Hearing this, Zhibo in the picture and the audience were suddenly constricted, looking confused.

There is a huge wind and waves in my head!

Only then did they know the true power of Bangyu.

[Kisuke Urahara: What's going on?] Is everything I am studying wrong? Is this the truth? You actually know more about Bangyu than I do. 】

[Lan Ran Yusuke: What's so unexpected about this.] I was also a researcher on Bangyu. And it is also a person who fuses into a complete collapse of jade. 】

[Lan Ran Yusuke: So no one knows Honyu better than me. That's the gap between you and me. 】

[Lan Ran Yu Yousuke: Such a powerful existence as Bangyu, you only want to use him to study the boundary between the void and the god of death, what an overkill! ] 】

[Lan Ran Yusuke: So in the future, this jade can continue to evolve with me. Let me realize the true existence beyond the boundaries of the Grim Reaper!! 】

The blue dye in the Void Night Palace, domineering side leakage, imposing momentum, at this time the smile is getting stronger and stronger.

It seems that you can already see the scene of becoming a god in the future!

Lan Ran's thoughts at this time began to coincide with his future self.

Let him be full of confidence in his future and his own jade!

At the same time, Youhabach couldn't help but marvel.

[Youhabach: It's really a very magical Bangyu! ] Lan Ran, you kid can create it, it can be regarded as a little skill, I see a lot of more special things on it..."

[Youhabach: Indeed, he can be said to have reached the point of God. 】

[Yuhabach: Just like Inoue Orihime's ability, it is a violation of the existence of the realm of God. 】

After all, this jade collapse is related to the power of the Spirit King fragment!

So Youhabach is naturally no stranger to this!

[Penida: Hmph, but this kind of thing can never become a real god, at most it is a little more powerful than ordinary gods of death. 】

[Lijebarro: In the future, will it not have to be cut off by our majesty's son? 】

[Gerard: Compared with our power from Your Majesty, it is not worth mentioning at all, I can also constantly restore my body, not much worse than this broken jade, my strength is much stronger than you! ] 】


In the process of everyone arguing, the picture continues.

Lan Ran continued to explain seriously.

"Of course, there is still a limit to Bangyu's ability."

"The ability of Bangyu is to manifest the inner thoughts of the surrounding things."

"But if the object itself does not have the ability to match, it still cannot be achieved."

"From this point of view, it can also be said to be the force that leads in the desired direction."

"This thing of creatures is really incredible, and the small heart hides such a terrifying power!!"

This power is very difficult to explain.

Simply put, it's like a wishful thinking!

The greater the confidence, the greater the likelihood of realization!

At this moment, the expression of the blue dye has completely changed.

It makes Zhibo feel very strange...

As if he was really going to evolve into another new species...

This is the real god!!

Playing and fighting.

Lan Ran's body suddenly produced countless white substances, and slowly surrounded it.

Let Kurosaki Ichigo and Shibo Isshin who saw this scene be dumbfounded!

Indigo dye is even more satisfied with this.

"The name Bangyu is really appropriate. It really destroys the boundary between God and non-God that never intersects. "

However, at this moment, a beam of light suddenly penetrated Lan Dye's body.


Kisuke Urahara finally arrived in time and joined the battle against Lan Ran.

"Long time no see! Mr. Lan Ran, your appearance is really very special! "

Lan Ran said softly: "There is nothing strange, the process of evolution is always ugly. "

Kisuke Urahara shook his head.

"I didn't say you looked ugly! It seems that you and Banyu are fused! "

Lan Ran also denied his claims:

"It's not just fusion."

"Maybe persuasion would be better." (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"The Hongyu that you couldn't control in the past obeyed me."

Lan Ran was full of smile and confidence at this time.

He was just a little floating because of the existence of Bangyu, and even his mentality was a little floating.

It is also a process that is difficult to escape.

Kisuke Urahara said with interest.

"Something I can't handle?"

"I couldn't handle it at the time."

"But not necessarily."

Lan Ran smiled.

"Oh, what an attitude that doesn't want to admit defeat! However, it doesn't matter if you admit defeat or not. "

As soon as the words fell, he quickly flashed in front of Kisuke Urahara and stabbed him directly.

Its speed was so fast that Kisuke Urahara couldn't react at all.

However, what Lan Ran stabbed was not the real Kisuke Urahara, but a righteous skeleton made by Kisuke Urahara!

The next moment, Urahara Kisuke's body came behind his back and quickly launched the Oni Dao.


Six dazzling pillars of light quickly penetrated his body, enveloping him firmly.

Six sticks of light!!

Lan Ran was slightly surprised by this.

"Oh, I didn't expect you to use such a small means at this time, I was careless... But what are you going to do to bind me with this level of props? "

Kisuke Urahara said calmly:

"Where did you see that I would only use this degree?"

The next moment...

"Sixty-three of the Bound Way! Lock bar lock!! "

"Seventy-five of the Bound Way! Five pillars of iron!! "

"Seventy-nine of the Bound Way! Nine Bonds!! "

Kisuke Urahara quickly began using a series of bondage.

Moves of various colors and forms, chains, pillars of light, enchantments, quickly surround the blue dyeing cluster! (Li Zhao's)

Rumble! Rumble! Rumble!!

Full flood!

Spiritual pressure is monstrous!

Dealt a huge blow to indigo dyeing!

It is also a rare time to show his true strength in front of the audience!

After a puff of gunsmoke, Kisuke Urahara continued to say lightly.

"Mr. Lan Dye. You seem to be really too proud of getting the jade..."

It seems that Lan Ran is so defenseless to withstand Urahara Kisuke's attack, which does mean that his mentality has completely changed.

It is no longer the Lan Ranzhi who used his brain power in any battle!

It's very different from when he fought against Yamamoto Shigekoku!

The audience also got up, stunned, and stared at the screen with dry mouths!

Could it be that Kisuke Urahara really killed the blue dye!?

Is this blue dye really overinflated, and he doesn't even dodge these deadly attacks?

That's too much of a wave, right?.

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