Chapter 187 Extract the source

The crowd standing in the aperture.

After hearing the words of the immortal Taoist.

A hint of horror flashed across his face.

They thought in their hearts.

Shenshan summoned everyone to come within the aperture.

It is to concentrate the power of all people to launch some kind of attack on the profound realm.

However, he never thought of it.

At this moment, the mountain is actually asking everyone to contribute their original strength.

I saw a certain cultivator with a hint of horror flashing behind his face.

It directly turns into a magical rainbow.

I want to escape this aperture to save my life.

And the undead Taoist standing in the sky.

Behind the scenes after seeing this.

A sneer flashed across his face.

He said:

“Since you have come in, don’t even think about going out.”

“Stay here obediently.”

After speaking, the immortal Taoist used his magical powers.

Immediately move everyone in the aperture.

They were all imprisoned.


All the space within the entire aperture has been frozen by the undead Taoist.

Everyone can’t make a sound.

Can only quietly wait for death to come.


I saw the undead Taoist glance at those people expressionlessly.

There is no hesitation.

Directly perform supernatural powers.

Begin to extract the original power from them.

One after another, the incomparably bright white brilliance floated directly from the heavenly spirit caps of these people, and then merged into the hands of the undead Taoist.

It only took a while.

Everyone in the aperture was completely turned into ashes and disappeared from this world.

Although these people have all died.

But the undead Taoist before he did it.

He has already used a deep blinding technique outside the aperture.

Therefore, the strong emperor realm onlookers nearby.

Actually, I didn’t notice it.

They thought that the sacred mountain was ready to carry out some action again.

Then attacked the profound world.

Unexpectedly, there are already a large number of people who have completely died in the hands of the mountain.

And the other side.

When Lu Ruhai saw that the immortal Taoist had extracted the power of his origin.

A smile flashed across his face.

Without hesitation, he flew directly to the undead Taoist and said:

“It’s really hard work.

“Later, as long as we use the power of these sources, we are bound to be able to perform more powerful attacks.”

“Then completely break through the profound realm and let the sacred mountain win the victory.”

Undead Taoist after hearing this.

Then nodded.

Give directly to Lu Ruhai the original power in his hand.

After doing this.

The undead Taoist said:

“Those who should help you, I’ve done it all.”

“If you can’t completely break through the profound formation in the future.”

“The ancestor Baimei might feel angry.

“If you fail later, what consequences will you suffer, you should also understand.”

Hearing this, a dignified color flashed across Lu Ruhai’s face.

He nodded and said solemnly:

“Don’t worry about the undead Taoist.

“We will definitely wipe out the profound realm.”

“Just look at the sacred mountain, how it won the victory.”

After saying this, Lu Ruhai 5.8 moved and flew towards the other giants.

Start to provide them with the power of origin.

In order to increase the power of the magical powers displayed by these sacred mountain giants.

And Wei Wuya and others who have been attacking the profound realm.

After getting the power of the source.

Ecstasy appeared directly on his face.

With a long roar from the sky, they once again exploded with powerful supernatural powers, directly blasting towards the four spirits of heaven and earth outside the profound realm. .

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