At this moment, the audience was very speechless about what Lan Ran did.

And then, Dongxian wants to use Tianting Empty Luo!

Acting as a long-range loudspeaker, Lan Ran was able to speak to countless people.

"Fellow intruders of the virtual circle..."

"We're going to attack the present world next."

"I left Inoue Orihime in the Fifth Tower, if you want to save Inoue Orihime, just go!"

Hearing this, Ichigo Kurosaki, Kenhachi Gengi, Hana Lie, Hakuya Kurumi, and Nirvana were all in the spirit of twelve!

Indigo dyeing is what is this going to do!?

Only the voice of Lan Dye was heard to continue.

Beginning to describe very contradictory things:

"Inoue Orihime is useless now!!"

"Although Inoue Orihime's ability is very strong..."

"This power to reject things has surpassed the capabilities that human beings can have."

"The high-level of the Corpse Soul Realm is very clear! Therefore, when she was kidnapped, the corpse soul world was like a great enemy, and strengthened the defense of the corpse soul world, ignoring the present world. "

At this moment, the plan of blue dyeing began to be revealed to the world!

"The Corpse Soul Realm sent all the members of the Grim Reaper who originally protected the present world back to the Corpse Soul Realm."

"Inoue Orihime has now become a decoy. Attract combat power such as the acting Grim Reaper to the virtual circle. "

"And the most important thing is to attract the four captains to the virtual circle."

"And after that, you're going to be stuck here."

Rumble! Rumble! Rumble!!

Then, I saw that the empty cavity closed instantly.

The four black cavities they had passed through before were all blocked.

The captains such as Shiraya Kurumi and Orochimaru were surprised, and they didn't have time to get out of it!


Hearing this, the Grim Reaper was greatly surprised.

Although they can vaguely guess the purpose of indigo dyeing according to the previous picture!

But now after listening to him say it truthfully, I am still very surprised.

[Yamamoto Motoyanagisai Shigekoku: It turns out that this is the purpose of indigo dyeing! ] He turned out to be so sophisticated. 】

[Minister Chojiro: Didn't we think about it before? Is his capture of Inoue Orihime, in addition to those related to Kurosaki Ichigo, a reason for attracting these combat powers? 】

[Kurumi Hakuya: Indeed, he attracted the eighth-rank captain of the Genmu Sword here. The combat effectiveness of the Corpse Soul Realm can be said to be greatly weakened. Ishida Yuryu was shocked to ask Nirvana.

"Isn't there another way to open this passage?"

Nirvana lightly explained.

"It's useless, the only one who can parse this black cavity is Kisuke Urahara. We couldn't contact him, and naturally there was no way to open it. "

Lan Ran was still explaining his plan.

"Each captain of the 13 Guardian Court Team is very powerful, but now that there are three betrayals and four are blocked, the combat effectiveness of the Corpse Soul Realm will be greatly weakened."

"Let's destroy Kuzacho first, and then create the King Key."

"Finally, take the Corpse Soul Realm."

"As for the people who have circled you in the void, I'll come back and deal with you slowly!!"

If you dye it, throw it on the ground!


In a chat group.

[Orochimaru: It's really troublesome, originally the blue dye was difficult enough to deal with, and our troops were forced to disperse. 】

[Kisuke Urahara: Although at this time, Nirvana does not seem to have much combat power, but it is very good to be able to attract this special combat power to the more wooden sword hachi. 】

[Nirvana: Hey, hey, who told you that I don't have combat effectiveness? Underestimating my words comes at a great price. 】

[Uluchiorra: Without a medical captain, the Grim Reaper should be quite troublesome, but under the power of Lord Lan Ran, there is no need to heal the wound at all. 】

[Hurribel: The reason why so many captains survived is not because of the so-called healing team, but because Lord Lan Ran's subordinates showed mercy. 】

[Kyoraku Chunshui: Hehe, you can't say that, maybe this is also one of the important purposes of blue dyeing, don't underestimate our captain Oh no Hana! ] It seems that Lan Ran has never dared to face Captain Ohana, right? 】

[Hurribel: What are you kidding?] The leader of a medical team said as if he was very powerful. At most, it's just that we Lan Ran-sama don't want to fight women. After all, he didn't want to do anything hot. 】

[Gerard: Hmph, this guy really wants to fight the Spirit King Palace, which is why he has to sacrifice so many creatures to make this king key. ] 】

[Hasward: However, everything he does is doomed to failure, and the only one who can replace the Spirit King is our Majesty. 】

[Zhibo Yixin: Don't be in such a hurry to make a conclusion, don't forget that I was still in the corpse soul world at that time... Although I don't know what I was doing at that time, it must be closely related to the corpse soul world, and it will not let you succeed. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Novel Network!) )


Kurosaki Ichigo also shouted loudly.

[Kurosaki Ichigo: The corpse soul world will definitely not fall under the control of Lan Ran. ] 】

[Kurosaki Ichigo: Anyway, I don't care what your purpose is... No matter what, you can never hurt my companions, you can't hurt my city. 】

[Kurosaki Ichigo: I will stop you at all costs. 】

[Lan Ran Yusuke: If you want to protect your companions, you must have the corresponding strength and determination! ] Kurosaki Ichigo, look forward to having these things! 】


In the picture.

Kurosaki Ichigo was shocked when he learned such news, and quickly ran to stop Lan Ran.

But at the moment, there is nothing he can do.

Kenhachi Gengi told Ichigo Kurosaki.

Kisuke Urahara did one more thing before letting the captains go to the void circle.

That is to be in Kuzacho, so that the commander of the whole unit is ready for battle at any time.

Hearing this, Chadu Taihu was still a little puzzled.

"Are you going to fight in Kuzacho? How could these captains fight at full strength? It's impossible for Kuzacho to bear it, right? "

Nirvana continued to explain.

All they were given was to be ready for war.

Just let the captain go there to deploy the battle, there is no way to officially fight, it is necessary to rely on the transformation pillar.

Turn that empty town into a place where you can fight.

Therefore, Kisuke Urahara created a facility called the Boundary Crossing Pillar by connecting the four points to form a huge barrier gate with a radius of one kilometer.

Place these things in the four sides of Kuzacho.

At the same time, Kisuke Urahara also entrusted the Technology Development Bureau.

A delicate model (King's) type of Kuzacho was created and placed outside of Ryumon Street.

After hard work, Nirvana was finally successfully completed.

This model can surround Kuzacho and replace him with something in the Corpse Realm.

Therefore, they moved the entire empty town intact outside of Flowing Soul Street.

The residents were also sent to the corpse soul realm along with the street.

The place where the blue dye has invaded now is just a replica of the empty empty town of Kuzacho.

Even if it is destroyed by a captain-level battle, there is no problem!

That's why there was a vigorous battle of Kuzacho Prefecture after that!


Everyone finally understood how the Corpse Soul Realm was deployed, and they could only marvel at it!

[Gerard: Good guy, it's this Kisuke Urahara again, he really has him everywhere, as long as it involves invention, you can't get rid of his relationship! ] 】

[Hasward: It's strange that such a powerful device should be applied to an empty zacho. 】

Once again, the audience was extremely surprised by Kisuke Urahara!

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