Seeing this Jaskin, Grimmjow rushed over first.

A direct heavy blow.

Smash the building where Jaskin is located to pieces!


Let countless rubble bury Yaskin's body.

Kurosaki Ichigo and the others were also a little surprised.

They thought they had killed an exterminator so quickly.

But the next moment.

The exterminator ran out of the ruins again, and ran away.

Grimdjow said loudly and dissatisfied.

"Hey, you guy, stop for me, aren't you here to fight?"

This Yaskin is really very bad, and said righteously.

"Who said I was here to fight?"

"I'm here to kill you."

"So, it's best to kill you without alarming you."

Saying that, Jaskin also asked Grimmjow suspiciously:

"By the way, aren't you broken? Why didn't I see you fight before, and only came out now? "

The audience can see that he is a very cautious guy who prefers to sneak up on small hands and feet, and is completely different from the previous Guards Gerard!

Grimmjow still said with a dead duck mouth:

"I... I am Ichigo Kurosaki's enemy. "

Hearing this, Jaskin was not happy!

Directly holding the 21 into the appearance of a pistol, he invited Grimchow very warmly.

"Okay, let's join forces to kill Ichigo Kurosaki together!"

But hearing this, Grimmjow immediately cooled his face.

It was as if I had heard the most unacceptable thing.

"Oh, I refuse."

"Don't talk so much nonsense."

"Let me catch up with you first and kill you!"

He said he wanted to kill Ichigo Kurosaki, but how could he bear it?


He entered a state similar to a partial blade, turning his hands and feet into the form of a leopard, bursting out with faster speed!

Let Jaskin look at it is all amazed, and it is really tricky to call it out.

After that, facing such a rapid Grimkjow, Kurosaki Ichigo was lost.

It seems that Grim Jow is going to be one-on-one with this guy?

That's a bit of a hassle.

After some discussion, Kurosaki Ichigo and the others quickly separated and acted.


Seeing this person, the audience was seriously analyzed.

[Jingle Chunshui: This guy should also be one of the guards that has appeared before, and it seems that his strength should not be underestimated. ] 】

[Ukitake Juro: It's a bit obscene though... But such a cautious member is not easy to deal with! 】

[Kisuke Urahara: Well, such a cautious fellow, Grimmjow and Mr. Kurosaki need to come on! ] 】

[Grimjow: Hmph, don't worry, I'll definitely catch up with him and kill him!] In front of me, no one can escape smoothly! 】

[Kisuke Urahara: Grim Jow, you shouldn't have been so angry with Mr. Kurosaki when you heard him say he was going to kill him?] 】

[Grimcho: Hey, you unserious guy is noisy, shut up for me! ] 】


While everyone was talking about it, the next picture appeared.

Kurosaki Ichigo was in an alley when he suddenly saw Yaskin who broke in.

It looks like he has defeated Grimmjow.

Kurosaki Ichigo's face changed slightly, and he immediately concentrated on preparing for battle!

However, just as they were about to start fighting.

A black cold air fell from the sky.


Temperatures also seem to be rapidly starting to drop.

Ichigo Kurosaki and Yaskin were also very surprised.

Obviously I didn't see anything.

Kurosaki Ichigo and the others involuntarily felt a chilling feeling. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Kurosaki Ichigo quickly thought of something.

"Is this Mr. Kyoraku's spiritual pressure? What formidable enemy did he also encounter? "


Seeing this, the audience was also very surprised.

[Lan Ran Yusuke: Oh, it actually made Kurosaki Ichigo feel the shocked spiritual pressure! ] It seems that this Jingle spring water is still a little interesting. 】

[Jingle Spring Water: The spiritual pressure in this air. Did you say...】

[Ukitake Juro: That's right, it should be you who opened the swastika solution, it seems that the enemy is very tricky! ] 】

[Kyoraku Harushui: If nothing else, I would have released this swastika when I was away from my companions. Can Kurosaki Ichigo and others also feel it clearly? Hopefully, they can withstand it. 】

[Yaskin: Oh, I didn't expect it to be a comparison between Ichigo Kamosaki, I seem to be a little worried! ] 】

[Gerard: Hmph, Yaskin, if you can't deal with it, leave it to me! ] 】

Everyone is looking forward to the next scene!

Kurosaki Ichigo finally went head-to-head with one of the Guards, right?

In that case, you can know the strength of these guards!

In addition, other viewers also recognized other situations.

[Uru Chiorra: Slowly, if you say so, the spiritual pressure of Jingle Chunshui appeared, and he and the other gods of death also came to the Spirit King Palace? 】

[Stark: It's not easy! Could it be that besides Kisuke Urahara, there are other means to help the Shinigami go to the Spirit Palace? 】

[Dongxian wanted: Before this Urahara Kisuke had two means to go to the Spirit King Palace, are there other means? ] 】

[Nirvana: Hmph, shouldn't it be time for me to perform? 】

[Ichimaru Silver: What a more and more confusing future scene! ] It's time for the Grim Reaper to fight the final battle with the Exterminators! I don't know if I will have a chance to fight..."

[Yoichi of Shikaedein: My younger brother is also mentioned in the picture, as well as many other Shinigami spirit pressures. It seems that they have also come to the Spirit King Palace! 】

[Rifangu Dongshiro: If you think about it this way, wouldn't anyone be able to go to the Spirit King Palace, but Lan Dye hasn't been on yet? Haha, I couldn't hold back my laughter. 】

[Graymi: The Spirit King Palace that Lan Ran's heart is thinking about is so worthless now? 】

At this time, the audience is crazy about this.

If Lan Ran really couldn't go to the Spirit King Palace at this time, it would indeed be very ironic.

[Dongxian want: Hmph, don't be overly arrogant! ] It may not be for our Lord Lan Ran, your Grim Reaper would have been destroyed by the regiment long ago! There may be some scenes where you are called Lan Dye's father, but they have not yet been broadcast. 】

403 [Uluchiorra: I can't say that, who knows what role the blue dye master is playing at this time? 】

Lan Ran's subordinates are all trying to make up for Lan Ran.

However, indigo dyeing is still very calm.

[Lan Ran Yusuke: Indeed, behind this Armageddon, it must be inseparable from me! ] 】

[Lan Ran Yusuke: Besides, my purpose is not simply to go to the Spirit King Palace! ] 】

[Lan Ran Yusuke: My purpose is to defeat Team Zero and replace the Spirit King! ] 】

[Lan Ran Yusuke: But now it seems that your Zero Team is completely inadequate in front of Youhabach, and I probably shouldn't treat you as enemies! ] Only Youhabach deserves my attention the most! 】

[Ichibei of the main military department: Hmph, don't say that you can pass our Zero Fan team casually! ] 】

[Hasward: Hmph, you are qualified to treat our Majesty as an enemy..."

Everyone is accustomed to starting a verbal battle.


Lan Ran is also pressing, staring at the projection of the three realms, and he can't wait.

Let's hope your scene appears soon!

Although I am confident that I have a chance to appear.

But if you wait too long, it will inevitably be a bit tormenting.

Besides, if every god of death could go to the Spirit King Palace, the status and majesty of the Spirit King Palace that he had in mind would indeed be greatly reduced!

In that case, Lan Ran can't help but complain!

This Spirit King Palace really doesn't have any mystery or coercion at all...

Even cats and dogs can go to the Spirit King Palace! .

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