Yao Anping's analysis made everyone in the hall smile with a relaxed smile.

Young people are motivated, especially after gaining power, and they are more energetic than older people.

But there is also a huge disadvantage of being young, too little life experience, and it is often easy to take care of the head and tail when doing things, and it is easy to act with enthusiasm.

Think about themselves, when they were young, how could they not be like that.

Only after experiencing stumbling setbacks can we understand that the world cannot be judged by right or wrong, but should be done by weighing the pros and cons.

In the officialdom of Liaodong, it is indeed a mess.

But at the moment of the great enemy, Lin Feng, as the chief official sent by the imperial court to preside over the overall situation of Liaodong, should do more to unite all the forces that can be united and repel the attack of the Jurchen Army, instead of vigorously punishing the generals in the rear.

In this way, these corrupt officials have been duly punished, but the main force against the Jurchens can only go in person.

Yao Anping smiled loudly and said again: "The Jurchens are fierce in battle, and although the hussar battalion and the five military battalions are the elite troops of the imperial court and are well-equipped, it is not so easy to get benefits.

"Even if this Lin Fengtian's talent curbs the offensive of the Jurchen Division, the Hussar Battalion and the Fifth Army Battalion will inevitably suffer huge losses, isn't this also good news for us." Hearing

this, everyone burst out laughing.

They wish that the Beijing army would be beaten by the Jurchen tribe, in that case, they can sit firmly in the Diaoyutai.

Just when everyone was about to wait to watch the play, some changes occurred in Liaodong again.

With the will of the Jingshi, Lin Feng waved the butcher's knife again, Wang Wenyan, Ma Ziming and a group of cronies and generals fell to the ground one after another, and Liao Hui, with the assistance of Lin Feng, successfully sat in the position of Liaodong Jingluo.

Dozens of people's heads fell to the ground, which also shocked these casual soldiers.

Liao Hui gathered everyone, among which the old, weak, sick and disabled were first cleaned up, and then according to his understanding over the years, he selected a group of usable elites and promoted them.

After all this was done, the Liaodong Army changed greatly.

The current Liaodong Army is a little more streamlined in number than before, but this army has a new vigor and is no longer the original dull, weak and incompetent appearance.

Perhaps, some veterans were resistant to this thunderous and iron-blooded method, but when the white silver was sent to their hands, they no longer had any opinions.

Be paid as a soldier.

In this era, among the hundreds of thousands of people who came to serve as soldiers, how many of them were simply enthusiastic and wanted to serve the country loyally, but more for life, for that little money, and mixed food.

Originally, Wang Wenyan, Ma Ziming and others had a lot of money in their pockets, but where did they have the share of these low-level generals and sergeants.

Now this large wave of silver has been sprinkled down, but it has boosted the morale of these people.

"The last general will thank the factory for his kindness. "

The factory will be kind to the last general and rebuild, and the last will be remembered in his heart, and he is willing to serve the work of dogs and horses for the factory."

When the dust settled, Liao Hui came to Lin Feng, knelt down on one knee, and bowed respectfully to thank him.

He has been in Liaodong for many years, and the flies here are in his eyes, anxious in his heart, but he can't do anything, and Lin Feng has given the Liaodong Army a new lease of life in just a few days, and has also pushed him to the position of Liaodong Economic Strategy, allowing him to realize his ambitions and ideals.

Especially Lin Feng's various methods, he was dazzled by it.

In my heart, I have mixed feelings.

It is no exaggeration to say that Lin Feng at this time, in his heart, is no longer simply grateful, but full of worship.

The kind of worship that die-hard fans have.

"Get up, don't be polite, now that the enemy is present, first assist General Su to do a good job in the garrison of Guangyuan City. "

Let's go!"

Liao Hui left here with a full sense of war spirit and a sacred sense of mission.

In the battle of Guangning City, he and his thousands of brothers desperately resisted, only a few hundred people left, and he must wash away this hatred with the blood of the Jurchens.

Lin Feng sat there, pondering how to fight this battle.

During this period, the Jurchens were very brave and fierce in battle, even if the Liaodong Army was reorganized and not as weak as it was at the beginning, it was not so easy to shake the Jurchens head-on.

As for the hussar battalion and the five army battalions, their combat strength is definitely more than one and a half points stronger than that of the Liaodong Army.

But the burden on the shoulders of these two armies was heavy, and it was imperative to find a tactical way to minimize losses.

It's a pity that Xingling's firearms are still in the preliminary stage, and there is no way to mass-produce them and assemble them in the army for the time being, otherwise, they can let the Jurchens taste the power of this firearm.

Combined with the current situation, Lin Feng remembered many classic battles from the past and present, and flashed them one by one.

After thinking about it for a long time, Lin Feng's eyes suddenly lit up, and he had an idea in his heart.

"Report, the Jurchen Department left Guangning City and came towards Guangyuan City. "Outside the door, a spy from the East Factory came in to report.

"How many enemies are there?" Lin Feng asked.

"There were about 10,000 men, half cavalry and half infantry. The spy replied loudly, half-kneeling.

On the Liaodong side, there are 50,000 garrisons alone, and the Jurchen Ministry dares to swear that they will attack with only more than 10,000 people, I have to say that this is a great irony.

The Jurchen warriors are certainly brave and good at fighting, but the weakness of the Liaodong Army is really difficult to look at.

When he came to the city, Liao Hui immediately walked over and saluted: "Factory Father, the last general asks to fight."

Su Xingchang also walked over from the other side, with a slow battle intent on his face, these two people both had a deep blood feud with the Jurchens, and when they heard that the Jurchen Ministry was coming, they were eager to lead the army to kill and avenge this blood.

However, Lin Feng, as the minister of the Qincha, is the supreme commander of Liaodong, and no one dares to overstep his authority and act without authorization.

Seeing that the two of them were full of fighting spirit, Lin Feng shook his head with a smile and said slowly: "Don't worry, just let the Jurchen Ministry come to attack the city, and be prepared."

Liao Hui and Su Xingchang were slightly stunned when they heard this.

Especially Su Xingchang, in his impression, Lin Feng has always been decisive and not a weak person.

Now, Liaodong has experienced a big defeat and is in a time of low morale, it stands to reason that a big victory is needed to boost morale, and Lin Feng's defensive posture is really incomprehensible to them.

"The five army battalions and the hussar battalion first hold their troops and let the Liaodong Army defend.

"I know you are vengeful, but there are many Jurchen cavalry, and if you go out of the city to meet the battle, you will not only be startled, but you may also be able to make them flee from the wind. "

This time, I'm going to leave them all here.

Lin Feng's gaze swept over the two of them and said in that unquestionable tone.

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