Lan Ran is no longer invincible at this time!

His mirror is not able to confuse Captain Yamamoto.

At this moment, Captain Yamamoto launched a blazing hell.

The dozens of pillars of fire that surrounded the blue dye burst out in an instant!

Boom, boom!!

Boom, boom!!

Powerful pillars of fire soar into the sky!

Its power is so powerful that it can completely burn all the earth with a radius of hundreds of kilometers!

This is Yamamoto Motoyanagisai Shigekoku's full strength in this state ~ outbreak!

Even if it is only the initial solution state of the flowing blade, it is not something that Lan Ran can easily deal with-!

Lan Ran said disdainfully:

"Did you lay out the formation while your subordinates were being cut? What an old traitor! "

Captain Yamamoto didn't even deny it.

"Yes and how? You will die with me in this fiery hell. "

Captain Yamamoto is ready to die with Lan Ran.

He also said to Ichigo Kurosaki next to him.

"Kurosaki Ichigo, you hurry up and stand down. You are not from the 13th team of the Guardian Court, there is no reason to follow us to death. "

Kurosaki Ichigo was blinded and didn't know what to say.

And Lan Ran asked with interest!

"Then you don't care about the rest of the team? Think they can die with you? "

Yamamoto Motoyanagisai Shigekoku Grand:

"They were mentally prepared. Using death to kill the great evil is the will of the 13 teams of the Guardian Court. "

Captain Yamamoto's decision shocked the audience of the entire Three Realms!

It turned out that this was Yamamoto Motoyanagisai Shigekoku's intention.

Fight hard for your old life, and you must also die with blue dyeing!

It's really awesome!


Seeing that Lan Ran was going to use such a way of dying together, everyone was also extremely surprised and talked about it.

[Uluchiorra: I didn't expect it! Lord Lan Ran's mirror was actually cracked by him in this way. 】

[Herribel: Hehe, it seems that he knows that his strength is far from that of Lord Lan Ran, so he can only use this way of dying together! ] 】

[Neutra: It's really deadly.] 】

[Yamamoto Motoyanagisai Shigekoku: Hehe, don't get carried away, I don't think my strength is much worse than him. It's just that I can't use my full strength, so I can only drag down the indigo dye in this way. 】

[Tamarin Left Formation: If it weren't for the fact that your Lan Ran didn't have the guts to confront us, and only dared to use a move like Kagami Flower Water Moon, how could Captain Yamamoto be forced to use such a method? 】

[Zomaly: But obviously, your approach ultimately failed. That's why Lord Lan Ran will eventually fight Ichigo Kurosaki. 】


In the picture.

Lan Ran seems to have fallen into danger at this time!

Facing the powerful Captain Yamamoto, it will be difficult for him to defeat him in a head-on battle!

However, at this time, an ominous figure appeared behind Captain Yamamoto.

It was everyone who had a deep impression of the little child breaking the face before, Wanda Wise!

Captain Yamamoto, who sensed the enemy behind him, snorted coldly, turned around, and quickly launched an attack on Wanda Wise. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

However, before Captain Yamamoto launched an attack on him, he had strangely found that the flames of his slashing knife had disappeared!

Ask for flowers


The flowing blade was like a fire, and it was actually extinguished!!

At this moment, he was shocked like never before.

Lan Ran looked calm and began to explain!

"There is no doubt that your Flowing Blade is the strongest slashing knife."

"If you really have combat effectiveness, it should surpass me."

"However, if Void gives up all other abilities and only strengthens one ability, he can fight against the strongest slashing knife, and he is the only broken face that I transform."

"He created a broken face to seal your flowing blade!!"

"So goodbye!"

This is the layout of Lan Dye to Captain Yamamoto!

Even if he has the confidence to deal with Captain Yamamoto, there is no need for him to go head-to-head.

Yet at the moment.

Even if Captain Yamamoto lost the power of the slashing knife, he did not tie his hands up.

He directly uses white fighting!

"One bone !!"


He punched Wanda Wises a long way.

He said in an indifferent tone.

"Do you think that if you seal the flowing blade like fire, you can kill the old man?"

"How naïve! Why do you think I have been able to serve as the captain of Team 13 of the Guardian Court all this time? "

"Because even after 1,000 years, there is no Grim Reaper stronger than me!!"

Captain Yamamoto's tone was already filled with the anger of burning all things!

That's his bottom line!

Even if you don't rely on your own slashing knife, you can solve all the enemies you encounter! .

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