Chapter 152 The plan of the people of the mountain

Ye Yuesheng’s attack was very shocking.

Just swipe a knife.

He completely cut the black and white qi that seemed indestructible and shrouded outside the profound realm into two halves.

Such a powerful force of attack.

Already close to heaven.

It was shocking.

And the other side.

At this moment, Ye Yuesheng had severely injured Shenshan Giants and others.

His face was also full of shocked expressions.

I saw Lu Ruhai, the master of the Zixiao Gate, with his eyes tightly on Buwen Peak in the distance, and said in disbelief:

“The strength of this kid has reached such a high level.”

“It’s really amazing.”

“Even the black and white qi transformed by the power of the heavens can be smashed with one blow.,

“If it hadn’t been for us just to be able to take advantage of the power of Heaven’s Dao a little bit.”

“I’m afraid that kid had already completely beheaded us just now, rather than seriously wounded. “Six seven three””

Hear Lu Ruhai’s words.

Heimike’s face also sank slightly.

He never expected it.

Ye Yuesheng, who stayed above Buwen Peak, was so difficult.

I originally thought that relying on the cooperation of the many giants of the mountain, they would be able to take this Buwen Peak like a ruin.

But now they suddenly found out.

This is the strength that Buwen Peak possesses.

Far beyond my imagination.

It can be called a hard bone.

If you want to attack.

The many schools of Shenshan must pay a lot of price.

Next, I saw Wei Tianya of Shangxuan Sect after investigating his injuries.

He stood up directly, looked at Buwen Peak’s direction, and said with a sullen expression on his face:

“I have cultivated for so many years.”

“It’s been a long time since I encountered such a situation with a wolf and fox.”

“Seriously injured by one blow.

“It really makes it hard for me to swallow this breath.”

After speaking, Wei Tianya seemed to have thought of something.

He turned around, looked at the other sacred mountain giants, and said:

“You have seen the situation just now.”

“Ye Yuesheng who stayed at Buwen Peak is amazing.”

“It’s hard to get in without paying the price.”

“In that case”

“I can go to the Xuanjiao as a pioneer, cost a lot of money, and directly attack Buwen Peak first.”

“This consumes Ye Yuesheng’s power.”

“Then the others looked for opportunities to join forces to attack Ye Yuesheng.”


“Our sacred mountain will have a much better chance of victory.”

Hear Wei Tianya’s words.

The faces of the surrounding sacred mountain giants flashed with emotions.

Although they were both seriously injured by Ye Yuesheng just now.

But in fact.

As long as these sacred mountain giants work together.

It can still be resisted barely.

As long as Ye Yuesheng does not chase one of them to death and destroy them one by one, the probability of Shenshan winning is still very high.

Lu Ruhai, the master of the Zixiao Gate, narrowed his eyes and said:

“Brother Wei is very reasonable.”

“I agree with this matter.”

“As long as Brother Wei can take the lead and attack Ye Yuesheng and his disciples at all costs.”

“We will certainly be able to find opportunities in it.”

“Directly join forces to kill Ye Yuesheng.”

“but ”

“Brother Wei must guarantee that we can create conditions for us later.”

“After all, the strength of Ye Yuesheng’s boy is almost perfect.”

“If you can’t burst out an extremely powerful attack in an instant to attract his attention, I’m afraid it will be us who will suffer.”

After saying this, Lu Ruhai seemed to have thought of something.

He continued:

“Of course, the Xuanjiao paid a heavy price this time.”

“As long as we can kill the kid Ye Yuesheng later.”

“The treasures in Buwen Peak are first selected by the Xuanjiao, how about this?”

Many magnates of Shenshan have practiced for many years.

Dexterous mind, the city is extremely deep.

Lu Ruhai heard what Wei Wuya said.

Think for a moment.

Then I knew what Wei Wuya wanted.

In Lu Ruhai’s eyes, as long as he could capture Buwen Peak later.

It doesn’t matter just to let the Xuanjiao take advantage of it.

So without any hesitation, he directly stated the conditions Wei Wuya wanted.

And the other side.

After Wei Wuya heard the answer he wanted.

A hint of satisfaction also appeared on his face.

I saw Wei Wuya solemnly speak to the surrounding sacred mountain giants:

“You can rest assured.”

“I have recently realized a powerful magical power.”

“Although the cost of showing it is extremely high.”

“But it is bound to create an opportunity so that you can join hands to kill Ye Yuesheng that kid.”

“As long as you can let the Xuanjiao choose Buwen Peak’s treasure first.”

“My sacrificed disciples and masters in the sect, it can be regarded as some comfort.”

Other sacred mountain giants heard this.

Naturally, there will be no objection.

After all, Ye Yuesheng’s current strength is extremely amazing. It is naturally a good thing to be able to attract firepower first.

Next, these sacred mountain giants reached a contract in an instant.

Let Wei Wuya of Shangxuan Sect be the pioneer and attack first to attract Ye Yuesheng’s attention.

After everyone did this.

I saw Wei Wuya looking at Buwen Peak in the distance, with a trace of murderous intent flashing on his face.

A red light flashed all over his body, and the injuries on his body were suppressed.

“I went to Xuanjiao for many years and cultivated countless heroes.”

“Their bones are buried in the forbidden area within the church.

“Now that it has come to the important moment when the Shangxuan Sect is fighting for the heaven and the earth, it is time to display the magical powers of the Zhen Sect.”

After speaking, Wei Wuya flashed white light all over his body.

A breath of profoundness and profoundness suddenly exploded from his body.

And at this moment.

The forbidden area of ​​the Xuanjiao.

I don’t know how many meters deep it is buried in the ground.

The bones of those who fell and were placed by the masters of the Profound Sect.

It also exudes the same breath as Wei Wuya, which looks strange and unusual.

Under the lead of Wei Wuya

I saw that the original power contained in the bones, like spider silk, was constantly peeling from the bones by 5.8.

Passing through layers of space in a flash.

Melted into Wei Wuya’s body.

Constantly strengthen his strength.

Next, with the integration of these original forces.

Wei Wuya’s eruptive momentum also continued to increase.

Feel the power in your body.

An unprecedented confidence surged.

I saw Wei Wuya let out a long roar, and after a burst of dazzling white light burst out from his body, he rushed towards Buwen Peak again.

Looking at the towering Buwen Peak ahead, a sneer appeared on Wei Wuya’s face.

His right hand was condensed into a claw shape, and he instantly hit Buwen Peak with a fierce blow!

With Wei Wuya’s attack appeared.

The space of the Profound Realm also began to produce slight turbulence.

As if under his attack.

The entire profound world is about to be cut apart!

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