Although at this time everything seems to have settled.

But Ichimaru Silver is also a little afraid.

If you really let Lan Ran develop to that stage in the future and continue to fuse with Bangyu, it will definitely not be possible for him to kill him just by fighting hard!

If it weren't for the fact that Lan Ran wanted to deal with Kurosaki Ichigo's companions, holding a cat-and-mouse mentality... If you are so wavering, it is difficult for yourself in the picture to find a chance to touch his blade.

And kill it.

Of course, Ichimaru Silver does not care about the future scene in the picture at the moment.

After all, what is more important now is to deal with the crisis in the virtual circle.

Baylegon soon became a staunch leader against indigenous dyeing.

He summoned a large number of broken faces to act as his subordinates.

Even Ichimaru Silver, who had just assassinated Lan Ran, did not put it in his eyes!

After all, Ichimaru Silver only succeeded by relying on his weird toxin ability.

Baylorgang doesn't think that Ichimaru Silver can cause harm to himself if he goes hard.

Even if he grabbed the jade now, he wouldn't have a chance to completely integrate it into his body, right?

Deal with the external troubles first, and after completely eliminating these remnants of the blue dye, then find a way to deal with Ichimaru Silver!

Besides, Ichimaru Silver doesn't seem to be much interested in ruling the void circle or something, right?

The more Bailegon thought about it, the more arrogant and domineering he became!

In the future, if he was not secretly calculated by death with a special trick, he would not hang up so quickly.

He believed that his death aura was still very powerful and could defeat everything that existed except Lan Ran.

Even this No. 1 broken face Stark, Baylor Gang did not put it in his eyes.

After all, he didn't have much will to fight.

At this moment, after Lan Ran died, he was even more weak, and it was estimated that there was no huge threat.

And Stark is indeed in decadence and confusion.

Originally, because of Lan Dye, he was able to find the opportunity to have so many companions.

However, now that Lan Ran has died, these companions are also fighting.

He didn't know what he could do at the moment.

Even if he wanted to support Blue Dyeing, it was useless.

If Lan Ran is already dead, even if he kills Ichimaru Silver, it won't help!

And Stark couldn't have the temperament and ability of a commander.

I can only continue to return to that lazy state, and I am listless about anything.


What a boring world...

Be a neutral!

Whether it is for indigo dyeing or against it, there is not much sense.

As for Heribel and Urucchiorra, they hate Ichimaru Gin's actions!!

But seeing such a strong strength on the other side, he did not dare to act rashly.

Urucchiorra although it has a two-stage return to the blade mode.

But seeing that Lan Ran has died, their side does not have much superior strength, and it is really difficult to pose a threat to Ichimaru Yin's side!

In the past, in fact, many broken faces did not have much respect for blue dyeing.

It was only because of his great strength that he was subdued.

Therefore, many broken faces began to join Bailegang and resist the forces of blue dyeing!

The pro-blue dyeing faction and the anti-blue dyeing faction soon began to fight each other.


And the audience, who did not know the scene in the virtual circle at this moment, continued to look at the picture of the projection of the three realms.

When the audience is looking forward to it.

The screen continues to play.

With Ichimaru Gin's order, the toxin spread instantly, corroding a large hole in Lan Ran's chest.

His jade was also exposed to the air.

Ichimaru Silver is not a person who likes to push and nag, and quickly begins to seize his own targets.


After grabbing the jade, he quickly left where Lan Ran was.

I don't say a word about it.

After all, he didn't know if Lan Ran still had a chance to fight back at this time!

So for the sake of safety, he quickly found an alley to hide.

Looking at this Bangyu who was close at hand, his heart was full of emotion.

This jade that took him hundreds of years to get.

It's amazing!

However, at this time.

He hadn't finished thinking about what to do next.

An even more terrifying spiritual pressure fluctuation appeared behind him.


I saw that Lan Ran, who had originally fallen to the ground and could no longer die, actually got up.

He was half-kneeling on the ground.

Raise your head to the sky!


A blue pillar of light soared into the sky.

It was as if to smash the firmament directly.


An incomparably powerful oppressive force descended on this scene again!

Kurosaki Ichigo's companion Ryuki Arizawa and the others were all frightened.

And Ichimaru Silver, who had just won Bangyu, was also extremely moved, and he didn't know what happened to Lan Ran.

Could it be that after such a long ambush, he still couldn't kill Lan Ran?

He had obviously destroyed Lan Ran's life center and snatched his jade, how could he continue to return to his original state!?

In the shocked eyes of countless audiences.

After a burst of blue light.

The blue-dyed figure appeared again from the pillar of light.

His body has three more pairs of wings.

It can be described as breaking through the cocoon into a butterfly.

