Su Li'er withdrew her gaze, turned around and walked towards the house, and shook her head slightly.

"I'm just a noble person given by the emperor, I have no power and no power, I was left to fend for myself in this Xinnan Garden, what can he do to me, I have nothing worth trying except for this body.

"Besides, he is highly valued by the Queen Mother and has great power, but after all, he is a eunuch, and I can't get what I want. "

Perhaps, look at me pitiful?" Su

Li'er's face was a little bitter, and she laughed at herself.

She couldn't think of anything Lin Feng could get from her, perhaps, she really looked at her pitiful.

Lin Feng left Xinnan Garden, did not leave the palace immediately, and then came to the side of Zhaoren Palace.

Spacious palace.

The palace maids had just put hot water for Xia Siyao and were about to serve the bath, when they saw Lin Feng coming, Xia Siyao waved his hand and drank the palace maids in the hall.

"Do you want to take a bath, why don't I serve Niangniang!" Lin Feng said with a wicked smile.

Seeing the evil smile on Lin Feng's face, Xia Siyao still didn't know what Lin Feng was thinking, but she didn't know why, she didn't have any immunity to this man, and she couldn't bear to disobey him.

Without pretending to twist, he unbuttoned the thin nightdress on his body, and his fair-skinned jade feet stepped into the wide wooden barrel.

Seeing this, Lin Feng naturally would not be polite, and stretched out his hand to untie it.

A mandarin duck bath.

The body was soaked in hot water, and behind him, Xia Siyao's weak and boneless little hands were pinched, and Lin Feng felt very comfortable.

"I heard just now that you went to Xinnanyuan and punished a eunuch in Xinnanyuan?" Xia Siyao massaged Lin Feng in his hand, and asked intentionally or unintentionally.

As the queen mother and the master of the harem, there is a little turmoil in the harem, so naturally she can't hide it from her eyes.

"The evil slave deceives the master, and he must be in charge, otherwise, I, the head of the inner court, will not be too conscientious. Lin Feng squinted his eyes and said lightly.

"Is it just to punish the evil slaves? Or are you tempted by Su Li'er's woman?" Xia Siyao pursed his lips, not believing Lin Feng's perfunctory words at all, and there was a trace of resentment on his delicate face.

"I seem to smell a strong vinegar smell. Lin Feng laughed loudly.

He moved his body, turned around, and faced Xia Siyao, looking at the woman full of vinegar, and couldn't help laughing.

In fact, sometimes women are jealous and look quite cute.

"Actually, I don't mind if you have other women, as long as you have me in your heart, remember me, and can come and see me from time to time, I will be very content. Xia Siyao was a little embarrassed by Lin Feng, blushed, and said in a low voice.

Although she is the queen mother, she is also a normal woman after all, she has her own seven emotions and six desires, and that heart is all hung on Lin Feng, she never thought of enclosing Lin Feng by her side to monopolize it, but she always hopes that there is a place for her in this man's heart.

In Lin Feng's heart, a warm current flowed.

What a good woman! What a

good quality!

How come it is that in today's modern era, it has disappeared into nothing.

"Don't worry, I forgot who I am, and I can't forget Niangniang, has Niangniang forgotten what I said?" Lin Feng pulled the woman into his arms and splashed a splash.

Immediately, the touching love words blurted out, and Xia Siyao's face turned crimson when he listened.

"Okay, I won't hide it from you, in fact, I went to Xinnanyuan, not for Su Li'er, but for Su Xingchang. Lin Feng hugged the woman in his arms and got down to business.

"Su Xingchang?" Xia Siyao was stunned for a moment, and was a little puzzled for a while.

"I received a report from Youzhou today that the Jurchen tribe in Beidi has moved and may invade south.

"Besides, King Ning has not been very peaceful recently, I am worried that he will have a counter-intention, if he can Su Xingchang is completely brought over, King Ning's danger can be solved, and the Jurchen tribe must also find a way to prevent it."

Hearing this, Xia Siyao returned to his normal color, and was replaced by a gentle smile.

As a queen mother, Xia Siyao is not a woman with extremely strong wrists, otherwise, she would not sit idly by and watch King Ning and the cabinet develop to this extent.

However, for her, how Lin Feng operates him will not interfere too much, as long as she can stand behind Lin Feng and give full support when needed, she will be very satisfied.

"What are you going to do?" asked Xia Siyao after thinking clearly.

Su Li'er has a quiet temperament, and she doesn't say much when she suffers, after all, Su Xingchang can't rest assured in the palace, if she can leave the palace, Su Xingchang will be grateful to Dade and serve loyally. Lin Feng put his chin on the woman's fragrant shoulder and said what he thought.

"I'm afraid this is not easy to do, I don't have anything, but the cabinet and the Ministry of Rites, I'm afraid they won't agree. Xia Siyao pondered for a moment and responded.

He is now in charge of the entire harem as the queen mother, and Su Li'er, a noble person given by the old emperor, is no different from a transparent person in her eyes, what is the difference between being there and not being there.

On the contrary, he felt that the old stubbornness of the cabinet and the Ministry of Rites might hinder Lin Feng.

"On the cabinet side, I went to make a trip myself, and I believe they should give me this face. Lin Feng smiled confidently.

After the last Xiaoxiang Lou reached an agreement, the two sides are still in the honeymoon period.

This matter is not big or small, but the group of people in the cabinet, for their own selfish interests, will not offend him.

"In that case, then you can do it with peace of mind, I don't have any opinion. Xia

Siyao's strong support, Lin Feng felt that he should also give full support and repay this woman.

Then, he stretched out his hand, and the two bodies that were close to each other stood up from the barrel, Lin Feng patted it, and the woman naturally bowed down.

For a while, the cry continued.

This battle lasted until late at night, and after Xia Siyao fell asleep, Lin Feng quietly left.

The next day, when the sun was three poles, Lin Feng got up from the bed.

Time waits for no one.

Lin Feng made a special trip to the mansion of Liu Wenxuan, the first assistant of the cabinet.

Lin Feng came to the door in person, which surprised Liu Wenxuan.

However, after listening to Lin Feng's intentions, Liu Wenxuan fell silent.

Although Lin Feng didn't say it explicitly, Liu Wenxuan, the old fox, could see Lin Feng's intentions at a glance.

A noble person given by the emperor of the emperor, how could he let this great eunuch who leaned towards the government and the opposition go on a trip in person.

Needless to say, there must be a purpose.

And Su Xingchang, the chief soldier of the Fifth Military Battalion, is naturally within Yang Wenxuan's field of vision.

"Father-in-law, the first emperor died, Su Guiren is the widow of the first emperor, according to the etiquette system, you should observe the festival for the first emperor in the palace. Yang Wenxuan hesitated and said.

There was no direct promise, and there was no direct refusal.

Lin Feng laughed secretly in his heart, this old fox really doesn't see rabbits and eagles.

However, since he came here, Lin Feng was naturally prepared.

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