In the chat group, the crowd is still arguing fiercely.

[Lije Barrow: Hmph, what are you proud of? Isn't it just standing up? Kurosaki Ichigo was saved by a foreign aid, indicating that Yaskin had won. 】

[Yaskin: Besides, that brutal one-hit lethal way doesn't fit my character at all, it's not elegant at all. 】

[Four Maple Courtyard Yoichi: Hmph, always emphasize your elegance, just can't eat grapes and say grape sour. They must not dare to fight others head-on, so they can only rely on this insidious ability. 】

[Orochimaru: Our Kurosaki Ichigo definitely has more important people to deal with, to defeat Yuhabach, so there is no need to continue fighting with Yaskin. 】

[Yaskin: Hmph, I didn't even take out the strongest finished holy body, this Kurosaki Ichigo is really a dish! ] 】

[Lijebaro: Even if this Kurosaki Ichigo comes to our Majesty, at most, he will be sent to death, and it is impossible to cause much trouble. 】

[Gerard: At most, our Majesty did not quickly kill him because of his blood relationship, and once His Majesty was completely disappointed in him, he would definitely be able to solve Kurosaki Ichigo in an instant. ] 】


When everyone is arguing.

The screen switches again.

The battle between the four Kaede siblings and Yaskin was not broadcast in detail.

To the surprise of the audience, there were memories related to Ishida Yulong.

Ishida remembered the horrible scenes he had seen in the past.

His father, Ishida Ryuji, was in a bed, facing his mother's corpse, doing something unknown.


Ishida Yulong was shocked and asked in a trembling voice.

"Why!? Mom is dead... And also cut the mother's body ... Stop it, Daddy. "

However, his father only glanced at him lightly and did not explain what "seven eight zero" was.

This incident also left a very large psychological shadow on Ishida Yulong.

After that.

After Ishida Yuryu came to high school, he befriended Ichigo Kurosaki.

Kurosaki Ichigo had also asked him.

"Then again, why did you go to such an ordinary high school?"

"I think you should go to a better high school."

"I don't know what you think! As the son of a doctor, he should want to be a doctor, right? "

Ishida Yuryu asked a rhetorical question.

"Your dad is a doctor too, right? What about you? "

Ichigo Kurosaki showed a look of disgust and seemed to mention something very obscure.

"Oh, that smelly daddy in my family is not so much a doctor as a bearded uncle! There is no doctor's style at all..."

Ishida Yuryu let out a long sigh.

Start pouring out your true thoughts.

"I don't want to be a doctor anymore."

Kurosaki Ichigo asked him a little surprised.

"What do you mean? You mean, have you ever had the idea of becoming a doctor? "

Ishida Yulong looked at him left and right, his eyes also looked to the side, and he didn't seem to want to answer.

Kurosaki Ichigo also understood Ishida Yulong very well, and just said lightly.

"It's okay, if you don't want to say it, don't force it."

This is indeed a move that the gentle and considerate Ichigo Kurosaki would make.

Ishida Yuryu smiled gratefully at his understanding, and everything was silent.

And actually.

Ishida Yuryu did not want to be a doctor precisely because of the shadow caused by his father's behavior.

If dissecting a dead wife was a doctor's job, he didn't want to do it.


After seeing this memory, everyone still felt a little puzzled.

[Shiraya Kurumi: How did you switch to the scene of Ishida Yuryu? Does this set this up for the future? 】

[Rukia Kurumi: It seems that Ishida should also know that his mother's death is related to Yuhabach, right? So why did he help Yohabach? 】

[Matsumoto Ranju: Shishida Yuryu's father doesn't look like the kind of brutal and inhuman guy! ] Why would it be so bad for her wife... Is there anything special about this dissected corpse? 】

[Shiba Isshin: Hmph, Ichigo you smelly boy spit on his father like this? It seems that I need to give you an education in love! 】

[Kisuke Urahara: Anyway, it was Yuhabach's holy farewell that caused a series of tragedies, and Yuhabach has an unshirkable responsibility for this, and Ishida Yuryu should avenge his mother. 】

[Ichigo Kurosaki: That's how it is...]


Subsequently, the memories gradually faded and returned to reality.

Ishida Yulong returned to the core palace of True World City with a sad face.

Just happened to run into Hasward!

Hasward asked in a word-to-mouth manner.