But I don't know why, the audience didn't feel that he was evolving at all...

It is no exaggeration to say that he is slowly degrading into nothingness!

It's like degenerating from a human being to a beast.

To put it nicely, it is to become a butterfly flying in the sky!

But to put it ugly... It's like turning into a big prismatic moth!

He once again regained his god-like arrogance, high above, not caring about all living beings, and said coldly:

"What a pity!"

"It seems that this time it is my victory."

"The broken jade you took away, even if it is not in my body, belongs to me."


Seeing this scene, the audience really opened their mouths wide and got goosebumps all over their bodies.

They saw the blue dyed wing form before, and they didn't know what was going on, they only knew that it was the result of the evolution of Hongyu.

I didn't expect that after losing the jade, Lan Ran still had such a strong resilience!

That's incredible, isn't it?

It's the same as when he was struck by Kurosaki Ichigo's Moon Moon...

The Grim Reaper could only be very desperate, clenching their back teeth and constantly swallowing saliva.

[Hibanya Fuyushiro: They have already been injured to this extent, and unlike before, he has already lost Hongyu, and he can even be resurrected? ] 】

[Zhibo Yixin: Can this kid make some sense with Lan Ran? ] You are not like my son, why can you keep hanging? 】

[Orochimaru: This kind of recovery ability is indeed unreasonable, even if I am present, it is difficult to say that I can save it, right? 】

[Kisuke Urahara: Both were robbed of Honyu, but he can still continue to recover, which means that Honyu is not inside his body, and it doesn't matter? What an incredible power. I didn't expect that Lan Dye you had developed Hongyu to such an extent..."

[Gerard: Hmph, such an injury is just a piece of cake for me, I don't have anything to be afraid of at all, it's not worth mentioning! ] 】

[Hasward: I'm very concerned, next, what will be the consequences of the second-in-command of Blue Dyeing, Ichimaru Silver? 】

[Yaskin: I still haven't figured out what is going on with this city of Marugin, why is he an enemy of Lan Ran? What lofty goals does he have? 】


The audience was indeed very curious.

At the same time, it is also a pun, wondering what will happen to Ranja and Ichimaru Silver in the real world.

After Ichimaru Silver exposed his assassination, will Lan Ran leave him a way to live?

What will happen to the imaginary circle at this time?

Unfortunately, everyone in the virtual circle has no time to pay attention to other things.

Just seeing Lan Ran's resurrection move, he was surprised enough, and naturally he didn't have the leisure to continue chatting in the chat group.

Ichimaru Silver and Baylorgang, etc., just sighed with emotion about this.

I didn't expect that the blue dye was so high that it could be resurrected again.

Fortunately, kill him now before he becomes stronger, otherwise, there will be no chance of success in the future!

And Urucchiora and others are very distressed. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Damn it......

If Lord Lan Ran is like the future now, he already has the power of Hongyu fusion!

How could that be killed by Ichimaru Silver?

How unreasonable!

Now Lan Ran was poked in the heart by Ichimaru Silver, and shattered most of his chest...

Will he be able to stand up again and kill Ichimaru Silver like he did in the future?

It seems unlikely...

What can I do for Lord Indie now?

Is it just to kill Ichimaru Silver to vent his anger?

However, in the face of other common rebellions, their side really does not have much chance of victory, right?


When everyone has their own thoughts.

The footage continues to be live.

The next moment, the resurrected blue dye instantly moved behind Ichimaru Silver.

At this moment, Lan Ran unreservedly killed Ichimaru Gin.


Ichimaru Silver was disemboweled, and blood suddenly shot out!

At this moment, Ichimaru Silver, who was already seriously injured, still stretched out his hand.

A very rare wide-eyed opening revealed his blue and deep good-looking eyes.

In vain, with a thick unwillingness to be new, he stretched out his hand towards the broken jade in Lan Ran's hand.

Of course, he didn't covet the power of Hongyu much, he just wanted to use it to grab his lover's soul.

And at this moment, the screen starts to switch.

Entered Ichimaru Gin's memory kill!!

It turned out that when Ichimaru Silver was young, he saw Lan Ran laying death hands on countless gods of death.

Use their souls for the Hongyu experiment.

So after that, Ichimaru Silver kept vowing to come to Lan Ran to lurk!

In this way, he can take back the whole part of his lover's soul.

This concealment has been concealed for more than a hundred years.

Even Lan Ran couldn't see his inner emotions and true purpose.

Ichimaru Silver was born as a child in a very poor area of the Corpse Soul Realm.

When she was a child, when Ichimaru Silver was wandering, she met the hungry Matsumoto Ranju, so he gave her a persimmon cake to fill her hunger.

