Chapter 104 New ability, rich harvest!

Ye Yuesheng was overjoyed that there are new features.

But don’t know what it will be?

“Ding, the system mall is official, and the host can redeem what he needs in the mall.”

“Ding, congratulations to the host for gaining a new ability-forbidding fusion.

“Ding, the host can merge with Buwen Peak’s prohibition to release the freezing of Cultivation Base in advance.”

Ye Yuesheng suddenly burst into ecstasy upon hearing this.

He wanted to lift the freeze of Cultivation Base, and had been looking forward to it for a long time.

But for the sake of safety, they had to choose to give up in the end.

Thinking about it now, there is still some unease in my heart.

I thought that I would have to wait until it was loaded to 100% before unfreezing the Cultivation Base.

Unexpectedly, the system has now given a new ability.

“Ding, use the prohibition fusion to lift the freeze, you won’t be backlashed by the avenue, there is no danger!”

“Ding, once the prohibition fusion is used, the host will not be able to leave Buwen Peak unless Buwen Peak’s prohibition is eliminated.”

Ye Yuesheng thought of it, and immediately opened the personal properties panel.

Name: Ye Yuesheng

System load: 60%

Sensation: Level 6

Cultivation Base: Level 6 (For safety reasons, Cultivation Base is frozen, it can be automatically triggered under special conditions, but it cannot be used actively. You can choose whether to defrost or not)

Realm: Above the Emperor Realm

Treasures: Huatian tea pot, Xuantian fairy sword, Kaitian god axe

Mystery gift: 10 copies (can be turned on or not)

Special abilities: Eye of Charm, Affinity on the Road, Reversal of Heaven, Dream of the World, Prohibition of Fusion.

Mall: Opened, clickable!

Ye Yuesheng didn’t hesitate, and immediately clicked Prohibition Fusion.

In an instant, countless mysterious and subtle information flooded into his mind.

In his perception, Buwen Peak seemed to be covered by a huge energy shield.


Separated from the outside world.

“Ding, the host has integrated the Buwen Peak ban, and you can choose to unfreeze the Cultivation Base. Do you want to unlock it?”


Ye Yuesheng said without hesitation.


In an instant, he only felt that deep in his body, the mysterious power of horror, like a sea, rose out of thin air.

Every action on Buwen Peak, whether insects, ants, birds, beasts, or flowers, plants and trees, all reflected in his heart one by one.

Ye Yuesheng has a feeling as if he is the master of this space, controlling everything here.

Heaven and Earth Avenue are here to retreat.

All the rules here depend on his mind.

“It turns out that my Cultivation Base is so strong!”

Only when he truly felt the power possessed in his body, Ye Yuesheng understood how terrifying his own strength is!

This is the power that allows him to control everything as he wants.

No wonder the system said that his Cultivation Base was already strong enough to threaten the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth.

However, after fusing with Buwen Peak’s prohibition, his perception was completely isolated from the outside world.

On Buwen Peak, he is almost omnipotent.

But before Buwen Peak’s ban was lifted, he couldn’t leave Buwen Peak, and he couldn’t even detect his consciousness.

However, this is enough.

Compared with the original ignorance and ignorance, this feeling is really much better now.

It was only now that Ye Yuesheng discovered that on Buwen Peak, whether it was Gui Yixin, Wen Jiuyou, Ye Qingxian, Fanxian, or even Huang Rong’er, who had left him and now returned with Ye Qingxian, All have a earth-shattering Cultivation Base.

It’s just that it corresponds to this.

Buwen Peak’s ubiquitous restraining power also imprisoned the Cultivation Base of all of them, preventing them from displaying their power.

“It turns out that they are really practitioners, and they are still such powerful practitioners.

A smile appeared at the corner of Ye Yuesheng’s mouth.

Looking back on the various things in the past, I feel more cheerful.

With a thought to him, a personal attribute panel that only he can see once again appeared in front of him, and he clicked on the mall now.

“The currency used by the mall is the system currency!”

“The host can exchange for system currency by selling the treasure to the mall!”

“The treasures rewarded by the system can also be sold by the host to the mall, but the value will be discounted by half, and you will need to pay twice the system currency to purchase it again.”

What caught Ye Yuesheng’s eyes was the introduction of the mall’s page, which explained the trading rules of the mall one by one.

Later, I saw the things sold in the mall.

Dadao Qiyun: 1 system currency can be purchased for 100.

Sensation: 1 system currency can be purchased for 10.

Cultivation Base:1 system currency can be purchased for 1000.

Mysterious Gift: Purchase 1 copy with 1000 system coins.

Random special ability: 10000 system currency to buy 1 ability, random, can not be selected.

Huatian Tea Can: The selling price is 1000 system coins, and the recycling price is 500 system coins.

Dadao Fairy Tea: The selling price is 300 system coins per catty, and the recovery price is 150 system coins per catty.

On the interface of the system mall, there are a dazzling array of products.

There are personal abilities, attributes, all kinds of treasures, everything.


Ye Yuesheng took a look at his system wallet, the system currency was zero.

He can only withdraw silently.

“.々It’s okay, I used to go to Yixin and Wenjiu, but helped me search a lot of treasures, and now it happens to be recycled to the system.”

Ye Yuesheng already owns the Cultivation Base, and naturally he also knows that the seemingly jumbled things are not useless things, but the treasures of the powerful emperors.

Those things should all be recycled to the system.

Thanks to Gui Yixin and Wen Jiuyou, they both helped him inadvertently.

Otherwise, for a while, Ye Yuesheng really didn’t know where to collect the treasure and reclaimed it to the system.

Even if there is a system mall, I am afraid that nothing can be purchased (Wang Zhao Zhao), I can only look at it.

Ye Yuesheng took a breath.

His gaze fell on the mysterious gift, clicked lightly, and chose to open it.

“Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining Cultivation Base+1000000.

“Ding, congratulations to the host for gaining Dadao Qiyun +100,000.

“Ding, congratulations to the host for gaining +10000.

“Ding, congratulations to the host for acquiring the special ability–Quili Wushuang!”

“Ding, congratulations to the host for gaining +10000.

“Ding, congratulations to the host for gaining the special ability-to hide from the sky!”

“Ding, congratulations to the host for acquiring the true spirit beast-the immortal phoenix!

“Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining Cultivation Base+1000000.”

“Ding, congratulations to the host for gaining Dadao Qiyun +100,000.

“Ding, congratulations to the host for gaining the special ability—breaking the ban to transmit sound!”


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