"Ishida Yulong, your very painful expression!"

Ishida Yulong raised his head and sneered back.

"Is it? Hasward, why do I think you're distressed? "

Hasward was particularly confident at this time, and said gracefully:

"Have you forgotten?"

"In the evening, when Your Majesty sleeps, my power will be exchanged with Your Majesty!"

"By looking into the future, what I see about you is full of distress!"

Ishida Yuryu's eyes widened.

It seems to be a bit of a thief with a weak heart.

"Could it be... Do you see the look of my betrayal? "

If he was set out by Hasward, it can even be said that he blew himself up!

Hasward looked indifferent.

Further pressed Ishida Yulong, who looked more and more flustered.

"Oh, why do you ask that? I didn't say anything? However, I found a lot of this kind of thing in various parts of this True World City. "

He pulled out countless things that resembled small pieces of wood and spilled them on the ground.

Ishida Yulong's pupils suddenly constricted.

It seems that I have seen something related to me.

Not good......

It was discovered by Hasward...

But he still pretended to be calm,

Control the trembling of his body and continue to ask faintly.

"What do you mean by that? I don't remember ever letting go of something like this. "

Hasward mercilessly debunked Ishida Yulong.

"Is it? I've seen devices that use this small wood chip. "

"This is very similar to the thing used on the suffering handbag taken away by the Ishida family, which is an object used to decompose and spread Reiko."

"Ishida Yuryu! Why did you put this device in Real World City? "

Hasward's words, like Huang Zhong Da Lu, struck Ishida Yulong's heart!


After seeing this enigmatic dialogue, the audience looked strange.

What are these two riddlers talking about?

Something seems wrong...

The Grim Reaper also discussed in private and reached the following consensus:

This Ishida Yulong seems to be doing something secretly!

And it seems likely to be something bad for the invisible empire.

In this way, is Ishida Yulong really undercover?

He is not a traitor on the side of the Grim Reaper?

Is it a traitor on the side of the annihilation division?

In that case, the Shinigami did not hate Ishida Yulong so much.

And now it seems that if his affairs are exposed, it will not be a good thing!

It is estimated that after Ishida Yulong, there is no way to continue to penetrate into the inside of Yuhabach.

The mood of the Grim Reaper is very complicated, continue to watch the next picture!

I want to see what Ishida Yuryu really wants to do.

Nirvana, who once had a festival with Ishida Yulong, also complained viciously.

"If he doesn't have a firm grasp, why would he sneak into the interior of the Exterminator Division?"

"Is he really sure that he can secretly calculate his friend Habach?" (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"For an ordinary person like him, even if he plays some tricks, it seems that it is difficult to achieve, right?"

"And his psychological quality is too poor, right?"

"Before Hasward asked, he didn't call himself..."

As Nirvana said, the Shinigami didn't know how to evaluate Ishida Yuryu's actions at this time.


In the invisible empire.

Within the Exterminator Division, they were also very puzzled by this conversation.

They began to talk about it:

"Could it be that this Ishida Yulong wants to do something bad to the palace built by our Majesty in the future?"

"Hehe, what a stupid idea, does he think he has a chance to cause harm to our Majesty?"

"Even if you don't need our all-knowing and all-powerful Majesty, Hasward alone can easily see through him."

"Hmph, it's okay, let them see the power of our extermination division, let them stop fighting any more ideas."

"If this guy really wants to be a traitor to our annihilation division, then we must not let him go easily in the future."

This Ishida family is the real Destroyer family.

The Destroyer of the Invisible Empire naturally also knew something!

However, they will only look down on them at all, thinking that they are the remnants of the old era.

This Ishida Yulong still wants to be a second or five?

What a reverse!


The Ishida Yulong in the picture still wants to quibble.

"If you want to add sin, why is there no excuse?"

Hasward seemed to see through a lot of things to come, so he drew his knife and turned his knife at him.

He has always been calm and peaceful, and said with a very rare smile.

"Oh, if you want to add sin, why is there no excuse? Then prove yourself! Ishida Yuryu. "

He directly burst out with an extremely powerful spiritual pressure and swept towards the Ishida Rain Dragon.


Under his attack, Ishida Yulong retreated tens of meters.

The walls of this core palace were also directly pierced through a large area.

Ishida Yuryu shouted badly, and tried to dissuade Hasward's fight.

As a result, at this time, a figure also appeared, it was his friend...

