Chapter 206 Power of heaven

Just when Ye Yuesheng started to use a lot of the power of heaven.

The ancestor Baimei was also aware of this.

A dignified color flashed across his face.

He secretly said inwardly:

“This kid has stepped into the realm of Heavenly Dao.”

“Unexpectedly, I realized the magical effect of the power of heaven so quickly.”

“Really can’t be underestimated.”

“I think at the beginning, I had been closed for hundreds of years before I got this far.”

“It only took such a short time for Ye Yuesheng to reach this point. His understanding is too amazing.

Thought of this.

The ancestor with white eyebrows frowned.

He just saw Ye Yuesheng’s amazing performance.

What was recalled unexpectedly.

Pieces of memories that have been-blocked.

Directly rushed to the heart of the ancestor Baimei.

A strange look appeared on his face.

Next, after seeing the ancestor Baimei shook his head slightly, he said to himself:

“No, it’s normal for this kid to have such an amazing performance now.

“Only in this way can he make up for the flaws of my heavenly way.”

After saying this, the ancestor Baimei smiled grimly.

He raised his right hand.

Once again, he blasted a punch at the front of Yaoyao.

Ye Yuesheng’s attack was completely dissipated in an instant.

And the other side.

Ye Yuesheng, who has successfully invoked the power of heaven.

Also began the next round of attacks.

I saw a trace of murder in his eyes.

He clenched the God-Opening Axe in his hand, and slashed at the ancestor Baimei again.

With the swing of the axe blade.

Chaos thunder and lightning suddenly appeared out of thin air.

They were mixed with countless auras of destruction, like a stormy sea, and pressed against the ancestor Baimei!

When the ancestor Baimei saw this, his eyes flashed with dignity.

Now Ye Yuesheng waved out the attack.

It is completely different from before, and it has been able to bring him a certain amount of harm.

If you perform the same attack as before.

Maybe I can’t resist it.

Next, I saw a dangerous light flashing in the eyes of the ancestor Baimei.

He said:

“The power of heaven, you use it well.”

“It’s a pity, for me, it’s still not enough.”

“Now let you see what is the real use of the power of heaven.”

After saying this, the ancestor Baimei roared up to the sky.

A black and white mist appeared directly all over his body, which instantly turned into two huge monsters.

…For flowers…

I saw these two monsters, one black and the other white, with big horns several feet long on their heads.

It looks very hideous.

Next, as soon as these two monsters appeared, they screamed in anger.

They didn’t stop in the slightest.

Immediately opened his own mouth and spouted waves of light fiercely toward the front.

I saw these light waves, like thousands of arrows and thousands of arrows, instantly rushing towards those chaotic lightning voltages.


And just in the next moment.

The central area where the two huge energies collided instantly burst into an astonishing sight.

Countless brilliance burst out from it.

It seems that all the heavens and all realms are turned into daylight, which is amazing.

And the women who stayed in Buwen Peak.

Behind the scenes after seeing this.

A shocking expression appeared in his eyes again.

Now Ye Yuesheng is fighting with the ancestor Baimei.

Has reached an unimaginable situation.

Even the Cultivation Base of Ye Qingxian and others has reached the peak of the emperor realm.

They can no longer understand the current situation.

After seeing a smile flashed across the face of the Ling Yao Yao, he said:

“The Master Cultivation Base reaches the sky.

“He must be able to defeat that guy.”

“Let’s wait with peace of mind.”

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