Just when the audience was preoccupied, I saw it in the picture!

The powerful power of the Crescent Cross Rush directly defused Cadice's attack!

And the momentum is not reduced, and continues to fly towards Cadice!

It is bound to destroy everything in its path!

But Katis seemed to be obsessed with ghosts, and still did not adhere to it.

Continue to want to fight this crescent cross.

Seeing this, Kurosaki Ichigo even shouted in a hurry!

"Hey, stupid! Hurry up and get out of the way! "

It is estimated that he did not use all his strength before using this move.

This speed is also the speed that the enemy can avoid.

It is a pity that he faced the enemy, but did not want to avoid ...

did not receive his tenderness.


After seeing this scene, the audience has unanimously recognized the strength of Kurosaki Ichigo.

These ordinary exterminators, even if there are many of them, Kurosaki Ichigo can easily deal with them.

It's a chasm!

So, they just wanted to spit on the battle of Ichigo Kurosaki and the others!

[Rukia Immortal: Are these exterminators so self-aware? Even if you don't know that Ichigo's new slashing moon is powerful, at least you know that Ichigo is the first of the special combat power, right? 】

[Shiraya Kurumi: Indeed, these exterminators are arrogant! ] 】

[Neutra: Yes, the person who knows the time is Junjie, even if it is a belligerent me, I will not seek my own death like this! ] 】

[Hibanya Fuyushiro: Good guy, I know that Kurosaki Ichigo will definitely be very strong, but I didn't expect him to show mercy to the enemy's subordinates, is this because it is a girl on the other side that is so favorable? 】

[Heribert: Kurosaki Ichigo is really a scumbag! ] 】

[Dongxian wants: The other side is also an enemy who wants to hurt his companions! ] It turned out to be so merciful. 】

[Matsumoto Ryokumaki: I can only say that this is the Kurosaki Ichigo we remember! ] He is such a character person. 】

[Grimjow: Hmph, that's not what he does with men. No wonder he is so popular with women. 】

[Youhabach: Oh, it's for the sake of our compatriots, that's why my subordinates have mercy, right? It seems that this is the instinct hidden in your blood! 】

[Ryo Yusuke: Yuhabach, don't be sentimental, Ichigo Kurosaki I know best, he can be regarded as carrying forward the personalities of Shinsaki Kurosaki and Shiba, and he is so warm to the enemy... Except when he lost his mind and became a minotaur, he never dealt a cruel blow to the enemy. 】

[Uluquiorra: Sure enough, only my injured world was achieved. 】


In the picture!

Cadice, who was not at all forced by her own strength, quickly rushed to her companion Z Giselle and repaired her left hand with his power!

What makes the audience want to complain even more is...

She also wanted to attack Ichigo Kurosaki without mercy.


It's so brave!

Although Ichigo Kurosaki is very gentle, this can't be the foundation for you to do nothing, right!?

However, it was not before she flew to Kurosaki Ichigo.

A wave of light suddenly penetrated her body.

Katice fell heavily from the air.


Rumble! Rumble! Rumble!!

Similar attacks were also applied to other female exterminators, who all looked over angrily.

Saw Bazby, who launched the attack.

Holy text H "burning. Heat!

He wears a mohican hairstyle and looks confident!

"I also have to participate in the matter of grabbing credit, this is a welfare to people!"


See here.

The exterminators all set off an uproar!

[Cadice: Hey, you bastard actually attacked me, are you a traitor? 】

[Kyoraku Chunshui: In the face of such a powerful enemy, it is really an interesting group to fight internally... Grabbing credit is not so robbing! 】

[Yamamoto Motoyanagisai Shigekoku: The Exterminator is indeed a very evil group, even his own companions do not let go. 】

[Kurosaki Ichigo: I don't know why, I always feel that the scene in front of me has a sense of déjà vu..."

[Lijebarro: Do you Grim Reaper think you're better? Kurosaki Ichigo before, when you broke into the corpse soul realm, you were also your own people beating your own people. 】

[Hibanya Fuyushiro: Hmph, you people don't touch us, you still want to grab credit at this juncture, I see that you have not fought Ichigo Kurosaki together, let alone infight. ] 】

[Grimjow: Let's think about it from a good angle, in fact, this sneak attack destroyer is saving his own companions! Otherwise, when this lightning girl rushes to Kurosaki Ichigo, it may really be over. 】

[Esnott: Well, it seems to make some sense...]

[Lan Ran Yusuke: I suspect that I used Kagami Shui Yue on them...]

[Uruchiorra: Yes, Lord Lan Ran! Otherwise, they are so ordinary, why are they so confident? 】


In addition to the real world, the exterminator on the screen alone is already noisy.

Later, three more members of the Knights of the Star Cross were added, and they also said that they wanted to come and grab credit.

It seems that all eight of them are going to involve each other.

So that the audience can only complain crazy...

[Uluchiorra: I really don't know what they think, against Kurosaki Ichigo, they still want to fight alone and let themselves enjoy the credit alone? 】

[Grimjow: Even if the eight of you make a move, you may not be able to please, right? 】

[Heribel: Even if he hadn't fought with Ichigo Kurosaki before, he wouldn't have such a stupid brain, right? 】

[Ichimaru Gin: It's really interesting, can it be said that Ichigo Kurosaki at this time is still in a different state than ordinary powerhouses? Indeed, his current apparent oppressive force seems to be far inferior to the last crescent moon heavenly rush state..."

