Chapter 141 stop

Buwen Peak.

Ye Yuesheng got up from the bed and glanced at Ye Qingxian who was still asleep, a slightly weird smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Unexpectedly, I would be pushed back by this apprentice.


Does it feel good?

This taste is a bit ~ carnivorous?

“Ding, the yin and yang balance in the host is detected, and the reward is repaired to +100,000.”

Ye Yuesheng couldn’t help but startled slightly.

Sometimes, he really doesn’t know what the system really means.

Why are rewards issued every time after finishing?

In other words, the yin and yang in his body have not been in a balanced state.

Ye Yuesheng shook his head and stopped thinking about it.

Holding the white fox in his arms, he went out.

In the small courtyard outside, Chuangshi Qinglian was quietly opening.

He walked over, with a thought, a drop of green liquid condensed and dripped onto the Chuangshi Qinglian.

In an instant, a strong breath of life radiated to the surroundings, and the creation of Qinglian once again grew a green leaf.

Suddenly, he turned his head and looked up, and was taken aback for a moment.

“Hey, aren’t those Tianjizi and Taiqing Taoist? How come they two came to the Profound Realm again?,

There are formations connected, as long as someone enters the profound realm, he can perceive it.

However, Ye Yuesheng did not pay too much attention to it, and soon looked back.

“Senior Ye should stay with us both back?”

In the Profound Realm, the figures of Taiqing Taoist and Tianjizi flashed.

Taiqing Taoist said with some worry.

What kind of status is Senior Ye, I am afraid it will not be so easy to worship him.

Tianjizi said: “I don’t think there is any need to worry about this. Senior Ye’s preaching is to make good friends and prepare for the next fight with the heavens.

“I am willing to vote for him, it should be just what he wants.”

Tai Taoist nodded.

What Tianjizi said should be very reasonable.

Right now, they have reached the Profound Realm, and they will soon be able to go to Buwen Peak and see Senior Ye.

“Where are you two going?”

A figure suddenly stopped the two of them without warning.

“Huatian Sect leader!”

The expressions of Tianjizi and Taiqing Taoists changed drastically.

How could this guy appear here.

“It’s the poor way!”

Hei Mi Ke, the leader of Huatian Sect, smiled slightly.

“Tianjizi, Taiqing Taoist, both of them are the top powerhouses of the emperor’s realm with a reputation that shocks the heavens and ten thousand realms. At the moment, the Shenshan Heavenly Dao Conference, please go and participate.”

He said lightly.

The Taoist Taiqing smiled and said, “What if the two of me don’t go?”

“That’s hard to say, I have to take a hand in hand.” Heimike’s voice, chilled.

He has been monitoring outside the profound realm, wanting to see if there will be an emperor realm strong in Buwen Peak.

Unexpectedly, the two people who came first turned out to be Tianjizi and Taiqing Taoist.

The two of them are not ordinary emperor realm powerhouses.

Among the powerhouses of the emperor realm in the heavens and ten thousand realms, two of them are also among the forefront of existence.

Moreover, the two of them, one is proficient in the deduction of secrets, the other is good at alchemy, the two have a vast friendship and many friends.

The whereabouts of the two of them will greatly affect the stability of the people of the Heavenly Dao Conference.

Hei Mi Ke will of course not put the two of them on Buwen Peak.

“Heimike, don’t think that you are the Seven Giants of the Holy Mountain, I am too pure and Daoist, I will be afraid of you.”

The Taoist Taiqing coldly snorted: “The old man has been indifferent to fame and fortune throughout his life, but he is only focused on alchemy.

What he said is the truth.

The strength of Taiqing Taoists is definitely not weak.

Among the early pioneers, he was also known for being cruel and powerful.

Otherwise, he lives alone thirty-three days away, and he is guarding countless pills and treasures, why is it that no one dares to trouble him?

There is no other reason.

Everyone knows that Taiqing Taoists are not easy to mess with.

Hei Mi Ke was unwilling to retreat.

“Lao Jun, I don’t dare to underestimate your strength. But today, no matter what, I can’t put you on Buwen Peak.”

“If you are savvy, immediately turn around and turn your head and follow me up to the mountain.

“Otherwise, I’m afraid you and I can only do it once.”

Tianjizi interrupted next to him: “Although you are one of the seven giants of the mountain, the Cultivation Base is advanced, but if you want to stop the two of us with your own strength, I am afraid it is a foolish dream.”

“What if you add me?”

As soon as Tianjizi’s voice fell, Lu Ruhai’s voice suddenly sounded.

In the next moment, his figure also condensed in the air.

The faces of Tianjizi and Taiqing Taoist suddenly showed a trace of amazement.

If the two of them face the Heimike, one of the seven giants of the sacred mountain, they still have a little confidence.

…For flowers…

Adding a land like sea, it really doesn’t work.

After all, the seven giants of the sacred mountain have been able to shock the heavens and the world for so many years, and they are by no means a general generation.

It seems that just now the Hei Mi Ke was only deliberately delaying time.

Secretly, he had long quietly notified the other giants of the mountain.

This person is not only strong, but also meticulous.

But they are a little careless.

If I knew that, I shouldn’t talk nonsense with him just now, I should just do it directly.

But at this moment, the two of them have no retreat.

“Do it!”

Taiqing Taoist shouted angrily.

They can’t delay any longer.

Otherwise, there may be other sacred mountain giants arriving.

And they, without reinforcements.


If that happens, I am afraid that the two of them will really be a dead end.

At this time, if you are really caught up to the mountain, you don’t need to think about it, and know what the consequences will be.

The mountain will never spare them lightly.

What’s more, in the hands of the two of them, there are still Ye Senior’s paintings and stone sculptures.

That is an excuse for the conviction of the mountain.

It happened to borrow them two to give power to the emperor realm of the heavens and ten thousand realms.

Thinking of this, the Taiqing Taoist used ten successful powers as soon as he made a move.

Hei Mi Ke sneered and waved to greet him.


A huge explosion burst out of thin air.

Layers upon layers are like substantial spatial ripples, like water waves, rippling away.

In the face of such existence, space is so fragile.

Simply vulnerable.

However, the next moment, the large formation arranged in the profound realm immediately revolved on its own.

In an instant, both Heimike and Taiqing Taoists felt that a huge rebound force was coming.

On Buwen Peak, Ye Yuesheng turned his head abruptly, his gaze was real, and he looked over.

“In the Profound Realm, it is forbidden to fight among the strong above the Emperor Realm.”

His voice rang out.

If there is no such rule, how can the Profound Realm be able to withstand it if the emperor realm is strong enough to fight it out.

Just now the blow of the two people, if there is no formation to protect, I am afraid that the entire profound realm will be wiped out and turned into nothingness.

After being fiercely counterattacked, the Taoist Taoist “poofed” and vomited blood.

But he was not angry and rejoiced, and shouted: “Senior Ye, Shenshan wants to be unfavorable to Buwen Peak, save me!”

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