This night.

The dark clouds in the sky covered the starry sky, and the darkness was depressing.

Lin Feng was about to sleep with Qin Mengyao in his arms when there was a hurried knock on the door outside.

Put on his underwear, opened the door, and saw Qin Zhong and Qinglong appear at the door at the same time, the original drowsiness disappeared in an instant, and there were already some guesses in my heart.

"What's going on?" Lin Feng asked.

"Yuchang Gong, when you are young, King Ning and his many officials gathered in King Ning's mansion, after leaving at the time, his subordinates let people keep an eye on the traces of these officials, and found that there were changes in the East Camp and the North Camp, it seems that King Ning wants to rebel. Qinglong responded.

"Finally can't help it?"

King Ning's move was not surprising, to Lin Feng's slight surprise, King

Ning's action was so fast.

But it's just a moment, and I want to figure it out.

The hussar battalion lost control, which has already reduced King Ning's power, and if he stays in the Dongda camp and is not controlled, not only will his strength be damaged, it can be said that it will be difficult to turn over.

This is indeed the best time to do it at this time.

However, this is not a small matter after all.

King Ning's decisiveness still impressed him.

"Immediately summoned Dongchang and Jinyi Wei to enter the palace to escort them. Lin Feng immediately ordered.

"Overseer, Dongchang and Jinyi Wei have all assembled, and they will be able to enter the palace immediately. Qin Zhong responded.

They followed Lin Feng and knew all the plans.

Something finally happened, although the time was unexpected, but King Ning had always been on guard.

Lin Feng went back to the house and put on a piece of clothing, and left the mansion with a group of people.

"Qin Zhong, you immediately go to Su Mansion and tell Su Xingchang to quickly gather the strength of the three major battalions and enter the palace to escort him. Lin Feng turned his head and explained to Qin Zhong.

Thankfully, he was quick enough.

After finishing speaking, Lin Feng took Dongchang and Jinyi Wei and the others towards the palace.

At midnight.

King Ning took hundreds of generals in the palace, and behind him were a group of officials under his command, as well as the mighty armies of the Eastern Camp and the Northern Battalion, and slaughtered the palace.

At this time, the palace was already curfew, and the city gate was approaching.

But with the arrival of King Ning's army, a strange sound sounded in the night sky, and inside the city gate, there was a sound of fighting.

As the sound of the fight sounded, it didn't take long for the closed city gate to slowly open.

Seeing this scene, many officials' eyelids jumped.

They followed King Ning for a long time, but they didn't know that King Ning's methods had reached this point, and even the defense in the palace had people who had been installed.

Many courtiers who were originally nervous gradually settled down in their hearts.

Immediately, a smug smile appeared on his face.

The troops of the two battalions poured into the palace, how could the forbidden army in the palace stop it.

King Ning sat on the throne, they were all ministers of the dragon, and the high-ranking officials were naturally not a problem, and everyone's faces were a little less nervous and a little more longing for a better future.

"But there are those who resist, and none remain.

King Ning glanced at it coldly, ignored the fight here, led the army, and killed in the palace.

Seeing this, the guards along the way greeted them one after another, but before they could speak, they quickly fell in a pool of blood in the face of the soldiers of the two battalions.

The mighty army poured straight in.

King Ning rode on his war horse, looking at the towering palace group not far away, his cold eyes were full of killing intent.

Today, he wants to wash the palace in blood and kill the little emperor and the queen mother Xia Siyao, and at that time, this Daewoo, this world, will be his.

"King Ning, what are you trying to do?"

The fierce fighting sound quickly attracted the attention of the forbidden army.

Zheng Tong, the commander of the forbidden army, led a group of forbidden troops, blocked King Ning's way, and scolded loudly.

"What does this king want to do, Commander Zheng can't see it, this king advises Commander Zheng to say a word, those who know the times are Junjie, give up resistance at this time, and after this king takes the throne, you can still be the commander of your forbidden army, otherwise Hugh blames this king for being ruthless. King Ning rode on his war horse and said with a cold snort.

Countless torches illuminate this small world.

Zheng Tong looked at the heavily armed sergeant behind King Ning, his face suddenly changed, and his heart sank to the bottom.

"I am deeply affected by the first emperor Long's grace, only today, the prince's kindness, forgive my fate, I will be here The prince will say a word, and it is too late to stop in time, otherwise, Daewoo will have no place for the prince. Zheng Tong shouted loudly.

"Hmph, toast if you don't eat and drink, kill me!" King Ning shouted.

Since he has made up his mind to rebel, there will be no mercy, and all those who stand in his way are enemies, and there will be no mercy.

With King Ning's order, the sergeants of the Eastern Battalion and the Northern Battalion roared and rushed towards the forbidden army.

All of a sudden, the white jade square was full of swords and swords, and blood was splashed.

This fierce fight quickly attracted the attention of all parties in the palace.

Xia Siyao and the little emperor were also alarmed.

When the mother and son heard the sound and looked at the fierce battle ahead, Xia Siyao pretended to be calm, and the little emperor was already trembling with fright, and curled up tightly in Xia Siyao's arms.

"Queen Mother, how is this good?" The

little emperor is young, but he also knows what it means for King Ning to enter the palace with a large army, and for a while, the six gods have no master, and he seems to be about to cry.

Haruka Natsu forced himself to calm down and looked at the battle below.

Although the forbidden army was brave, it was still a little difficult to resist in the face of the menacing army of King Ning, and they were forced to retreat step by step, and after a while, they retreated to the steps in front of the Xuanzheng Palace.

Zheng Tong was still fighting to the death with the rebels who rushed up, covered in blood, looking at the endless stream of enemy troops rushing up, he felt a little desperate in his heart.

Are you going to die here?

King Ning's cold face finally showed a smile.

It was as if he saw the throne of the Ninety-Five Venerable and was beckoning to him.

His eyes suddenly saw Xia Siyao and the little emperor above the steps, with a hint of a playful smile on his face, and shouted: "Give it to me, take down the head of the little emperor, and the reward will be ten thousand taels." Hearing

the bounty of 10,000 taels, these rebels were like chicken blood, and they didn't care about the forbidden army in front of them, and they all went to the back to kill.

Even though Zheng Tong and the Jinyi guards resisted desperately, there were still some rebels who screamed and rushed forward.

"Queen Mother, what should I do, what should I do?"

Looking at the enemy wielding the butcher's knife, the little emperor could no longer hold back the fear in his heart and cried out loud.

Zhou Cang also had a solemn face, ready to face the upcoming enemy.

Xia Siyao's delicate and fair face also had a hint of paleness.

She couldn't help but think of Lin Feng.

King Ning raided in the middle of the night, did this man notice it?

Looking at the mighty rebels in front of him, even if he noticed it, he was afraid that he would not be able to quench his thirst from far away.

The enemy's butcher's knife had already lit up, and Zhou Cang was just about to make a move, only to see a few black shadows suddenly appear, just in the blink of an eye, those rebels who rushed out were already in a different place.

"Lin Feng was late to save the car, which frightened His Majesty and Niangniang. Lin

Feng appeared in front of Xia Siyao and the little emperor, and beside him, it was the four masters of the Blue Dragon, White Tiger, Vermilion Bird, and Xuanwu.

Everyone's body was stained with blood, and it was obvious that they had experienced a fight.

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