In the picture.

Matsumoto kept asking.

Ichimaru Silver is facing an unprecedented crisis at this moment.

His face gradually became gloomy.

"Are you seriously asking me?"

"Betraying someone who trusts me?"

"Do you really just mean Kira?"

He asked Matsumoto with something to say.

The eyes were also instantaneous, staring straight at Matsumoto Chaoju, as if to remember ~ her completely.

As if, this is the final farewell...-...

Matsumoto was dumbfounded for a while, - I don't know what to say.

Ichimaru Gin's hand also slowly rested on Matsumoto's chest.

Slowly said with mixed tastes in his heart:

"Alas... I say...... Chaoju, you are a hindrance! "

Subsequently, he stabbed Matsumoto Ranju.


Matsumoto Ranju seems to have been killed by Ichimaru Silver!


Seeing this, the Grim Reaper was also a little angry.

[Hibanya Fuyushiro: Damn it, Ichimaru Gin! How can you guy kill people directly? With the blue dye, are they all fierce and vicious bad people? 】

[Crushed Bee: Hmph, I originally expected you traitors to deal with the Exterminator, in that case, it would be a redemption for you. ] But now it seems that you are responsible for all deaths. 】

[Dongxian want: Humph! This was originally our war with the Corpse Soul Realm, how could the war spare its own enemies? 】

[Shiraya Kurumi: Then it is estimated that we will not let go of Captain Dongxian! ] So at this moment, you, like the other Ten Blades, have long been killed by us, so there is no scene now. 】

[Dongxian wants: Fight and die for Lord Lan Ran, I die without complaint! ] 】


In the picture.

Lan Ran is still playing a game of cat and mouse with these companions of Ichigo Kurosaki.

There was no way for these companions to escape Lan Ran's pursuit.

But Lan Ran just walked slowly in front of them, and didn't seem to have any intention of moving at all.

So far, I haven't really taken the initiative to kill anyone...

Let Ichigo Kurosaki and the rest of the audience become more and more speechless the more they watch...

This blue dye is really playing a game...

Did he play enough!?

Is he really going to do it?

Thinking of a big boss who destroyed the world and was playing such a game with a group of mortals at the moment, the audience didn't know how to complain.


Yusawa Ryugui and others have exhausted all kinds of methods.

Another offensive weapon, another explosion or something, but it still can't do much damage to Lan Ran.

Later, another Grim Reaper appeared.

It is Zennosuke Chetani of the explosive head!

He quickly unleashed his slashing knife!

Countless mountain stones were made, temporarily buried the blue dye, and then quickly fled with them.

Lan Ran just smiled indifferently at this, and walked over slowly with mortal speed!

Be prepared to continue chasing these prey.

At this moment, Ichimaru Silver also happened to return.

Moreover, Lan Ran really did not feel any of the spiritual pressure of Matsumoto.

Seeing this, the blue dye was really a little surprised.

"I didn't expect it! I thought you should still have some kind of affection for her..."

Ichimaru Yin was like a femme fatale, his expression was shrouded in haze, and he said unfathomably:

"Huh, feelings? I didn't have that kind of thing for a long time. "

"When I first met Captain Lan Dye."

"Didn't I say that earlier?"

"I am a snake, cold skin, without any emotion, looking around for prey with the tip of my tongue, constantly crawling."

"When you meet an interesting guy, devour him whole."

Lan Ran looked at Ichimaru Silver's expression, his eyes flashed with a strange light, and stared straight at Ichimaru Silver.

However, even in the face of the sharp gaze of the blue dyed eagle, Ichimaru Silver still did not have any waves.

It seems to have always been an emotionless existence.

Ichimaru Silver also asked what should Lan Ran do after killing these children?

Lan Ran's expression did not see the waves, and he walked forward without looking back, and said lightly:

"Keep their bodies outside town, in the most obvious places! Then go for the creation of the king key! "

Of course, his words are very obvious in the ears of the audience!

It was clearly for the purpose of killing Kurosaki Ichigo, otherwise why was it necessary to take such a method?

The audience is also powerless to complain about this, and can only say that they really know how to play.

When the real Kurosaki Ichigo heard these words, he was naturally angry.

Kurosaki Ichigo clenched his fists and vowed to completely defeat Lan Ran!

Otherwise, your companions will suffer.

Blue dye this smelly "daddy" ...

Although it seems like a good look to yourself, the way this is taken to grow up is too scary, right?

Can't we change the way a normal child grows up?

