At this time.

The other gods of death in the corpse soul world also have similar ideas.

This blue dyeing with broken jade is really speechless!

If you don't hit him, it will only be complete destruction!

But if you fight, it will make the blue dye stronger and stronger!

Hitting is not either, not hitting is not.

Blue dye these guys... All of them are plug-in!

Jingle Chunshui is also a little lost.

"Yes, to put it ugly, if our attack has no way to hurt him, it may be better to grab it and be defeated directly by him!"

"Lest you beat him more and more and let him evolve..."

Although this statement is a bit shocking, it is indeed true...

Nirvana Li looked like an eagle and said meaningfully:

"However, it can't actually be said to be a bad thing!"

"After all, in the future, our corpse soul realm may really have to rely on the protection of Lan Ran to survive."

"So looking at this picture really makes us feel very ironic!"

"The guy who looks like an enemy for the time being, the next 21 will become our companion, and now it seems to be a bad thing, but it may become a good thing..."

In this regard, the other Shinigami also had to agree.


The Grim Reaper all began to talk and chatter.

"Indeed... If we can't find a guy who can defeat Yohabach, then the internal struggle of our corpse soul world... It doesn't make any sense at all! "

"So how can we achieve a breakthrough? How can you get the top powerhouse to compete with your friend Habach? "

"Let Kurosaki Ichigo constantly break through new realms?"

"Or let Captain Yamamoto break through the realm?"

"Or let's find a way to target Yohabach ourselves?"

"Do you still have to think about how to help Lan Ran break through to a higher dimension and let him fight with Youhabach?"

"This is outrageous!!"

Saying that, they all looked strange, and they didn't know how to face the future situation.

Indeed, it seems that apart from the blue dye, they are completely unable to face such a terrifying Yuhabach!

And at the moment.

Although the Grim Reaper will mock Lan Ran's very arrogant and arrogant character...

But to be honest, they really don't want Lan Dye to be cautious!

If Lan Ran really wants to be cautious, it will be a disaster for them to die.

After all, it was precisely because of his release of water that Kurosaki Ichigo was able to get the opportunity to grow!

Of course......

Maybe in other words, in fact, Lan Ran himself did this on purpose!?

Maybe he will be happier to see his son grow up!?

At this thought, the attitude of the gods of death towards blue dye is even more complicated and difficult to say!

It's love and hate!!

After perceiving these thoughts of the Grim Reaper, Lan Ran did indeed speak like this in the chat group.

[Blue Ran: Don't worry! ] Even if I see these actions of yours in the future, I will not have any regrets, and letting my son grow up is the most worthwhile thing for me. 】

[Lan Ran Youjie: Otherwise, then what is the meaning of my path to becoming a king? 】

[Lan Ran Yusuke: Without some evenly matched opponents, what is the meaning of life? Isn't it precisely because more and more powerful enemies appear that I have evolved into a higher dimension? 】

[Lan Ran Yousuke: Sensing that there are risks in the future, I want to terminate it early, which is not interesting! ] This is what the weak do. 】

[Crushed Bee: Okay! What you said is so reasonable, there is absolutely no way to refute it. 】

[Gerard: Hehe, it's just pretending to be forced by these weak gods of death, what's the point, you have the ability to fight with our majesty! ] 】

[Hasward: I want to see if you are qualified to continue to evolve in the future, our Majesty will give you a second at once, see where you have a chance to continue to recover. 】


While everyone was arguing, the picture continued to be broadcast.


With the fall of three figures one after another.

Lan Ran's figure also appeared in front of Kurosaki Ichigo and Ichimaru Silver and others.


The strong sense of oppression made Kurosaki Ichigo tremble even more, his face was like dead ash, and he couldn't raise any resistance at all.

He asked coldly:

"Silver, what else did you want to do to him just now?"

The Ichimaru silver who released the water did not have any panic, and still said with a smile. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"I just wanted to test his strength."

After all, even if he doesn't do it...

Indigo himself will do the same!

Lan Ran really didn't have any opinions, just ordered Ichimaru Silver to open the piercing door.

Head to the empty town of the Corpse Realm.

"There is no need to destroy this Transformation Pillar, instead of breaking the palace, it is better to create a special prop in the Corpse Soul Realm, which is more in line with my heart."

Saying that, Lan Ran also officially broke through the cocoon into a butterfly, showing his handsome face.

Evil eyes, eyes like all things.

People dare not look directly!

"Very good, then I can completely witness the end of this corpse soul realm."

After that, he said lightly to the dull Kurosaki Ichigo.

"Leave you here for now! I'll devour you when I'm done with everything!! "

It seems that he has other plans for Ichigo Kurosaki!

Of course, he still let the sea of water.

Gives Kurosaki Ichigo a lot of opportunities to continue to catch up with him.

After coming to the Broken Realm, he looked at the environment here with a nostalgic face.

Subsequently, he also discovered the existence of the general rule behind it: Arrest!!

It will ignore all the power of death!

Directly clean up the material in front of you.

Ichimaru Silver said directly:

"Captain Blue Dye, let's go! There's no way we can handle a 510 like this. "

"This restraint is not spiritual pressure, but a theoretical existence."

"Spiritual pressure can't help him."

Lan Ran was still completely fearless, and with his own strength, he directly destroyed the existence of this rule system.


As everyone has speculated before.

He is indeed the Grim Reaper who will destroy the Arrest.

He has indeed been able to transcend the constraints of the rules!

Then, Lan Ran smiled lightly at the confused Ichimaru Silver:

"Rules exist for those who depend on him to survive."

"Nature can't be applied to me."

"Good. Now, let's step into the land of rules! "

Seeing the blue dye that can be destroyed even by the restraint of this rule system, Ichimaru Silver no longer kept smiling.

It seems that the horror of Lan Dye has completely exceeded his imagination.

He didn't know how an existence like Lan Ran could defeat him.

It seems that the corpse soul world is really about to be completely ended by blue dyeing.


In the chat group, the crowd is still talking.

[Lan Ran Yusuke: Yes, the future me really did what I should do, the so-called rule, that is, it should be completely destroyed! ] I'm going to establish a new set of rules of my own. 】

If you dye it, throw it on the ground!

Constantly echoing in chat groups!!

It was as if the new king had ascended the throne and looked down on the courtiers! .

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