Chapter 109 The world is hidden, eradicate Buwen Peak!

Sacred mountain.

This is a magnificent temple.

The huge stigmas can reach the sky high, and there are tens of thousands of li in the sky.

But there is a dome above it, and no sunlight can come in.

Here, the fog is heavy, gloomy and weird.

The size of the temple is tens of thousands of miles.

In the silent temple, suddenly, a series of projections appeared.

“What do you think about Buwen Peak?”

A low voice, slowly speaking.

The voice was melodious and echoed in the Great Hall.

“Buwen Peak, I will never die with him.” Xuantian Sect leader Wei Wuya said viciously.

Last time, his Huatian Temple was set ablaze by Buwen Peak disciples, and he himself was seriously injured by an arrow.

For Wei Wuya, the seven giants of the sacred mountain, this is tantamount to a great shame.

If this hatred is not reported, how can the intention in his heart be calmed?

“Buwen Peak cannot be left, it must be eradicated.” Heimike, the leader of Huatian Sect, said.

I spied on Buwen Peak before and was blinded.

He originally thought that with his Cultivation Base, it would not take long to recover.

But he did not expect that even if he had exhausted all the secrets, he did not make his eyes much better.

The power permeating the eyes does not seem to be strong, but it is very strange.

No matter what method he uses, he can’t get rid of it.

This couldn’t help making Heimike a little panicked.

Although Cultivation Base has reached his level, the impact is not great with or without eyes.

But how can he endure such humiliation?

If you let others know that his eyes are blind, it will immediately become a big joke.

For this reason, he also wanted to eradicate Buwen Peak.

This meeting is exactly what he proposed to convene.

The other giants in the Great Hall were slightly startled.

Huatian Sect and Xuantian Sect have always been at odds.

Wei Wuya and Heimike are even more in the same situation.

Prior to this, every time the temple was discussed, no matter what Wei Wuya said, the Black Mike would always come out to oppose it.

Similarly, no matter what the Heimike said, Wei Wuya always objected.

The two pointed at Maimang and never gave way to each other.

It also makes other giants feel very headache.

Unexpectedly, not only did Heimike not object to Wei Wuya’s proposal today, but he agreed and agreed.What’s the matter?

The giants in the Great Hall all had such doubts in their hearts, but no one said it.

“I heard that he gave a sermon last time, and those who went to listen to the sermon benefited a lot/”?”

Bai Pei Qianhua, the master of the Good Fortune Sect, said: “Where did this person come from? Why can’t I find out his roots and feet at all?”

There are countless creatures in the heavens and ten thousand realms, and the strong are also coming out in large numbers.

As long as the Cultivation Base reaches the emperor realm, on the side of Shenshan, you can find out the roots and feet.

After all, they are all the people at Cultivation Base standing at the pinnacle of the heavens and all realms.

As long as they deliberately investigate, no one can escape their eyes of fire under the circumstance of heaven.

But this Ye Yuesheng completely violated this point.

His fundamental origin cannot be found out at all.

Even as long as they check, they will feel that something is discouraging in the midst of it.

If the investigation is forced to continue, I am afraid it will endure the backlash of the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth.

Hei Mi Ke did not believe in this evil, and suffered such a big loss.

Where did he come from?

Why is this so?

Gong Sushang, the master of the reincarnation gate, shook his head and said: “This person has no trace of origin, and he is not in reincarnation. It is really difficult to detect.”

“Among the heavens and all realms, there shouldn’t be such an existence!’

Lu Ruhai, the master of the Zixiao Gate, said in deep thought, “Besides the master, how come there are people in this world who can’t find out the history?”

“Master passed on the nine sons together, Hongyuan left, and the blood queen turned into a heavenly demon. Only the seven of us sit on the mountain.”

The leader of the Brahma Sect, Bai Hefeng, suddenly thought of something.

“Does he exist at the same level as Master? So I waited.”

Before he finished his speech, he was interrupted by Taixu Sect leader Jiang Dizi.

“Master, there is no such thing as a second place in this world.”

He speaks categorically, beyond doubt.

The others nodded.

What kind of person is their master?

Outsiders are not clear, do they not know?

The two most outstanding disciples under Master’s school are Hong Yuan, but he has already left.

And the blood queen turned into a demon.

This made the Master very heartbroken. From then on, he ignored the affairs of the world and didn’t know where he went.

Whether it is still in this world is also unknown.

Seven of them, after sitting in the sacred mountain, they can only rely on the joint efforts of the seven to suppress the blood queen.

If not, I am afraid that the mountain has long been occupied by the blood queen.

And this Fang Tiandi will all fall under the control of the Blood Queen.

In this world, there can never be a second master like that.

Because of this great avenue of heaven and earth, that kind of existence is not allowed.

If he did appear, I am afraid he would have been obliterated by the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth.

“Is it possible that he was sent by the Queen of Blood, and might even be the root of the Seventh Heaven and Earth Tribulation?”

Hei Mi Ke said suddenly.

Everyone was shocked.

Every time the world is catastrophe, the form is different.

And this time in the Great Tribulation, they had already found somewhere in the Void Secret Realm.

And believe that there is very likely the origin of the seventh heaven and earth catastrophe.

A lot of preparations have also been made for this.

But, who knows if the Queen of Blood is trying to hide from the sky?

If it’s just a front

The Cultivation Base realm of the Blood Empress is much higher than the seven of them.

If she really wanted to do this, the seven of them might not be able to detect it.

“.々The hidden danger can only be eliminated if it is cut off!”

There was hatred in Wei Wuya’s eyes.

“It doesn’t matter if he is! As long as there is a slight possibility, we shouldn’t keep him, you guys, why are you still hesitating?”

“At this time, our seven brothers must unite and act in unison.”

“Last time, although I was shot with an arrow, it was a blessing in disguise, and Cultivation Base went further.

“This time I’m attacking Buwen Peak, I’m willing to take the lead!”

He looked around, and said: “There shouldn’t be anyone against you, right?,

“I agree!” Hei Mi said guestly: “Buwen Peak must be eradicated.”

“I agree!”

“I agree!”

The seven giants of Shenshan expressed their opinions one after another, and they passed unanimously soon.

Buwen Peak has risen rapidly, and its existence has seriously threatened the status of the mountain.

When they faced Buwen Peak, they were no longer the same mentality they had when Shangxuan Temple (Wang Hao) was burnt.

At that time, they only thought that Buwen Peak might be a rising power, maybe very powerful, but at best it was just one of the three schools and four religions on the sacred mountain.

Compared with the entire sacred mountain, there is still a huge gap.

Now it seems that people like myself and others have greatly underestimated Buwen Peak’s strength.

It can grow the Cultivation Base of so many peak powers of the emperor realm, can transmit the sound of the heavens and the world to open the altar, and always ignore the sacred mountain.

Buwen Peak’s strength and ambition pose a great threat to the mountain.

So, it’s natural.

The eradication of Buwen Peak has become the consensus of the Three Sects and Four Religions of the Shenshan Mountain.

“Now, Master Ye Yuesheng of Buwen Peak is about to preach.”

“The imperial peak powerhouses of the heavens and ten thousand realms will all go to listen to the Tao, and we don’t have to go against everyone.”

“In my opinion, we can also send one or two disciples to quietly listen to the message and find out his strength.”

“After this sermon is over, we will besiege Buwen Peak together.”


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