of space in Buwen Peak, I am afraid that it would not be able to hold so many people.”

And the Ling Yao Yao on the side.

After hearing what Ye Qingxian said.

He also nodded slightly.

It seems to agree with this very much.

I saw that she said with some envy:

“The Master is so kind to the wife.

“It is really amazing to have such a grand wedding.”

“With the testimony of these heavens and all realms, Shi Niang will definitely be able to accompany the Master forever and never separate.

After saying this, Ling Yao Yao sighed again.

It seems that she admires the appearance of the blood queen very beautifully.

And Ye Qingxian on the side.

Followed to show the same look.

Although these two peerless beauties, the Cultivation Base on them is extremely advanced.

But at this moment, she was like an ordinary woman, and she was envious of the Queen of Blood.


As time goes by.

Ye Yuesheng, the protagonist of the marriage, finally appeared with a blood queen.

I saw him express his love for the Queen of Blood in public.

So moved with joy to the tears of blood.

Leaving the sight of everyone directly.

Begin to enjoy the time between the two with the blood queen.

A few months later.

Buwen Peak was originally filled with joy.

At this moment, it finally began to calm down and returned to its original appearance.

Many disciples under Ye Yuesheng’s seat.

Has also begun to cultivate step by step.

Hope to break through the realm as soon as possible and reach a level above the emperor realm.

And just now.

Beyond the profound world.

A golden light suddenly appeared on the horizon.

He was rushing to the Profound Realm at an extremely fast speed.

At this time, if someone observes carefully, they will find that this is a giant flying boat with flowers, insects, birds and beasts carved on it, which looks extremely delicate.

On the giant flying boat.

After Ye Yuesheng looked at the blood beside him, a slight smile flashed on his face.

He said:

“This trip was really good.”

“Although there is no improvement on Cultivation Base, my mood has changed a lot.”

“Presumably in the days to come.

“It can increase the speed of a lot of cultivation.

After the blood on the side, I heard Ye Yuesheng’s words.

He also covered his mouth and smiled:

“The husband is really a cultivation madman.”

“Even when you get along with me.

“Also worrying about cultivation all the time.

“It seems that other sisters have a hard time on weekdays.”

Ye Yuesheng suddenly smiled a little embarrassed when he heard the words of the Queen of Blood.

He directly said:

“You are right, I really pay too much attention to cultivation in normal times.”

“I have to spend some time in the future to get along with you.”

“if not.”

5.8 “It’s also too much aggrieved by you.”

After the Blood Queen heard Ye Yuesheng’s words, the dignified Lirong suddenly flashed a blush.

She nodded slightly and said:

“It’s not bad. Husband remembers to care about other people as well.”

“Don’t let the other sisters be left out.”

“Especially Qingxian and Yaoyao, they have been looking forward to you for a long time.”

Hearing this, Ye Yuesheng laughed suddenly and said yes.

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