Among these court officials, Lin Feng saw a familiar figure.

"Lin Gong. "

The Jurchens have always been invincible to our courts, and the people are somewhat disappointed in the imperial court, so the imperial court specially arranged a ceremony to enter the city to show the majesty of our dynasty.

Wei Xian walked up and arched his hand towards Lin Feng and said.

"I understand.

Lin Feng bowed slightly.

Regardless of whether the courtiers have the meaning of great joy or not, this great victory is of great significance to Daewoo.

In this battle, the Jurchen vitality was greatly damaged, and since then, the imperial court can completely open the curtain of the counteroffensive.

It is not so important for the courtiers to know whether they know or not, it is important to let the people know that they should return to the court, believe in the court, and the people's will is the foundation of a dynasty's long-term pride.

At the moment, Daewoo really needs this kind of exciting thing.

Entrance ceremony.

To put it bluntly, it's a different kind of military parade.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng couldn't help but think of the military parade held every few years in his previous life.

Hundreds of millions of people pay attention at the same time, that kind of heroic posture, every time I see it, it will always make people's blood boil, and in my heart, I can't wait to have the idea of serving the country on the battlefield.

The armies of this era, perhaps in the phalanxes and queues, did not have such strict requirements.

However, whether it is Qinglong's hussar battalion or Su Xingchang's five military battalions, a lot of work has been put into training.

Perhaps, with a little arrangement, it can also give people a visual impact.

At the very least, there should be no problem in injecting a shot in the arm in the hearts of the general public.

Thinking of this, the corners of Lin Feng's mouth couldn't help but turn up.

"Ladies and gentlemen, wait a minute, this palace will make some arrangements. Lin Feng said loudly.

"Lin Gong arranged it himself, just don't miss the auspicious time. An official of the Ministry of War arched his hand and said respectfully.

There is no way.

They may not have a low official position, and they are important ministers of the court in the eyes of others, but they know in their hearts that it is better to be cautious in front of this Lin Gonggong.

This person doesn't care what official position they have, in case one of them is unhappy, it is not impossible for their heads to fall to the ground.

The name of a man, the shadow of a tree.

The decisive killing in the court, and the tragic situation of King Ning's faction, alerted these officials all the time.

Lin Feng smiled helplessly, and didn't bother to explain anything.

If you're afraid, you're afraid, and it's not a bad thing to be afraid.

Then, he called Qinglong and Su Xingchang over and told them his thoughts.

When Qinglong and Su Xingchang heard this, they were only stunned for a moment, and they didn't ask much, arched their hands, and immediately went to execute.

Unconditional trust and obedience have gradually become their subconscious habits.

Qinglong and Su Xingchang went to arrange the army, and Lin Feng changed into the clothes brought by these courtiers.

This is Xia Siyao specially ordered the palace clothing bureau to fit Lin Feng's figure, specially rushed out, on the clothing, the gold lines are distinct, and in the luxury, it gives people a sense of maturity and stability.

Originally, Lin Feng thought that it would be enough to arrange an army, but after thinking about it, he still didn't refuse this woman's kindness.

Clothes make the man.

Not to mention the luxury, the texture is also very good, and it is very comfortable to wear.

Qin Mengxue and Qin Mengyao behind him also admired again and again, looking at Lin Feng's gaze, there were ripples.

In less than an hour.

The two armies, tens of thousands of people, under the arrangement of Qinglong and Su Xingchang, lined up in a phalanx and a queue.

Lin Feng looked at it, perhaps, from a sensory point of view, there was no such incisive feeling as the military parade in his previous life, but he was already very satisfied that the two of them could be arranged like this in a short period of time.

In my previous life, every military parade was prepared a year ago, or half a year ago.

In a hurry, such a scale was enough to achieve the effect he wanted.

After all, times are different.

"Ladies and gentlemen, you can enter the city.

"Lin Gong, please!"

After the officials who received the guide finished speaking, they glanced at each other, and from each other's gazes, a complicated look was read.

This Gonggong Lin's power was already great enough, and now he also had such supreme prestige in this army, and the order was forbidden, and the idea of making them all scared came out of their minds.

Hurriedly extinguished this thought, and really didn't dare to think about it anymore.

It's horrible.

"Enter the city!" Lin

Feng shouted.

With this order, tens of thousands of neat and orderly troops, mighty and mighty, headed towards the Beijing Division.

The great victory in Liaodong has already spread, and the people of Beijing, these days, set off firecrackers to celebrate, and the atmosphere is more lively than the New Year.

Now, the army has returned triumphantly, and the streets are already crowded with people.

When Lin Feng entered the gate of Jingshi, the first thing he saw was the people on both sides of the street, stretching endlessly, and there was no end in sight.

On both sides of the street, two rows of sergeants in armor.

These sergeants formed two human walls to block the excited people of Beijing.

"It's coming!"

the army entered the city, and the cheers resounded throughout the entire Beijing Division.

Lin Feng rode on the war horse, listening to the cheers that kept ringing in his ears, even if he had prepared in advance, his heart was a little surging in his heart.

Praise the streets.

This can be said to be a lifelong honor for a soldier.

Lin Feng can't be regarded as a soldier, but this trip to Liaodong is also about protecting his family and defending the country, which is also his glory.

It's just that he knows very well in his heart that today's great glory is not his alone, but the lives of tens of thousands of soldiers.

One will be successful, and ten thousand bones will wither.

It was his first time on the battlefield, and the victory was enormous, and the cost was not negligible.

The tens of thousands of soldiers who died in battle, as well as wives and children, although he did what he could, giving three times the pension, but it is undeniable that behind this glory, there are many desolate families.

He has to face these things.

Only by facing it squarely will you become stronger.

Although he said that he would make another choice, he would still choose to fight without hesitation, but if he could reduce casualties and achieve the same victory, it would be a kind of progress.

Lin Feng secretly decided in his heart that when he came back this time, he must get the firearms out as soon as possible and assemble them in the army.

On both sides of the street.

The people looked at the army walking in front of them, shouting, wave after wave.

A neat queue, a neat pace.

Looking at the past with the naked eye, it is pleasing to the eye.

The visual feast gives people a strong psychological impact in their hearts.

It turned out that the imperial court was not as weak as everyone imagined.

With such an army, why should they be worried, unfounded, and the disappointments of the past are swept away, but they are full of passion, and they are eager to join this majestic army.

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