
Seeing such an invincible blue dye, the gods of death could only speak very unpleasantly.

[Kyoraku Chunshui: Okay, Lan Ran, you better give up! ] Don't think that you can escape the shackles of our special chair in the corpse realm. 】

[Yu no Hana Lie: Our Corpse Soul Realm must have thought carefully about being able to release you. It seems that even if it is you now, there is no way to get rid of this chair. 】

[Nirvana: Hmph, this must be an important strategic weapon developed by our Technology Development Bureau, and it is indeed not something you can break through casually. Don't think that we technology madmen can't make our contribution, and the victory of this war is definitely inseparable from my existence. 】

[Kisuke Urahara: Hahaha, not bad! Nirvana. You do have some skills now, even without me in the Corpse Soul Realm. With your words, I can barely feel relieved. 】

[Nirvana: Hmph, of course. Kisuke Urahara, don't think that only your skills are powerful, and my skills are also impossible to ignore. 】

[Gerard: Okay, it's just a little black monster, do you need to be so proud at this time? It's not yet time for an official battle! At best, it's just an appetizer. 】

[Lijebaro: Yes, I really look forward to when our majesty will be able to go down and completely eliminate this blue dye! ] 】

[Penida: Only in this way can we make you completely desperate and let you know how foolish it is to fight against our exterminator. 】

[Hasward: Don't think that the victory now is a happy thing, at most it is your final highlight! 】

[Yaskin: When you believe, the corpse world will soon fall into true darkness, and you will soon be completely desperate. The 350 Exterminator was indeed very confident at the moment.

Even if he saw the power of Lan Ran at this time, he didn't think it was amazing.

Lan Ran can only abuse vegetables, and in the face of the real strong, he will soon have to be completely defeated.

The friend Habach who fused the Spirit King was definitely not an existence that he could deal with.

This is definitely a power beyond his imagination.

With such thoughts, countless viewers are excited to look at the future picture!

I want to see what happens next.

Kurosaki Ichigo was also very emotional at this moment.

This father of his own has become stronger and stronger at this moment!

I really want to know when he will be able to burst into more powerful power.

I believe that he should also play a very important role in the future.

Even Kurosaki Ichigo's heart, I don't know why, suddenly such a wonderful idea came to mind.

If you have the opportunity to fight with this blue dye, it will be a good thing!

Deep down, he really has a fighting instinct, and he also has the idea of fighting alongside his father.

It can really be said that it is a wonderful fate.

Maybe it's also because I really want to understand my "dad" well, blue dyeing!?


When everyone is talking about it.

I saw that in the picture, other gods of death came to Lan Ran's side.

Seeing this battlefield that was cleaned up by Lan Dye, they were indeed very emotional in their hearts, and they dared not despise Lan Dye's strength more and more.

If they are not careful, they may really be easily killed by this blue dye!

The power of indigo dyeing has indeed exceeded their imagination.

If there was no such chair that restrained him, it is estimated that the gods of death really did not dare to come out.

The crushed bee also took out his own sparrow bee thunder whip again.

"Well, there's no time to talk nonsense with Lan Ran. While those eyeball monsters haven't reappeared, let's quickly destroy this canopy! "

Lan Ran said lightly again.

"Without this need, the power of the black coffin has already caused cracks in the heavenly cover! This is a very high-density spirit child. "

"Next, let's rely on my spiritual pressure!"

"This will be destroyed automatically!"


Lan Ran's body once again exposed a very terrifying spiritual pressure, impacting the canopy above.

Seeing Lan Ran emitting such a terrifying power, the gods of death were very alarmed!

"Stop it! Indigo dyeing! The cover won't hold up this day! "

"At that time, then the spiritual pressure gathered at that time to create the Piercing Gate would all dissipate!"

"In that case, we won't be able to go to the Spirit King Palace again!"

This is the arrangement of the Grim Reaper, their last hope to stop Yohabach.

They worked hard to create a realm gate just to come to the Spirit King Palace!

Only when the death gods of the entire Guardian Court Thirteen Team go up will have a chance to stop Youhabach!

