
Asanai Koji and Kurosaki Ichigo quickly discuss joining forces to deal with Ranja.

Asan said that he would do his best at this time.

Block indigo dyeing as much as possible.

Give Ichigo Kurosaki a chance to attack Lan Ran.

Under the order of Asanai Koji.


Countless broken snake-tailed pill blades quickly flew up from the ground, densely enveloping the blue dye.

Taking advantage of the moment, Kurosaki Ichigo also quickly rushed over ~ going.

Prepare for a lethal attack on the blue dye - .

Under the editing of Thousand Nights, the exciting and enthusiastic BGM in the projection of the three realms sounded at the same time, and even gave the audience the illusion that Kurosaki Ichigo was going to attack and attack successfully!

Unfortunately, before he hit Lan Ran, the passionate BGM suddenly stopped.


Lan Ran was still very windy, and stopped Kurosaki Ichigo's Heavenly Lock Choyue with one finger!

That's right!

Just with one finger!

Let Kurosaki Ichigo see it directly!

Could it be that the distance between him and Lan Ran was so far apart?

And immediately after...


However, even if it is not broken, the powerful force will not be reduced, and it will directly seriously injure Ichigo Kurosaki!


Ichigo Kurosaki's body was sprayed with blood.

Lan Ran looked at Kurosaki Ichigo with a smile at this time.

It seems that he treats Ichigo Kurosaki as a son.

He didn't directly kill Ichigo Kurosaki, and he didn't want to break his swastika directly, lest he be unable to fight later.

From top to bottom, he glanced at Kurosaki Ichigo seriously, and said with interest.

"Oh, I thought I could cut you off with this move..."


After seeing this scene, the audience was also a little mixed.

[Uluchiorra: Sure enough, Lord Lan Ran could have killed Kurosaki Ichigo a long time ago, but he just wanted him to grow up, so he didn't kill him. 】

[Stark: Yes, after fighting for so long, there is no serious killing of a Shinigami, Lord Lan Ran is really very gentle. ] 】

[Herribel: This attack is just right! ] Not only did Kurosaki Ichigo know the huge gap between himself and Lord Lan Ran, inspiring him to keep rising, but also did not cause him any fatal damage! So gentle! 】

[Ichimaru Gin: Yes, this is the mind of Captain Blue Dye. 】

[Grimjow: Kurosaki Ichigo this kid really knows how to take revenge, and I don't know if the Three Realms projection can be arranged, he used Moon Muyue to cut Lan Dye in two, and also cut the BGM scene... Is this the original source from? 】

[Urucchiora: This guy Ichigo Kurosaki... It's quite vindictive indeed! 】

【Ichigo Kurosaki:......】

【Shibo Kazushin:......】

[Gerard: It's really a boring battle, just watching a high-ranking boss abuse dishes, and deliberately not uprooting dishes... It's really boring. 】

[Dongxian wanted: Hmph, you must know that it is more difficult to have such a powerful power without killing a weak human being. ] I want to step over the body of an ant, but I don't hurt it

[Hasward: Yes, this is also quite demanding for acting skills...]

Everyone was once again very speechless about this parent-child battle between Kurosaki Ichigo and Lan Ran.




Another Grim Reaper's blood spray!

Let Asan Jing completely fall to the ground, completely losing his combat effectiveness.

Subsequently, Lan Ran came to his prey, Rukia.

"It's good, I was finally able to take you away." (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Seeing that Lan Ran was about to do something excessive to Rukia Kurumi, Kurosaki Ichigo had to barely stand up no matter how painful it was.

Lan Ran turned his head and was also amazed to find that Kurosaki Ichigo was still able to stand up!

He looked lovingly at the struggling Kurosaki Ichigo and appreciated his will to fight.

"It's pitiful, and conscious!"

"When your vitality and strength do not match, it will become a defect!"

"I advise you not to be too reluctant."

The more Lan Ran spoke, the more gentle and kind he became, as if he was a doctor who cared about Ichigo Kurosaki.

"Your current spine should only be able to barely stay connected."

"No matter how much you try to get up, it will be in vain."

"This is a law of nature that cannot be violated."

"You've all made the most of it, so just lie down honestly!"

"Your mission has been accomplished!!"

Hearing Lan Ran's series of words, Kurosaki Ichigo was instantly stunned,

What task?

How can this blue dye have words in his words?

I don't understand it at all...

What the hell is he talking about...

Lan Ran continued to say these words:

"I know you guys will invade Xiliu Soul Street, so keep an eye on that place in advance."

"And in time, the Jing Spirit Wall was lowered, and let the people of the Sanban team and the Jiuban team guard it."

"And let Silver meet you!"

"If the Spirit Wall appears, and the captain guards it, then the only way for you to enter the Spirit Court is the cannon of Shiba Kuzuru!"

"This method of invasion is very vigorous, and it will naturally attract the attention of the thirteenth team of the Guardian Court!"

"Even if the captain was killed, it didn't cause much disturbance."

"Thank you so much for making my movements so much easier!"

Ichigo Kurosaki: "??? "

The more Ichigo Kurosaki listened, the less he understood at this time!

Why does it seem that he was used by this inexplicable blue dye?

And also made his rebellion operations more convenient?

"How do you know? Are we going to emerge from West Stream Soul Street? "

Seeing the confused Kurosaki Ichigo, Lan Ran seemed quite surprised.

Kurosaki Ichigo didn't seem to have a way to understand what he meant.

This is not normal...

Lan Ran continued to ask:

"Is it weird? Kisuke Urahara's Gate Crossing Gate can only come to Nishiryu Soul Street! "

"Aren't you his subordinates?"

"Didn't Kisuke Urahara order you to come and snatch Rukia Kurumi back?"

Lan Ran always thought that Kisuke Urahara would play a very important role in Kurosaki Ichigo's growth path.

Kurosaki Ichigo still had that shocked expression, and it seemed that there was no way to understand it at all.

Kurosaki Ichigo, who slowly realized that he had been arranged for countless things, felt a chill at this moment!

Ru Mang in the back wide!.

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