
Lan Ran said lightly to his subordinates:

"Okay, leave this Kurosaki Ichigo alone."

"But you are missing one thing, you didn't report it, did you?"

"Who sent the funeral troops to pursue Kurosaki Ichigo and the others?"

Hearing this, this subordinate sweated coldly.

He didn't seem afraid to answer the question.

Blue dye directly began to release coercion!


Under the powerful spiritual pressure of indigo dyeing.

This subordinate was on the verge of collapse, trembling, and his consciousness was about to disappear.

And Sal Apollo appeared behind him and relieved him.

"I sent the funeral troops to pursue Ichigo Kurosaki... Lord Indigo. "

Lan Ran stopped the spiritual pressure "seven five three" shock.

Sal Apollo immediately knelt down on one knee to apologize to Lan Ran.

"I'm sorry, Lord Lan Ran, I let the funeral army deal with him in order to really be able to get rid of these intruders."

"I think this is good for Lord Lan Ran..."

"Even if I don't get your instructions, I'm ready to be punished!!"

Lan Ran's face softened.

"As long as you have a reason, I won't blame you,"

"It's just that your future report should be correct."

"You're doing this for your experiments, aren't you?"

Sal Apollo looked moved.

It seems that the secret of his own experiments was also discovered by Lan Ran.

He could only nod his head very unsavorily.

"Yes, no."

Subsequently, Lan Ran let him go.

Ichimaru Silver asked him with a smile!

"Oops! Your own subordinates have been burned to death, why are you so happy? "

Lan Ran glanced at Ichimaru Gin.

"Do I look alike?"


Not like...

Make it clear!

Completely impossible to hide!

Ichimaru Gin was too lazy to complain about Lan Ran, and continued to laugh:

"Isn't that so? Those people are constantly defeating their opponents, and you seem to have fun coming here, and your expression betrays you. "

Lan Ran was seen through by Ichimaru Silver.

"Have fun? Indeed, I feel a similar feeling. Do you think I'm very weird? "

Ichimaru Silver understands indigo dyeing very well.

"How so? Because I feel the same way. "


Looking at the video of Ichigo Kurosaki on the screen of the Void Night Palace, Lan Ran and Ichimaru Silver were both smiling in confusion!


Seeing this, everyone had nothing to say except to complain.

These two guys really watched Kurosaki Ichigo continue to break through, but they did nothing! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

It seems that he is really looking for opportunities to train Ichigo Kurosaki!

In the chat group, the crowd is still continuing the conversation.

[Heribel: Although a little speechless, but this is also a move that our Lan dye master will do, and he is the one who cares most about Kurosaki Ichigo. 】

[Stark: Hmph, that friend Habach can also touch our blue-dyed lord, he doesn't deserve it at all. 】

[Zomali: The only person who can qualify to be Kurosaki Ichigo's father is our Lord Ranza. 】

[Zhibo Yixin: Hey, hey, don't put me in your eyes! ] 】

[Kurosaki Ichigo: Will my future growth depend on this blue dye? I...]

Both Ichishin Shihata and Ichigo Kurosaki had question marks on their faces.

The other Shinigami immediately comforted Ichigo Kurosaki!

[Rukia Kurumi: It's okay, Ichigo, you don't need to doubt yourself, anyway, you rely on your own spiritual will to get to what you are now! ] 】

[Orochimaru: That's right, in addition to external causes, your internal causes are the most critical! ] 】

[Lan Ran Yusuke: Yes, I believe that even without me, you can achieve very brilliant achievements, right? I'm still very confident in Ichigo Kurosaki! 】

[Kurosaki Ichigo: Hmph, of course! I don't need to dye you, nor do I need this hateful friend Habach, I can slowly improve! 】

[Youhabach: Huh, really? What a big contrarian! 】

[Gerard: Kurosaki Ichigo, I advise you not to be sentimental, without our Majesty, you can't achieve the achievement of Gooh fighting! ] And in the future, you, as well as the other gods of death in the corpse soul world, will not be able to stop me!" 】

[Hasward: Maybe in the future, we will be able to see His Majesty ruling the corpse soul realm and defeating all the Grim Reaper, including this blue dye! ] 】

The Exterminator is full of confidence in them at this moment!

I think that blue dyeing is at most pretending to be forced in front...

Later, they will definitely have to be beaten by their majesties!

His Majesty, who has fused the power of the Spirit King, is not something that other gods of death can touch porcelain at all!


While everyone was arguing, the picture continued to play.

In the later screen, it switches to the scene where Kenhachi fights Neutra.

After taking out Neutra.

Kenhachi directly kicked Kurosaki Ichigo in the shield and flew out.

Kurosaki Ichigo was still very puzzled, why was he so rude to himself?

Genmu Jianba said lightly.

"Pick up that knife of yours and leave with that woman! Your task is complete, and I'll leave it to 0.2. "

Kurosaki Ichigo asked aloud in surprise.

“??? What are you talking about? I'm already in this circle. "

Genmu Jianba interrupted him.

"Aren't you a Shinigami agent?"

"Your mission is just to protect that city, Kuzacho."

"You should be content to be able to rescue this woman, right?"

"I think you've had enough fun playing too, right?"

It was clear that Kenhachi Kurosaki was disgusted that Ichigo Kurosaki would rob him of his fight.

So I wish he would hurry up and roll.

If it weren't for the foreign enemy, it is estimated that he would still want to fight with Kurosaki Ichigo!

Ichigo Kurosaki: "...".

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