But at this time, Lan Ran showed a confident smile! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"Is this talking about doors?"

"That's easy to do."

"If you want to go to the Spirit King Palace, why bother so much? I'll just knock him down! "

Grim Reaper: "??? "

That's right, blue dyeing is indeed a very ambitious ideal at this time!

I want to directly knock down the Spirit King Palace by my own strength.

When the gods listened, they were even more shocked.

[Hibanya Fuyushiro: What's going on? This blue dye tone is also too big, right!? 】

[Yu no Hana Lie: He even wants to directly knock down the Spirit King Palace, does he really have such terrifying (CBBB) power? 】

[Matsumoto Ranju: It's just weird! 】

[Yamamoto Motoyanagisai Shigekoku: Can blue dyeing really be done? 】

[Ichibei: That's an exaggeration, isn't it? Does that still put our Zero Team in mind? 】

[Kurosaki Ichigo: The power of blue dye, is it already so terrifying? 】

[Genmu Kenhachi: Haha, interesting, I really want to fight him! ] Such a direct means is in line with my ideas. 】

[Hana Lie: Indeed, you don't need any bells and whistles, you just need to rely on your own decisive power to solve everything, it's really simple and rude. 】

[Zhibo Yixin: What a powerful look, it's simple to say, just rely on spiritual pressure? ] 】

[Uluchiorra: That's right! Our Lan dye adults have such confidence and means! One spiritual pressure is not enough, then two, or even ten!! One power down ten will! 】

[Tosen: As long as there is absolute power, then there is no need to use the bells and whistles of Kisuke Urahara, it can be solved with just one move. ] 】

[Ichimaru Silver: It's getting more and more terrifying, the blue-dyed captain at this time is completely beyond my imagination...]

Although Lan Ran now sounds like he is talking big, the Grim Reaper really believes it...

They all knew very well how terrifying the power of blue dye was.

Therefore, even if he really wants to knock down the Spirit King Palace, it is estimated that it is not an exaggerated thing!

Moreover, when the gods of death saw Lan Ran's next move, they were indeed more and more certain!

Lan Ran is constantly condensing spiritual pressure at this moment!

Even more terrifying than before!

Lan Dye is to fight the Spirit King Palace!

This is even more terrifying than hitting the Spirit King Palace!

The Spirit King Palace is so difficult to get to, right?


Then just knock him down!

In this regard, the Grim Reaper can only be extremely surprised!

[Four Maple Courtyard Yoichi: Oh my God, is Lan Ran's power so terrifying now? ] Even such words can be said. 】

[Kisuke Urahara: It's really scary, it seems that if he doesn't seal the power of Lan Ran, no one knows what he will do in the future? 】

[Gerard: Hmph, that is, in front of your Grim Reaper, you can pretend to be forced. It is impossible to say such a thing before our majesty! 】

[Lijebaro: Our Majesty worked so hard to get into this Spirit King Palace, and you said that if you beat him down, it is really a fool's dream. 】

[Lan Ran Yusuke: Don't say it so early, can you still ignore my power? 】

[Lan Ran Yusuke: I believe that I, who attaches the most importance to spiritual pressure, must be getting stronger in the past few years in this prison! ] 】

[Lan Ran Youjie: It should not be an exaggeration to say that my spiritual pressure can exceed everyone's imagination and directly knock down the Spirit King Palace. ] 】

At this moment, the blue dye is indeed full of confidence!

And the destroyers of the invisible empire were naturally very unhappy.

[Hasward: Outrageous, really outrageous. Is this the blue dyeing that thinks that the spirit is omnipotent? Strong to a certain extent, can it be invincible by relying on spiritual pressure alone? It's really unimaginable! 】

[Lijebaro: Hmph, even if this beats down this Spirit King Palace, it will only make your corpse soul realm die faster, and when our Majesty comes down directly, it will be your end. ] 】

[Gerard: Okay! We can't wait for a long time, hurry up and let the final decisive battle come!! 】

They have indeed been waiting for a long time, and they feel that it is time for the final ending.

Hurry up and see the showdown between Yohabach and Lan Ran!。

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