At the foot of Baishan Mountain, the fire is soaring to the sky, and there are many people.

At this time, Liao Hui led hundreds of Liaodong troops to form a defensive barrier in a narrow mountain recess to resist bandits who came from nowhere.

Outside, thousands of bandits are constantly attacking this remnant army that has fought bloodily on the front line and has been wounded.

Liao Hui held a long knife and cut down a bandit who rushed in with one knife, his burly and upright body staggered a little, and the continuous battle consumed too much of his energy and physical strength, and the whole person was about to be overdrawn.

Unkempt and tired.

He raised his head and looked out, black and oppressive, and his heart was full of pessimism.

As a soldier, in the face of the invasion of foreign races, he only hated his limited ability, and he could not kill the enemy and keep one side safe, and the only thing he could do was to organize those loyal and courageous soldiers to continue to fight the enemy after Wang Wenyan escaped.

There were more than 3,000 soldiers, and after several days of continuous fierce fighting, only these hundreds were left.

When the city of Guangning was broken, he wanted to die with the enemy, but when he thought of the vast land of Liaodong behind him, countless people, he suppressed the impulse in his heart, and planned to retreat to Guangyuan City and continue to fight against the enemy.

But he never expected that Guangyuan City had not arrived, and he would encounter such a sudden wave of bandits.

This bandit appeared too suddenly, and, from between their actions, it was obvious that they were not ordinary bandits, they were well-equipped, their actions were orderly, and they were obviously trained as a whole, and the most important thing was that Liao Hui noticed that the long knives used by these people were obviously the knives of the imperial court system.

Thinking of a certain possibility, his heart became more and more sad.

Didn't die on the front line, but did you want to bury your bones here with hatred?

Looking at the bandits who rushed up again, Liao Hui forcibly lifted the long knife, but in his heart, he was already a little desperate.

The gap between the strength of the two sides is too big, there are hundreds of brothers around them, and most of them have been fighting for several days, not to mention one by one, and their energy is obviously unable to keep up, how can this be stopped.

was loyal to the country, but in the end ended up like this, Liao Hui showed a wry smile.

"My lord, we will protect you from leaving, I'm afraid this place will not be able to hold it. A sergeant rushed to Liao Hui's side and persuaded bitterly.

"Hold on a little longer, and maybe, someone will come to our rescue. Liao Hui looked a little dazed, but he still held on to the last glimmer of hope.

It's just that even he can't believe it.

"My lord, can't you see that these people are bandits, and they are clearly specifically targeting us.

"The adults disobeyed the order and did not retreat, the brothers admired in their hearts, and were willing to follow the adults to fight the enemy, although they died without regrets, but how could Wang Wenyan's dog thief let the adults go, this is to kill us and prevent his dirty things from being spread!"

"Your Excellency, you have to live, otherwise, Liaodong will really not be saved." Then

a few more sergeants came up and spoke bitterly.

When they spoke, everyone's faces were full of determination, and they were obviously ready to die.

Hearing these words, Liao Hui fell silent.

Yes, if there were people like them, why would Guangning City be breached in just a few days, and these bandits, he didn't have any guesses in his heart, but he didn't want to believe it.

"If you want to die together, and exchange the lives of my brothers for my own life, I can't do it. Liao Hui raised the long knife and prepared to kill again.


At this moment, outside the recess, on the long road in the distance, the sound of rumbling horses' hooves was heard, and then, a team of men and horses rushed over.

Then, there is the sound of ping-pong weapons colliding.

At this moment, thousands of bandits outside were turned on their backs by the slain.

Liao Hui's figure who was just about to rush out froze for a moment, looking at the army that was fighting with the bandits, the whole person was a little dazed.

He could see that this team was a regular army.

It's just that when Liaodong had such a strong army, he had never heard of it.

Those bandits who advanced and retreated in an orderly manner and had fierce combat power, under the impact of this team, were quickly rushed to pieces, and it was almost difficult to have an enemy.

Especially the general who seems to be the leader at the front, his combat power is even stronger, and one person rushes into the group of bandits, these bandits are like scarecrows, and they are killed one by one without even having a chance to resist.

This scene made Liao Hui couldn't help but gasp.

Even the soldiers behind him, who were slumped on the ground and seriously wounded, also struggled to get up, looking at the battle ahead of them, dumbfounded.

This team was no stranger, it was Qinglong, who came by order, and the hussar battalion led by him.

Since Qinglong and Lin Feng separated, they have been non-stop all the way, without a moment of rest, and the whole army has traveled nearly two hundred miles and rushed to Baishan.

After a fight, most of the thousands of bandits were left here, except for a few who fled on horseback.

Under the white mountain, it gradually quieted down.

The soldiers of the hussar battalion, under the arrangement of Qinglong, roamed the battlefield and cleaned the battlefield, and those bandits who had not died were found by them and gathered together.

Qinglong took a few people into the recess and walked slowly to Liao Hui's side.

"Dare to ask, but Deputy Chief Liao?" Qinglong asked.

"Under Liao Hui, thank you for saving your life, I don't know who Your Excellency is?" Liao Hui was still a little confused and muttered.

"The commander of the hussar battalion, Qinglong, was ordered by the factory to rescue Deputy General Liao. Qinglong said.

Green Dragon, Hussar Battalion.

Hearing these two names, Liao Hui was stunned for a moment, and the expression on his face changed suddenly.

The name of the four masters of Jinyiwei is that Liao Hui is in Liaodong, and he has heard of it, but I don't know when this master of Jinyiwei became the commander of the hussar battalion.

and the factory man that Qinglong said, which also made him a little ignorant.

However, he also heard a key message from it, that is, the reinforcements of the Jingshi have arrived.

This is the news that excites him the most, even more than his own salvation.

The other side.

After several generals of the hussar battalion interrogated these bandits by means, they got the news that even Qinglong was silent for a long time.

These bandits are indeed not bandits, but regular Liaodong Army.

As a military commander, Wang Wenyan gave up resistance, but a deputy commander-in-chief disobeyed his orders and stayed to fight the enemy.

That is why they must die.

It sounds weird, but it makes sense.

"Let's go to Guangyuan City first, the factory has already led the army to Guangyuan City. Qinglong turned on his horse and said to Liao Hui.

Liao Hui nodded, and also climbed on a war horse.

Although he didn't know where this factory man was, he could know Liaodong's every move and send someone to rescue him, and his heart was full of gratitude.

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