Chapter 229 Gathering and Scattering

Ye Yuesheng said this after hearing the blood.

A hint of curiosity flashed in his eyes.

He said:

“After killing the ancestor Baimei.

“I already control this world.”

“Listen to what you mean.

“Isn’t I still completely controlling this world?”

Upon hearing this, the Queen of Blood suddenly covered her mouth and smiled:

“I just meant it.

“It’s not that you didn’t control this world.”

“I want you to advance to the third level of the realm of Heavenly Dao.”

“Only in this way can you send and receive as you wish.”

“Incorporate this piece of heaven and earth into one’s own avenue completely.”


“The third level of the Tao of Heaven is called gathering, scattered and free.

“Able to completely energize myself, as well as the world under his control, directly into a mass of air currents.”

“After reaching this state.

“You will be able to walk freely with this world of heaven and earth.”

“There is no need to return at all times.

Upon hearing this, Ye Yuesheng nodded suddenly.

He directly said:

“So that’s it, reaching the third level of the realm of heaven.” ”

“I actually have such a powerful ability.

“This is really unexpected.”

“It seems that if I want to explore Chaos in the future, I must first cultivate to the third level.”

After speaking, Ye Yuesheng lowered his head and observed the Cultivation Base on his body.

Now his Cultivation Base.

Has been completely restored to the original level.

He is at the pinnacle of the Second Stage of Heaven.

Just take another step.

Can become the Third Stage of Heaven.

Then, after a slight smile flashed on Ye Yuesheng’s face, he said to the blood queen:

“Now my Cultivation Base has almost reached the Third Stage.”

“Presumably it won’t be long.”

“I can take you to explore the Chaos World together.”

Hearing this, the blood queen also showed a hint of joy on his face.

Travel in the chaotic world with Ye Yuesheng.

But she was looking forward to the things she had fantasized about for a long time.

In the near future, it can finally be realized.

Next, Ye Yuesheng learned some knowledge about chaos from the Queen of Blood.

Then left here.

Ready to start retreat cultivation.

Since I plan to go to the chaos to take an adventure.

Then the improvement of Cultivation Base is necessary.

Otherwise, Ye Yuesheng will only be able to die in hatred if he encounters a stronger existence at random.

So as long as there is time, Ye Yuesheng will start to retreat and cultivate.

The same is true of the Blood Queen.

After Ye Yuesheng left, she also found a place in Buwen Peak.

Began to retreat cultivation.

In order to deal with the future crises that the Profound Realm might encounter.

Time flies.

Ye Yuesheng has just been retreating for several days of cultivation.

The forces of the heavens and all realms have also come to the profound realm.

Prepare to worship the Lord of Heaven together.

I saw a power Sect Master who exuded all kinds of gods all over his body.

After getting out of the crowd, he said respectfully to the profound world:

*.々Xuanhaizong Gu Tianchen, pay homage to the Lord of Heaven (Zhao De Zhao). ”

“Please also the Lord of Heaven to let go of the enchantment of the great formation and let me wait in.

Ye Qingxian, who was guarding the profound realm, heard this.

A smile flashed across his face.

She nodded slightly, and directly displayed the technique seal handed down by Ye Yuesheng.

Opened the large formation outside the profound realm.

When the Sect Masters of those forces saw this, a hint of joy flashed across their faces.

They turned around, led their disciples, and began to move towards Buwen Peak.

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