Chapter 164 Retreat

Ye Yuesheng’s attack was quite powerful.

Not only directly eliminated the attack by the sacred mountain giants.

Also successfully chopped them to a state of dying.

It’s amazing.


I saw the golden light that was enough to split the sky and the earth.

After shining in the air for a while.

It turned into a little bit of starlight.

Completely disappeared in front of everyone.

And those giants outside the profound realm.

At this time, it was already like Wei Wuya.

Fall directly from the void, and then continue to fall downward.

The disciples of all sects of Shenshan see this.

Naturally did not dare to have any delay.

Immediately perform various secret methods.

The doorkeeper who had been falling down continuously took it down.

Lest they fall into embarrassment.

Although Ye Yuesheng’s attack just now was quite powerful.

But these sacred mountain giants did not completely lose consciousness with the help of their disciples.

Instead, he recovered quickly.

At this time, in the Shenshan camp.

Lu Ruhai of the Zixiao Gate looked at the Profound Realm with a pale face, and said:

“Damn it, Ye Yuesheng’s attack turned out to be so fast.

“I didn’t even react, so he was hit directly.”

“If it weren’t for the preparations, I’m afraid I will fall here just now.”

Finished saying this.

Lu Ruhai exuded purple vitality all over his body and began to heal his injuries continuously.

The Hei Mi Ke, who was standing on the side, shook his head helplessly, and then directly spoke to Jiang Yanzi:

“Jiang dynasty, we are now exhausted.

“It’s also time to start retreating.

“Hurry up and show your magical powers, let us leave this place.”

“If those in the Profound Realm run over to make trouble now, our sacred mountain will suffer a lot of losses.”

Hearing this, Jiang’s concubine naturally won’t have any hesitation.

He immediately said:

“You guys don’t worry.

“I will show the magical powers of this town now, let us leave this place temporarily.”

“Let’s not be conspired.

After saying this, Jiang Dizi directly took out a black and white formation.

Then throw it up.

I saw this panpan just left Jiang’s hand.

It began to skyrocket continuously.

It seems extremely amazing.

And after this array rises to a certain distance.

Jiang Dizi directly ran the profound arts in his body, and played a magic trick towards this formation.

He said:

“My town teaches supernatural powers, named Tiandi Yixian.” ”

“You can return to a safe place in an instant.”

“No matter how powerful the people in the Profound Realm are, they will definitely not be able to catch up with us.

Hearing Jiang Dizi’s words, Gong Suchou said:

“It is good to be able to escape here quickly.

“But if we just flee from here like this, I’m afraid the world will laugh at it.”

“The prestige accumulated by Shenshan over the years has been completely wiped out.,

When Jiang Yanzi heard this, he immediately smiled:

“You can rest assured about this.

“You can watch with peace of mind later.”

“This supernatural power is inherited from the Dao of Heaven.

“With the power of heaven, no one dares to look down upon the mountain.”

Finished saying this.

Jiang Dizi pointed towards the emptiness, directly inspiring the supernatural power of escape.

And at this moment.

Within the profound world.

Ye Qingxian and others standing on the void.

I already knew it at this time.

This time the battle between Shenshan and Profound Realm.

The Profound Realm has already won a complete victory.

After seeing a flash of killing intent in Ye Qingxian’s eyes, he said:

“The giants of the mountain.”

“It must have been severely injured by the Master.”

“If we pass now.

“Maybe we can kill some of them.”

“Even if my Cultivation Base only has the peak of the Emperor Realm, I can completely kill them!”

The nearby Ling Yao Yao and others heard Ye Qingxian’s words.

There was a sudden flash of emotion in his eyes.

If they can get rid of the giants of the mountain at one time.

That is really a profit.

Thought of this.

The spirit demon demon couldn’t wait to say:

“Sister, let’s hurry up.

“These sacred mountain giants are cunning.

“The situation is not good for them now.”

“Maybe these guys are ready to start running away.”

After speaking, Ling Yao Yao displayed his supernatural powers, turning his whole person into a divine light, and headed straight for the Shenshan camp.

And Ye Yuesheng’s other disciples saw this.

Naturally will not lag behind.

It also displayed all kinds of supernatural powers, and slew towards the mountain.

Now that the giant of Shenshan is defeated by Ye Yuesheng.

No one outside of the profound realm was an opponent of Ye Qingxian and the others.

Even if there are some strong men who are not weak, they have no desire to fight after seeing the defeat of the mountain.

It was not killed by Ye Qingxian and the others.

It was just fleeing directly, and there was no idea of ​​fighting the Profound Realm to death at all.

And those outside the Profound Realm who watched the battle.

Behind the scenes after seeing this.

The heart also became extremely shocked.

I saw an emperor realm powerhouse who spoke in disbelief:

“.々I didn’t expect it.”

“The peak owner of Buwen Peak is so powerful.”

“Able to resist the attacks of many giants in the mountain with one person.”

“This is unbelievable!

And a nearby cultivator wearing black clothes, after hearing this, also spoke:

“The disciples of Ye Yuesheng are really amazing.

“There are few strong people on the mountain camp that can resist them.”

“All are beginning to retreat.

“This time the battle.

“The Profound Realm really won a big victory.

There are some people who support the sacred mountain around.

After hearing this.

My heart sank slightly.

The many schools of Shenshan.

He is the spokesperson of heaven in the world.

Shenshan is now in retreat.

Is there really no way.

Just when everyone was extremely disappointed with the mountain.

Above the camp of Mount Kinabalu.

Suddenly there was a frightening power of heaven.

I saw the power of heaven just appeared.

The emptiness (of the king’s money) above the mountain camp is extremely shocking due to the thunder and lightning.

And there are some strong people nearby who have observed this sight.

After feeling the horrible breath, he said in a bit of horror:

“The power of heaven!”

“Sacred Mountain unexpectedly appeared such a strong power of heaven.”

“It seems that this victory of the Profound Realm makes Heavenly Dao feel very dissatisfied!”

“Sacred Mountain is defeated.

“But still can’t let the world look down upon it!”

It only took a while.

The thunder and lightning in the void directly condensed into a human face.

After seeing this thunder and lightning face glanced at everyone present, he looked at Buwen Peak in the profound realm.

As if in the next moment.

To completely destroy the appearance of Buwen Peak.

Next, when everyone felt extremely frightened.

The thunder and lightning face in the void suddenly spoke, and it said:

“I am in the name of heaven.

“Declare here.”

“The Profound Realm will definitely dissipate from the world!”.

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