In a chat group.

Everyone began to praise Ichigo Kurosaki.

It made Kurosaki Ichigo a little embarrassed.

[Kenhachi Gengi: Hehe, Ichigo Kurosaki's costume is indeed very good-looking, I hope his strength is also as strong as his appearance! ] 】

[Kisuke Urahara: Mr. Kurosaki is very good, he looks like an idol in the corpse world-! Keep up the good work! 】

[Kyoraku Harushui: Yes, as long as you mention guardianship, you will be very determined to fight very hard for your companions. Therefore, our entire corpse soul world will like you so much, and our corpse soul world really owes you a favor. 】

[Rukia Kurumi: Well, thanks Ichigo! All of us in death need to thank you for your protection. 】

[Yamamoto Motoyanagisai Shigekoku: Indeed, we all need to thank Ichigo Kurosaki for his efforts! ] 】

【Ichigo Kurosaki:......】

At this time, the Grim Reaper really said these words from the heart.

They all see what Kurosaki Ichigo will do in the future, and they know that Kurosaki Ichigo is indeed someone who will constantly strive to protect his companions.

Even later upgraded to protect the world, is indeed a very great existence.

That's why Ichigo Kurosaki was able to burst out with such terrifying power forever.

As they had seen before, as long as Ichigo Kurosaki's companions were harmed or in danger, Ichigo Kurosaki would be desperate.

It is completely worthy of the awe of the corpse soul world!


And at this time.

In the imaginary circle.

After seeing this picture, indigo dye is also very looking forward to it.

"Not bad, not bad, Ichigo Kurosaki's state is quite interesting!"

"Even I don't know very well, so let me see how powerful he can be!"

"Completely integrate the power of these Perfection Techniques into your own body!"

"Only if he fuses the power of multiple races can he become so powerful in the future that he can fight with Youhabach."

Watching his son become stronger and stronger, Lan Ran was indeed very satisfied.

He couldn't wait to see Kurosaki Ichigo getting stronger and stronger.

Even he had to admit that Kurosaki Ichigo could be said to be the existence of Kobunyu.

The power you have always makes you stronger and stronger.

And they can also drive their companions to become stronger and stronger.

It's a very bizarre thing.

This is called the belief in protecting your companions!

Although for people like Lan Ran, it is indeed difficult to experience such thoughts as Ichigo Kurosaki...

Because Indigo doesn't have many companions to protect.

It's even hard to find a few beings who can talk to each other on an equal footing.

Thinking of this, while he admired Kurosaki Ichigo very much, he even envied Kurosaki Ichigo a little.

This kind of thinking really hasn't been seen in the past.

Kurosaki Ichigo's so-called protective companion is indeed a very powerful belief. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

It's similar to his belief that he wants to change the entire corpse soul world.

His ideals are very ambitious, so that he can constantly become stronger and constantly evolve to a higher level by relying on broken jade.

And although Kurosaki Ichigo does not have lofty ideals or great ambitions, he can still slowly become stronger with his belief in protecting his companions.

This is indeed a very interesting thing.

With this in mind, he looked forward to Kurosaki Ichigo's next scene.


Ichigo Kurosaki, who had gained new power, rushed over with anger, deciding that he wanted to let his opponent take a good look at his strength, and he would never be able to let him do whatever he wanted.

Ask for flowers 0

However, at this moment, Ginjo Kugo suddenly turned around, directly pinned Kurosaki Ichigo with one hand, and began to absorb such a huge amount of spiritual power.


Kurosaki Ichigo was also confused, and he didn't know what was going on.

It seems that this so-called Ginjo Kugo is doing good!

Finally, he saw that the violent spiritual power on his body seemed to be suppressed.

Sora Ginjo then smiled and began to explain.

It turned out that this was necessary to complete the cultivation of the present art.

If he hadn't stopped Kurosaki Ichigo here, then Kurosaki Ichigo would definitely be crushed by this violent spirit pressure.

Therefore, Ginjo Kugo was responsible for absorbing excess spiritual pressure for Kurosaki Ichigo before coming to sparring with Kurosaki Ichigo.

This is also a master who must have after cultivating the current art!

If there is no such person next to him, he is responsible for absorbing spiritual pressure.

That Kurosaki Ichigo will definitely be very dangerous.

Kurosaki Ichigo only learned at this time, it turned out that he was able to cultivate successfully with his help, so he was really grateful for this.

It seems that Ginjo Kugo pretended to be a bad person before, and he should just want to improve himself as soon as possible, and he still wronged him.

In this regard, Kurosaki Ichigo was slightly ashamed...

Kurosaki then underwent an additional period of training.

The main thing is to strengthen physical fitness.

His cultivation method at the moment is to constantly cultivate the Present Art.

At the same time, use the current technique to activate the power that induces his own death.

Then he will continue to form a virtuous circle.

Finally, he will be able to slowly restore his great strength! And!.

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