Chapter 106 The magic of royal beasts, exchange for baby!

“Feng Jiu’er see the master!”

In midair, the colorful bird slowly fell down, flew to Ye Yuesheng’s hand, and looked up at him.

There is only worship and obedience in the eyes.

At the same time, Ye Yuesheng suddenly had an inexplicable connection in his heart.

The feeling of being connected with Feng Jiu’er.

“What a magical technique of guarding beasts.

He was also amazed.

The things produced by the system are indeed good things.

This full-level beast control technique is really not ~ incredible.

Feng Jiu’er, who was originally naughty and mischievous, became extremely well-behaved in an instant.

“You don’t need to be polite.” Ye Yuesheng was a little uncomfortable.

After using this defensive beast art, won’t it directly change her brain structure, right?

If you turn it into a robot and lose its original spirituality, it would be too boring.

“It’s good that you are the same as before.” Ye Yuesheng commanded: “Don’t be too cautious.

“I have a master!”

“I, Feng Jiuer, also has a master!”

“Hehe, my master is amazing!”

Feng Jiu’er flapped his wings excitedly and yelled.

Ye Yuesheng looked stunned.

The change before and after this bird is really too great.

Her mind will not really be changed forcibly, will it be burned out?

At this moment, the Ling Yao Yao next to him said with a smile: “This little bird is very cute and looks good. Come on, sing a song for me.”

She watched Ye Yuesheng Taming the Beast just now, but she didn’t say anything, only then interjected.

Feng Jiu’er glanced at the Ling Yao Yao obliquely, and suddenly became furious.

“Where are you from Humeizijing, you dare to let me sing, Grandma Bird, I sing you XXX”

A series of greetings poured out from Feng Jiu’er’s beak, bursting with firepower.

Ye Yuesheng couldn’t help being covered with black lines again.

However, he also relaxed.

It’s not bad.

It seems normal.

Yu Beast Art didn’t change anything, let alone turn her into an idiot.

Otherwise, there would be no such performance.

But from this, we can also see the extraordinary features of this beast control.

It is worthy of the full-level ability rewarded by the system, and it really has incredible power.

Ling Yaoyao heard her curse, her face suddenly changed, and she stretched out a palm.


The sacred fire that Feng Jiu’er spit out was extinguished by the spirit demon.

And her body was also slapped out and hit the ground fiercely.

“This is impossible! You turned out to be a twelve-tailed spirit fox. How can there be a twelve-tailed spirit fox in this world?”

Feng Jiu’er yelled, full of incredible color.

“Hmph, on Buwen Peak, beside my Master, nothing is impossible.”

Ling Yao Yao stretched out his hand and grabbed Feng Jiu’er in his hand, smiling like a flower, and said: “You are the only one who is in the slightest, and you dare to be on Buwen Peak. Anyone on this mountain, I don’t know if it is better than you. How many times, is it your turn to get you Zhang? Little weak chicken!!

Feng Jiu’er was silent for a while.

“How did you scold me just now? Come on, then scold me! See if I don’t pluck all of your bird feathers.”

Ling Yao Yao’s smile became even stronger.

But in Feng Jiu’er’s eyes, she only felt that she was murderous.

This fox is so scary!

It is more terrifying than the master!

She looks like she would do it, plucking my hair!


Feng Jiu’er’s body trembled involuntarily.

“Ah Sister Fox, I was wrong! Feng Jiuer was wrong.”

“Sister Fox is so cute and beautiful. Everyone loves her. When flowers bloom, they will surely live by adults regardless of villains.”

“Sister Fox, you can spare Jiu’er this time, Jiu’er will never dare anymore!”

She yelled, but when she saw Ling Yao Yao just smiling, she remained silent, and she was frightened suddenly.

“Sister Fox! Feng Jiu’er is a XXX. How can she compare to sister Fox’s kindness, kindness, and beauty

“Sister Fox is so beautiful, unique in the sky and on the earth, nothing in the world.

“Sister Fox, Feng Jiu’er likes you so much, Feng Jiu’er sings to you, okay?”

Next to him, Ye Yuesheng couldn’t help but laughed.

This little bird is too funny.

“Let’s go, let’s go back first!”

He grabbed the hand of the Ling Yao Yao, his figure flashed, and he had returned to the small courtyard.

“It feels so good to have mana Cultivation Base!”

Ye Yuesheng sighed incomparably.

Others think that he pretends to be a mortal and is deeply experiencing the life of a mortal, which is a kind of practice.

But I don’t know that it’s because he can’t use mana at all.

Otherwise, who would want to spend so much effort like a mortal in everything?

Is it unpleasant?

Looking at the treasures piled up in the small courtyard, Ye Yuesheng’s mouth was filled with a smile.

These treasures are of no use to him, but they can be recycled to the system!

“I still have something to do. You can take Feng Jiu’er out to play first.

Ye Yuesheng said to Ling Yao Yao.

The existence of the system must never be revealed.

I usually look at the system panel, but outsiders can’t see it, so don’t worry about it.

But now if you want to recycle the baby one by one to the system, you need to let others avoid it.

“Yeah!” Ling Yao Yao nodded.

The Master said this, it must be his business.

She still understands this truth.

…Please ask for flowers………

What’s more, she has always absolutely obeyed the Master’s words.

Ling Yao Yao touched Feng Jiu’er’s feathers and said, “Go, take you to meet other people on the mountain, and let you recognize your position on Buwen Peak!”

With that, she went out.

In the yard, Ye Yuesheng first took out a Fengjiuer feather.

“System, I want to recycle the baby, please appraise the value.”

“Ding, a Phoenix Feather of the Immortal God, worth 1,000 system coins, does the host choose to recycle it?”

The sound of the system faintly sounded.

“I can’t tell, the feathers of this bird are quite valuable!”

Ye Yuesheng muttered to himself.


He said immediately.

In an instant, the feather in his hand disappeared.

“Ding, the recovery was successful.

“Ding, congratulations to the host for getting 1,000 system coins.”


Then Ye Yuesheng took out all the other four feathers.

This thing is of no use to him.

Besides, Feng Jiu’er still has it on her body anyway.

If you really need it, just pull it out.

(Feng Jiuer:??? Woo woo)

“Ding, there are four undead phoenix feathers, which are worth 1,000 system coins. Does the host choose to recycle?”

what’s the situation?

Just one feather is worth 1000 system coins, how come four feathers are only worth 1000 system coins now?

System, did you make a mistake?

“Ding, things are precious. The price of the treasures recycled by the mall is higher for the first time. But if there are the same treasures, the value will be greatly reduced.”

“The greater the number of the same baby, the lower the value of recycling.

The system explained aloud.

It turned out to be such a thing.

Ye Yuesheng suddenly realized.

He originally thought that the pictures he drew, the characters written, and the wood carved by himself should be regarded as treasures?

After all, those things, even the powerhouses at the peak of the emperor realm, are rushing to ask for them.

In that case, he can make countless treasures for recycling by the system.

It now appears that this road will not work at all.

However, it doesn’t matter, you can auction it out, exchange for other treasures, and then recycle it to the system.

“Recycle!” Ye Yuesheng said.

Although the recycling price of these four feathers is much lower, there are still 1,000 system coins.

And this feather is really useless in his own hands.

“Ding, the recovery was successful.”

“Ding, congratulations to the host for getting 1,000 system coins.”

Ye Yuesheng nodded lightly, and then picked up another treasure.


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