Chapter 224 introduce

Ye Yuesheng said this after hearing the blood.

He laughed suddenly.

He quickly grasped the little hand of the blood queen and said:

“I can’t do that kind of thing.”

“You can rest assured.”

“Now, I want to take you back to Buwen Peak immediately and introduce you to everyone.”

Hearing Ye Yuesheng’s words, the Queen of Blood flashed a smile.

She nodded gently.

Directly follow Ye Yuesheng and fly towards Buwen Peak.

And the other side.

Inside Buwen Peak.

When Ye Qingxian and others saw Ye Yuesheng flying towards here with blood.

An inexplicable color flashed across his face suddenly.

Although previously.

Everyone has speculated in their hearts.

But really saw this behind the scenes.

I was still a little shocked inside.

After seeing Ye Qingxian smile slightly, he said directly:

“Very well, now we have one more powerful teacher.”

“Among these heavens and myriad realms, we can no longer find any opponents in the Profound Realm.”

“Whoever dares to bully the Profound Realm at that time must pay the price”!”

Hear Ye Qingxian’s words.

A smile appeared on the faces of Ling Yao Yao and others.

The current mysterious world.

Has truly become the ruler of the heavens and all realms.

No force can defy the orders of the Profound Realm.

If you dare to defy, there is only one dead end.

And the next moment.

Just when the disciples were talking.

Ye Yuesheng also returned to Buwen Peak with blood.

I saw it above the lobby of Buwen Peak.

Ye Yuesheng looked at Ye Qingxian and many other disciples, and said directly:

“The woman I brought back is named Blood Empress, and she is very important to me.”

“You have to respect her well in the future.

“Presumably it won’t be long before the blood queen will become your sister.”

“At that time, what do you do not understand in the cultivation technique.

“You can also ask about the blood, her Cultivation Base is advanced, and it is more than enough to point you.”

Finished saying this.

Ye Yuesheng remembered something.

Secretly glanced at Yu Ling’er next to her.

After seeing that there was no unpleasant color on Yu Ling’er’s face.

Ye Yuesheng’s inner worries were also directly let go.

And the other side.

After the blood sitting on the other side, after hearing what Ye Yuesheng said.

A happy smile flashed across his face.

For her.

Such things as status are not important.

As long as you can stay with Ye Yuesheng.

It is the greatest happiness.

Now that she has obtained this happiness, it is enough.

And Ye Qingxian and others.

After hearing what Ye Yuesheng said.

A look of joy flashed across his face.

With the guidance of the blood queen.

Their future practice will definitely be a lot easier.

Next, I saw the Ling Yao Yao smiled at the blood queen:

“.々The disciple Ling Yao Yao pays homage to his wife.”

“With your help, Master will definitely become stronger in the future.

“Even if you encounter an extremely powerful enemy, you can directly defeat them!”

Upon hearing Ling Yaoyao’s words, (Zhao Dehao) the blood queen suddenly covered her mouth and smiled:

“Then I will borrow your auspicious words.”

“As long as I am there, the safety of your Master will be guaranteed.”

“You can rest assured.

After speaking, he took out a stone that continuously exudes mystery.

Directly stuff it into the hands of the spirit demon demon Xin.

“I think your Cultivation Base has reached a certain point.”

“As long as you use this ascending stone, you will be able to raise the Cultivation Base to the Emperor Realm as soon as possible.”.

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