[Ran: However, I don't think that Kurosaki Ichigo at this time is much weaker than it was then. 】

[Lan Ran Yusuke: It can even be said that it is precisely because Kurosaki Ichigo's level is too high, or that he actively hides his edge, that these exterminators feel good about themselves and think that they can barely fight. 】

[Lan Ran Yu Youjie: To exaggerate, this is a return to basics, looking at mountains or mountains, looking at water or water...] (Read violent novels, just go on Feilu Novel Network!) )

At this time, the blue dye seemed to turn into the strongest Ichigo Blow!

And others really have no way to refute it!

In the invisible empire.

After seeing Ichigo Kurosaki's fame and his unfathomable strength...

The parties in the picture, Cadis, Basby and other exterminators, can only gasp and completely doubt life.

The other exterminators also looked at them strangely!

Why do they dare to fight Ichigo Kurosaki?

Such Kurosaki Ichigo is not excessive to hand over to the guards, regiment commanders, and even His Majesty to deal with!

Such a powerful Kurosaki Ichigo, just feeling the spiritual pressure will make them avoid it, right?

Who gave them courage?


At this time.

Countless viewers are looking forward to how Ichigo Kurosaki will teach these arrogant people next.

However, in the picture, there is soon a change again.

A beam of light that rushed straight into the sky suddenly shot out from the palace of the Exterminator Division.


At this time, the king of the Exterminator, Youhabach, reappeared.

He looked at Kurosaki Ichigo from a distance and said loudly:

"Ichigo Kurosaki, the one who led my generation to the light!!"

"Thank you very much, I was able to break into the Spirit King Palace."

"The clothes you are wearing now are woven from the bones and hair of the Zero Fan Team called Wang Key."

"It is something made to break through the 72-layer barrier between the Spirit King Palace and the Spirit Court."

"Of all the things of death, there is no better dress."

"It is precisely because of that powerful defense that after you break through the 72-layer barrier, this barrier will not be closed for 6,000 seconds."

At this moment, you Habach, thank your son Kurosaki for the assist!

When Kurosaki Ichigo heard this, he was immediately shocked!

Could it be that it was because of themselves that they now had the opportunity to fight the Spirit King Palace?

This friend Habach is really a deep calculation!

With anger and self-blame, Kurosaki Ichigo quickly rushed towards Yuhabach.

But not yet waiting for him to pass.

That Hercules Female Exterminator". P", already knocked him off with one punch!

"Do you think that with so many of us intercepting, you still have a chance to pursue Your Majesty?"

After that, Kurosaki Ichigo constantly looked for opportunities to break through the obstruction of these exterminators.

At this time, reinforcements from Ichigo Kurosaki and others finally appeared.

Shiraya Kurumi and Koji Asanai quickly appear and stop his enemies.


After hearing these words.

Once again, the audience was in amazement.

[Nirvana: So that's the case, is this Yohabach's plan? Indeed, those 6,000 seconds is a very huge vulnerability. 】

[Orochimaru: I didn't expect it! ] Ichigo Kurosaki had just obtained such a powerful weapon, and the return of the king gave Yuhabach a chance. 】

[Shutara Senjumaru: This is also related to the new clothes I made for Kurosaki Ichigo... Damn it! I didn't expect that he would even stare at this 6,000-second barrier cooling period. 】

[Kirin Temple Tenshiro: But it just so happens that we have the opportunity to see his plan now, so we will not be attacked by them again because of this in the future. 】

[Ichimaru Gin: That's really interesting! The prop that Team Zero gave to Ichigo Kurosaki was actually in his calculations. 】

[Lan Ran Yusuke: Everything that Youhabach did before (the king's) seems to be able to find a basis. They deliberately wanted to cut off Ichigo Kurosaki's knife in order to make him go to the Spirit King Palace to reforge the slashing knife. 】

[Grimjow: Let me just say, why did they seem to have deliberately let Ichigo Kurosaki go?] It seems that there is a conspiracy! 】

[Lan Ran Yusuke: That's right! Kurosaki Ichigo, the only one who really raises you as a son is me! You have long surpassed mere experiments in my heart! This friend Habach is just using you! 】

[Kurosaki Ichigo: I really thank you for Ranja! And this abominable friend Habach! I definitely can't be used by you again! 】

[Lijebaro: Hehe, what kind of conspiracy, it's so ugly to say, our majesty and Hasward, who were originally a little merciful, spared his life. 】

[Hasward: Even if you don't use this method, there are other ways. Our Majesty has no idea. 】

[Gerard: His Majesty did not make a move on Kurosaki Ichigo now, it is the greatest mercy! ] 】

Of course, although the scene in the picture is very good...

But the friendly Habach in the real world can only frown.

"It seems that the exposure of these scenes is not a good thing..."

"In this way, they will indeed have a chance to directly break my plan."

"Even if you want to hit this Spirit King Palace, it is estimated that you have to change the method."

Friend Habach, who has always liked to calculate the most, was also quite embarrassed at this time.

If the son does not help himself in the future, it will be really troublesome! .

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