And the day I will meet Matsumoto is set to be Matsumoto's birthday.

And it was precisely because Matsumoto Chaoju's body had the fingertips of the Spirit King that Lan Ran attacked him.

Ichimaru Gin, who saw this scene, was very painful.

Although Matsumoto Messiju survived afterwards.

But Ichimaru Silver is aware of the loss of her soul and vows to help Matsumoto take it away.

Ichimaru Silver decides to join the Gotei 13 team to approach and assassinate Lan Ran.

Subsequently, he enrolled in the Central Spiritual Academy with Matsumoto Ranju.

It took him a year to graduate from the academy and join the 13th team.

Got the appreciation of indigo dyeing!

Even for this reason, he did not hesitate to endure the pain and slowly distance himself from Matsumoto Messiju!


Subsequently, the audience in front of the screen can also guess!

Ichimaru Silver is trying to recapture Matsumoto's soul fragments and has endured until now!

And delivered a fatal blow!

After seeing this scene and learning the ins and outs of everything, the sentient beings of the three realms were very surprised.

The exterminators in the Invisible Empire all sneered.

"In the end, this blue-dyed second-in-command Ichimaru Silver did this for a woman! It's boring. "

"After watching it for a long time, I thought that this city maruyin wanted to replace Lan Ran, in that case, I still admire him a little..."

"But in the end, it's just for such a son-daughter relationship, it's really speechless."

"What these gods of death have done is not worthy of our attention at all!"

For the exterminator, who is cold and ruthless, basically does not show much male and female feelings, and even has no basic feelings, it is completely impossible to understand Ichimaru Silver's actions!

Ambush for hundreds of years for this emotion ...

And in the end kill such a powerful blue dye ...

It's a fantasy.

If it weren't for the authority of the Three Realms projection, it is estimated that they would not believe such a ridiculous story.


In the corpse soul world.

And the Grim Reaper is also emotional.

It turned out that Ichimaru Gin, who was regarded as a traitor by them at the beginning, had been lying down and trying to bear the burden of humiliation.

But he did such great things for the woman he liked!

Although after seeing the truth.

Many Grim Reaper have also been shattered in illusions.

They originally thought that Ichimaru Silver was a pawn secretly arranged by Captain Yamamoto, and it was not until later that their identity was exposed!

Or maybe it's the god of death who endures humiliation for the sake of the corpse soul world...

Or to overthrow indigo dyeing, or even become the next blue-dyed careerist...

In that case, the image of this city marusilver will indeed be more admirable.

But after seeing the truth at this moment.

The minds of countless gods of death are extremely complicated.

Sure enough, as Ichimaru Silver described himself!

He was a snake, and no one could guess what his feelings were.

Of course, Ichimaru Silver has made so many sacrifices for a sincere relationship, and objectively made a very outstanding contribution to the corpse soul world!

Although later, because of the existence of Hongyu, he is indeed likely to fall short...

But it is also very admirable!

Worthy of their awe!

And Matsumoto Chaoju has long been crying and crying.

First, I was moved by Ichimaru Gin's sincere feelings!

Such a man who loves himself deeply, in order to restore his soul to integrity, has been silently hidden for so long!

Even, to endure the misunderstanding of his beloved woman, endure the misunderstanding of countless gods of death, and complete such a great goal.

This is definitely the deepest love!

Second, he is also very guilty for misunderstanding Ichimaru Silver.

Ichimaru Silver has always loved him so much, but he once became suspicious of him.

And most importantly, thinking that at this moment, Ichimaru Gin's deeds have been exposed...

Then he must not be able to successfully carry out the assassination plan against Lan Ran like in the past, right?

It may even be that at this time, he has been killed by the blue dye in the void circle.

How could she accept such a thing?

She couldn't help but think of a poignant phrase -

"When saying goodbye, be sure to push hard, because this is likely to be the last time."

It's a pity.

Matsumoto thinks that the farewell between him and Ichimaru Silver is not very good...

Only Ichimaru Gin's affectionate apology when he was in the Corpse Soul Realm made this farewell less regretful, but it was still full of regrets!


And in the imaginary circle.

After seeing his feelings for Matsumoto Ranju exposed, Ichimaru Silver also had mixed feelings.

"In this case, will the chaotic ju on the other side also see this picture?"

"There's really a little shame!"

"Haha, such an emotion... It really hasn't been produced for a long time. "

Ichimaru Gin muttered to himself deprecatingly, while thinking about it.

However, he has successfully completed the task, truly killed Lan Ran in the real world, and snatched back Matsumoto's soul fragment!

That shame should not be so-called, right?

Everything is finally a foregone conclusion?!。

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