In a chat group.

In the face of the proud blue dyeing, the gods of death are very unhappy.

[Four Maple Courtyard Yoichi: But Lan Ran, don't be proud, at most, you just get the qualification and barely make up for your mistakes. ] Protecting the Corpse Soul Realm is your final mission! 】

[Orochimaru: I hope you don't hit yourself in the face! ] If you protect the Corpse Soul Realm, I can reluctantly recognize you. 】

[Gerard: Hmph, what is there to be happy about you Grim Reaper. It's just a guy with a little ability, it won't pose much threat to us, at most, let you die a little better, and there is no possibility to change the situation of the war. 】

[Lijebarro: That's right, our Majesty is definitely not something that your Lan Dye can deal with, and it's ridiculous that a prisoner can deal with our Majesty! 】

[Penida: Although his current strength seems to be a bit capable... But under the sealed situation, at most, I can only fight with a few members of our guards, and I am not qualified to fight His Majesty at all, and I can defeat Lan Ran with one hand. 】

The exterminators are still very confident in themselves!

Think that indigo dyeing really can't turn the tide!

And after that, many exterminators also analyzed the current situation of 460 ...

[Hasward: Then again, if I'm not mistaken, the corpse world seems to be trembling constantly at this time! Even in this underground prison, I felt this faint vibration..."

[Youhabach: It can be seen that if I am not mistaken, the corpse soul realm at this time should be close to the brink of destruction. 】

[Youhabach: At that time, I should have already hit the Spirit Court and was ready to devour the Spirit King, the end of your corpse realm is coming, there is no other possibility. 】

[Youhabach: I don't need to personally take action, maybe just the black spirit pressure rush of the Spirit King has already made you gods of death very embarrassed. 】

【Yamamoto Motoyanagisai Shigekoku:......】

【Ichimaru Silver:......】

Youhabach is looking forward to the next scene more and more!

I believe that the thirteenth team of the Guardian Court will definitely not last long.

Soon it will be his turn to debut.

At that time, they will be able to completely destroy the corpse soul world and reshape a world that belongs to their exterminator!


Directly in the picture, Lan Ran also coldly said to these guys who violated him.

"What a fool and ignorant!"

"Thoughtless, arrogant... It is completely unclear how much I am capable of. "

"These tools you have studied cannot completely restrain my spiritual pressure, at most they only fix these spiritual pressure around me."

"So what will happen after you come into contact with my spiritual pressure, and you don't need me to say anything, right?"

Then, he ignored the panicked expressions of these people and looked at Jingle Chunshui next to him.

"Jingle Chunshui, you believe me to sit in this chair... Can I work for the Corpse Soul Realm? "

In this regard, Jingle Chunshui is also very emotional.

He replied profoundly.

"I didn't say I wanted you to fight for the Corpse Realm. It's just that I know that the stakes between us should be relatively close, right? "

At this moment, Jingle Chunshui is really one of the few people who can understand blue dyeing!

He knew very well that Lan Ran would fight to protect his corpse soul realm, so he didn't need to say anything to Lan Ran to believe that he would do what he was supposed to do.

In this regard, Lan Ran's mood also seems to be a little emotional.

He really always wanted to be able to understand him!

Therefore, after seeing this Jingle Chunshui, who usually rarely intersects, and said these words that understood him, he really didn't know how to respond.

A long-lost smile also appeared on his face.

He said with a smile to this Jingle Chunshui who cherished him.

"It seems that you are really a very interesting man!"

Saying that, Lan Ran lowered his head with great emotion.

Even the tone was a little sad. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"Let me breathe the air of the Corpse Soul Realm? The body destroyed by Youhabach is incomplete... The air of the broken corpse soul realm? "

At this moment, countless viewers clearly felt that Lan Ran's eyes showed a very sincere sadness.

It seems that Lan Ran really has a very deep affection for the corpse soul world!

So there is no need for Jing Le Chunshui to ask for anything, Lan Ran will fight hard to protect the corpse soul world.

Lan Ran, who loves the corpse soul world deeply, is indeed a god of death who will fight hard to protect the corpse soul world.

Then, with the assistance of Jing Le Chunshui, he sat on this specially made chair and came to the ground of the Corpse Soul Realm.

Soon, he will join the battle to protect the corpse soul realm.


Seeing this scene, the mood of the gods of death is actually very emotional!

It could be seen that Lan Ran would fight hard to protect the Corpse Soul Realm, so they could finally rest assured of this.

They had been worried about what might go wrong with indigo dyeing.

Now it seems that there is no need for them to worry too much.

Lan Ran took the position of protecting the corpse soul world.

Will spare no effort to fight.

This is already a hard-clad thing.

And he is under the control of the special chair made by the corpse soul world.

There is certainly no way to get rid of it easily.

So the Grim Reaper is still able to hold the blue dye.

Therefore, they were indeed able to use the blue dye to defeat Yohabach.

The question is, does Blue Dye have the ability to defeat Friend Habach?

The mood of breaking the face is also very emotional at this moment, seeing that his Lan dye master can have a performance scene again.

Naturally, they were also very happy.

Can't wait for their Lan Dye Master to show his skills!。

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