Do you really have to sacrifice so many people in order to grow yourself?

Ichigo Kurosaki would never allow such a thing to happen.


And at this moment!

In the imaginary circle.

Seeing himself in the picture, Ichimaru Silver felt a very peculiar thought in his heart.

It's time, is it coming!?

Ichimaru Silver quickly guessed something.

It seems to have a little understanding with the future self in the picture.

When Kurosaki Ichigo fought with Lan Ran before, there was no scene where he appeared, and he seemed to have guessed his future fate...

In order to hide his purpose, he has already "attacked" Matsumoto Chaoju.

It is estimated that it is also time, it is time for the final showdown stage!

The constantly evolving blue dye will definitely not give him a chance to kill again.

So it's good to look at it, only this moment is the best time to defeat Lan Ran.

Continue to let the blue dye grow and evolve like this.

Then he will definitely be more invincible in the future!

Thinking of this, Ichimaru Silver also began to put his hand on the hilt of his own knife...

Gather momentum!


Sure enough, as expected by Tongichi Marugin, the future self in the picture.

He put his hand on the blade of the blue dye.

"Captain Lan Ran, if you want to solve these guys, it's better to leave it to me!"

Seeing that Ichimaru Silver wants to cross the line and solve Kurosaki Ichigo's companion.

Lan Ran frowned slightly.

After all, this is about his son.

He didn't want anyone else to take his interest.

I just want to let myself do it all.

It may even make him a little embarrassed, after all, he just wants to stimulate Ichigo Kurosaki, and he is not such a cruel Shinigami in his heart.

If he had the chance to kill them, he wouldn't be willing to do it!

Otherwise, how could these humans still live to this day?

If Ichimaruin really did kill them, it wouldn't seem very good!


Before Lan Ran said anything.

Ichimaru Silver's momentum suddenly changed.


The powerful spiritual pressure burst out instantly.

The viper-like blade plunged into Lan Dye's chest with lightning speed.


The blue dye's expression changed color suddenly, and he was no longer calm!


This scene instantly shocked audiences around the world.

In the corpse soul world. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The Grim Reaper screamed one after another!

"What, could it be that Ichimaru Silver wants to attack Lan Ran, why is that?"

"This guy killed Chaoju so mercilessly just now, it looks like he really depraved..."

"Unexpectedly, he really wants to betray Lan Ran?"

Jing Le Chunshui raised his eyebrows, which was indeed very surprised.

"So the answer is already very obvious."

"One of the purposes of his following Lan Ran is to kill Lan Ran."

"Could it be that he is an undercover agent in our corpse soul world? Captain, do you know about this? "

Captain Yamamoto also twisted his eyebrows, puzzled by this.

"I didn't understand this at all, and I thought he was a traitor."

Nirvana, who has always loved analysis, couldn't help but be surprised and suspicious.

"Excluding Ichimaru Gin's personal grudge with Lan Ran, could it be that he did this for the sake of the Corpse Soul Realm?"

"Could it be that he has long recognized the horror of blue dyeing, so he has been plotting all this?"

"He knows very well that Lan Ran's ambition is very big..."

"The Grim Reaper in the Corpse Soul Realm has no way to deal with it, so can I only follow him to find an opportunity to secretly calculate?!"

Although the idea is very fantastic.

But at this moment, the Grim Reaper also had to admit such a possibility!

Other than that, they really can't find any other explanation!

Ori no Hana raised his eyebrows and continued to analyze.

"Indeed, this is very reasonable, the ability of blue dyeing is a mirror."

"The people around him may not even know whether the world is real or not."

"Ichimaru Silver definitely doesn't dare to report it casually, only by pretending to be very loyal can he hide from the sky and the sea, and pretend until now!"

At this moment, the image of an undercover agent who endured humiliation and paid silently for the corpse soul world was constantly sketching out in everyone's hearts.

Can't help but make everyone collapse!

Even, awe-inspiring!

Isn't such a forgiving undercover agent even more terrifying than Lan Ran's acting skills?

This is the super actor who is far better than the blue dye!

While discussing Ichimaru Gin's undercover move, Nirvana also began to mention another important topic.

"But then again, how did he kill Lan Ran?"

"You know, wasn't the reason why I didn't dare to strike with all my strength before was because I didn't know if the enemy in front of me was blue dyed?"

"Could it be that he has a solution to the mirror?"

Ask for flowers

This question really made the Grim Reaper wake up like a dream!

Oh, yes.

