Chapter 226 Ten Thousand Worlds Surrender

Just after Ye Yuesheng issued a declaration.

It only took a while.

The many forces of the heavens and the world.

They all received this message one after another.

Although the heart has already been prepared.

But many forces, after seeing the above information.

The heart was also shocked severely.

Somewhere in the heavens and worlds above the high mountains.

A Sect Master from a hidden force, after seeing Ye Yuesheng’s declaration -.

A hint of despair suddenly appeared in his eyes.

I saw him looking up at the sky and muttering:

“Since the true Lord of Heaven has returned.

“Then I’m deceiving Tianmen.”

“It completely lost the opportunity to replace Heaven.

“The ancestors in the door forbeared calculations for so many years.”

“It’s a pity that it would fall short!”

“I am Ye Nanming for the first time, and Cultivation Base has reached the emperor realm, almost stepping into the heavenly realm.”

“Now, I can only choose to completely wipe out the Deception Gate!”

After speaking, this person burst into a powerful momentum.

Directly deceive the entire mountain gate of Tianmen.

Wipe it off completely.

Not even a trace was left.

And those low-level disciples who deceive Tianmen.

He was consuming supernatural powers.

Completely erased all the memories of Deception Gate.

Can’t even remember it at all.

As for the many insiders who can’t erase the memory.

Was killed by this life, completely dissipated from the world.

After doing this, this person gave a sorrowful laugh and directly chose to self-discipline.

A powerful Sect that has never walked in the world.

It just disappeared into the world so quietly.

Not even a trace was left.

It is really shocking.

And the same scene.

It’s also happening elsewhere.

Those forces that are plotting against Ye Yuesheng have chosen to self-decision one after another.

Even all about Sect’s history.

They were completely wiped out.

Never passed down.

And the rest.

Forces that can survive,

They are all forces that have no malice towards the Profound Realm.

When these forces learned that Ye Yuesheng had become the lord of heaven.

Then they celebrated.

There is an extremely cheerful atmosphere everywhere.

I saw an old cultivator who looked at the sky and said with excitement:

“Now this Heavenly Dao will finally return to its original state.”

“This is really great.

…For flowers

“We interpret the life teaching, which has been passed down from the original heaven since ancient times.”

“Now I can finally shine.”


Those surviving forces, after communicating with each other for a while.

He decided to set off immediately to the Profound Realm Heaven and Earth.

Go to meet the newly promoted Lord of Heaven.

And the other side.

Xuanjie is also very busy here.

Ye Qingxian and others are constantly preparing for the wedding banquet of the Queen of Blood.

In their plan.

The day when many forces came to worship the Profound Realm.

It was also a great day for my Master and the Blood Queen to get married.

Therefore, they have to put forth twelve cents of strength to handle this matter well.

I saw Ling Yao Yao and others busy.

Constantly arrange various matters.

It makes Buwen Peak look quite festive and makes people feel extremely comfortable.

As for the protagonist of the marriage, Ye Yuesheng.

At this time, there is no free time.

After he found the blood directly, he kept asking her for knowledge beyond the chaos.

And the question of the sweetheart behind the blood.

Naturally know everything.

He tried his best to explain the situation in Chaos to Ye Yuesheng.

Let Ye Yuesheng get ready to go to Chaos. Of.

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