Ichigo Kurosaki!!

Seeing these two people, Kurosaki Ichigo immediately looked solemn.

He didn't have time to greet Ishida Yuryu, but first looked at Hasward.

Kurosaki Ichigo's expression instantly froze on his face.

What's going on with this guy's eyes?

Exactly the same as Youhabach?

At this time, the eyes of the three pupils flashed with excitement.

He is very much looking forward to the next scene!

"It seems that the characters have arrived!"

"Ishida Yuryu! Let's prove it! "

"If you say you are not a traitor, then kill all these people."

"What answer will you give me? I'll take a good look, Yuryu Ishida!! "


In order to prove his innocence, Ishida Yuryu did not reserve, and quickly began to shoot several bows and arrows at Kurosaki Ichigo.


Kurosaki Ichigo cried in his heart, and could only question him while fighting.

"What the hell are you doing! Ishida? Why listen to that guy? "


After that, the floor destroyer Yuryu Ishida aimed at the floor under Kurosaki Ichigo's feet and launched an attack, causing both Kurosaki Ichigo and Chado Taitora to fall.

Seeing this, Inoue Orihime could only quickly jump down and protect Kurosaki Ichigo and the others with a shield!

They were deprived of the power to control the battle of the Spirit Son, and they had no way to step into the air, so they could only fall to the bottom area of True World City in embarrassment.


Seeing such a scene, the audience wanted to complain again.

[Lan Ran Yusuke: It's because of his companions who are deflated... Kurosaki Ichigo, I don't even know what to say about you. Could it be that the companion in front of him is more important than the future of the corpse soul realm? 】

[Tosen: Indeed, this Kurosaki Ichigo is a bit indecisive. 】

[Uruchiorra: This Ishida Rain Dragon has blocked Kurosaki Ichigo several times, and they are all critical moments! ] 】

[Shiba Isshin: Well, in this regard... I can't agree with your approach, son. 】

[Ichimaru Gin: However, this is also the character of Ichigo Kurosaki that we are familiar with, isn't it? Without his attachment to his companions, he would not have come to this day. 】

[Rukia Kurumi: yes, I don't know what to say about what Ichigo is doing now. 】

[Shiraya Kurumi: Indeed, companions are the source of Kurosaki Ichigo's power...]


When everyone helplessly spit on Kurosaki Ichigo.


Not long after, Ishida Yuryu also came to Kurosaki Ichigo and the others again.


Facing Ishida Yuryu who was walking towards him, Kurosaki Ichigo still asked seriously without mercy.

"Ishida, why are you following these exterminators and fighting us?"

Ishida Yuryu was also a little touched in the face of Kurosaki Ichigo's persistence.

"By now, you've listened to these reasons... And how? "

Kurosaki Ichigo's neck was bruised, and he said loudly in a hoarse voice:

"If the reason is acceptable, it doesn't matter if you want to do it!"

"I'll beat you up and wake you up."

"If I can't accept it, I'll beat you up even more."

Ishida Yulong: "..."

See this Kurosaki Ichigo who is obsessed with bringing himself back.

Ishida Yulong's waveless face also showed a trace of emotion.

He sighed, took out a round mirror in his hand, threw it to Ichigo Kurosaki, and began to explain.

"This is the key to the sun, and the people of the Star Cross Knights have it!"

"As long as it is placed on the metal plate called the Sun Gate in various places in True World City, it can move between the various Sun Gates."

"From here to the left, there is a staircase to the ground!"

"Five floors down from there, there will be a Sun Gate that has been placed to invade this world, and you will use this door to return to this world!"

"I'll stay and destroy this place."

The tsundere Yuryu Ishida was influenced by Kurosaki Ichigo and finally had a showdown, showing that he was on Kurosaki Ichigo's side.

"As long as the wedges I placed in this True World City are activated at the same time, then this True World City will be completely destroyed!"

"I know you certainly won't agree with me..."

"That's why I'm alone against the enemy!!"


Seeing this, the whole world was amazed!

[Gerard: Damn, you traitor betrayed us, I will never let you go. Hmph, why did His Majesty pull this guy into our ranks? 】

[Cadice: He actually wanted to betray us. 】

[Kurosaki Ichigo: Great, Ishida, I'm relieved to see that you didn't really want to embarrass us. 】

[Yuryu Ishida: ......].

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