If he couldn't crack Kagami Shui Yue, then how could Ichimaru Silver kill Lan Ran?


And at the same time.

In the imaginary circle.

Ichimaru Silver also made a move similar to that in the picture.

It's just a prediction in advance, and he started assassinating Lan Ran earlier than himself in the picture!


Killer Gun!!

Lan Ran seemed to have been staring at the Three Realms projection with full attention, still wondering how he would deal with Kurosaki Ichigo's companions...

It was hit by the attack that Ichimaru Silver was caught off guard in reality!

The divine killing spear destroyed the decay, directly through his chest!


Immediately after, there is the assassination of Ichimaru Silver in the picture!

Two scenes, very weird overlapping together!

After seeing Ichimaru Silver's actions, except for Lan Ran, all the broken faces were also instantly stunned.

For a while, looking at the future Ichimaru Silver killing Lan Ran in the picture, and the Ichimaru Silver killing Lan Dye in reality, the whole brain was confused.


What exactly did they see?

Ichimaru Silver, the closest god of death who has always been with Lan Ran, actually made a move on Lan Ran.

And both scenes are hands-on at the same time.

Is this true or false?

Isn't this sure to be a mirror?

Besides, blue dye has a mirror!

Even Captain Yamamoto didn't dare to make a move easily, and he had to use the price of injury to be sure that he encountered Lan Ran, why did Ichimaru Silver make a move on Lan Ran?

In the virtual circle, because of the shock of the scene in front of them, the broken faces even had blank brains, and they didn't know how to be good.


The picture at the moment seems to be to highlight Ichimaru Gin.

At the same time, in order to let the audience taste slowly, it directly fell into stagnation.

The picture freezes on the knife that Ichimaru Silver assassinates Lan Ran.

The audience of various forces was indeed surprised.

In the midst of the invisible empire.

Although they were not impressed by the relationship between Ichimaru Silver and Indigo Ran, they were indeed very surprised.

"Ah, it turns out that Ichimaru Silver is also a traitor?"

"Death is so interesting! When I was in the Corpse Soul Realm before, it was infighting..."

"As a result, is there infighting in reality now?"

As for the corpse soul world, needless to say, it was also shocking.


And in the imaginary circle.

Ichimaru Silver shouted directly at this moment.

"I know that many of you have long been dissatisfied with Lan Ran, so hurry up. Make sure to kill him completely. "

After hearing Ichimaru Silver's words, many broken faces barely came back to their senses!

Especially Bailegang and Neutra, these broken faces, who were not very satisfied with the blue dyeing, burst out of spiritual pressure and were about to move.

The other broken faces were also in shock, and they couldn't react for a while.

No. 1 Broken Face Stark has always been more respectful of blue dyeing.

Because he and Lan Dye are sympathetic to each other, and their personalities are relatively close.

They are all very lonely and longing for someone to talk to.

Blue Dye founded the Broken Face Organization, allowing Stark to always have the company of so many companions.

Although these companions were somewhat detached, they still made him very excited.

At least it was much better than the days when he was very lonely and had a strong spiritual pressure that he couldn't even find a companion.

However, Stark, who has always disliked fighting with others, suddenly encountered such a situation, and he also couldn't react.

Do you want to do it with Ichimaru Silver in order to maintain the blue dye?

He didn't know how to be good for a while...

As for Uluchiorra, he was the most loyal of Lan Ran's men.

He is also a little similar to No. 1 Broken Face.

Because of indigo dyeing, I barely gained a little value in life.

ended a relatively confused life.

So Urucchiorra immediately turned gloomy as water and shouted.

"Ichimaru Gin, what the hell are you doing? Are you going to betray Lord Lan Ran? "

Dongxian was also furious, and quickly shouted loudly.

"Ichimaru Gin, what the hell are you doing? Have you forgotten our original intention of following Lord Lan Ran? "

"Have you violated your own principles of justice?"

"Could it be that you are an undercover agent of the Grim Reaper?!"

Dongxian Yao, who had always been loyal to Lan Ran, quickly raised countless questions at once.

Later, he also turned pale and asked about Lan Dye.

"Lord Lan Ran, you definitely can't be secretly calculated by him, right?"

Dongxian wanted his eyes to be difficult to use, and at the moment he could only rely on his spiritual pressure to feel the breath of Ichimaru silver and blue dyeing.

And what shocked him extremely was that the breath of blue dye seemed to really appear disordered.

Could it be that Ichimaru Silver really succeeded! Long?.

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