"Xiao Dezi, you let people stare at Xinnanyuan, if there is anything, inform the palace as soon as possible. Lin Feng commanded the little eunuch behind him.

"Yes, godfather!" replied the little eunuch with a bow.

After Lin Feng sat in the head of the inner court, these little eunuchs were all promoted by him, and their foundations were very clean, and they were also loyal to him.

The things in his heart have settled, and Lin Feng's mood is also a lot more relaxed.

Leaving the Imperial Garden, Lin Feng came to the side of the celebrant supervisor.

The little emperor was young and did not have a personal government, and Xia Siyao also handed over these things to him, although seeing the piles of folds could not help but give people a headache.

These excerpts are all excerpts from all over Daewoo, and after being approved by the cabinet, they are sent to the celebrant for approval.

Seeing Lin Feng coming, the eunuchs in the celebrant saluted one after another.

These people, except for a few people with clean foundations, are all newly replaced by Lin Feng, and their ability to do things is also very good.


"These are the latest excerpts from the cabinet. "

A eunuch came over with a stack of folds, which had already been sorted according to their priorities and placed on the table in front of Lin Feng.

It's a bit of a headache, but it's still a good idea.

Seeking government in his position is a major military affair, and there is no room for a little drama.

Seeing the excerpts of some official appointments and transfers, within a reasonable range, Lin Feng was not too picky, and used the seal in red.

The cabinet is quite knowledgeable during this time, it is not too much, and it is a critical moment to get rid of King Ning, there is no need to make too much trouble with the cabinet at the same time.

The sky is getting darker.

Seeing the piles of folds gradually coming to the end, Lin Feng stretched his waist.

It is no wonder that emperors who were too diligent in ancient times generally did not have a long lifespan.

Strive to finish it in one go.

After soothing his body, Lin Feng picked up the music on the table again.

The excerpts of Youzhou and the Jurchen tribe of Beidi have recently made some changes, and they seem to have the intention of going south to invade the territory.

Su Xingchang's excerpt from the Fifth Military Battalion of the Beijing Division, the armament of the Fifth Military Battalion is old, apply for military expenses, and renovate the armament of the officers and men, otherwise, the combat strength of the Fifth Military Battalion will be greatly affected.

When he saw these two folds, Lin Feng stopped.

Beidi is not a monolith, but a collective name for many ethnic minorities in the north of Daewoo, among which the Jurchen tribe in the northeast is relatively powerful, the Mongolian tribe in the grassland in the north, and the Moxi Tatar in the northwest.

In recent years, the greatest threat to Daewoo is the Jurchen tribe in the northeast and the Mongolian tribe in the grasslands in the north.

Repeatedly went south to invade the border, burned, killed and looted, did all kinds of evil, and disturbed the common people, but also the people were not able to make a living.

Lin Feng never expected that the Jurchen tribe would move at this time.

This is really not good news.

It seems that the situation in Jingshi must be stabilized as soon as possible, otherwise, once the Jurchen tribe goes south, the situation in Jingshi will be even more turbulent and there will be too many variables.

Putting this fold down, Lin Feng picked up Su Xingchang's fold again.

I didn't expect to see Su Li'er at that time, and I would see her father's excerpt.

Lin Feng knew that Daewoo's corruption was very serious, whether it was in the court, in various places, or in the army, the officials were full of private pockets, and they only knew how to seek personal gain, but they still didn't expect that it would be so rotten that they were even greedy for money in armaments.

This is simply ruining the foundation of the country.

The Beijing army is still like this, and he can't imagine how erosive the place is.

If the news is true, the Jurchen tribe is really going south, with such an army, how to fight, how to defend the country.

Knock knock.

Lin Feng tapped his fingers on the table, pondering.

As the largest force in the Beijing army, even if Su Xingchang only masters three battalions, he is also a powerful force, and Su Xingchang must be brought over, whether it is against King Ning or the Jurchen tribe, it can play a vital role.

Lin Feng thought of Su Li'er, this was an excellent breakthrough.

At this time....

Xiao Dezi ran in from outside, walked up to Lin Feng and said, "Godfather, there is movement over there in Xinnanyuan." "

Xiao just received the news that the steward eunuch of Xinnanyuan did not obey Su Guiren's discipline, and quarreled with the maid beside Su Guiren.

Lin Feng put down the fold in his hand, stood up and said, "Let's go, go over and have a look!"

Out of the door, Lin Feng walked towards Xinnanyuan under the guidance of Xiao Dezi.

The more and more she walked, and when she arrived in front of the Xinnan Courtyard, looking at the old houses here, it could be seen that Su Li'er was not doing well in the palace.

However, thinking of this woman's quiet temperament that does not compete with others, Lin Feng is not surprised.

The harem is a place of deception, the law of survival of the fittest, vividly embodied, here, it's not that you can avoid it without fighting, on the contrary, it will only make people think that you are a bully, and you will not have a good life.

Before I entered the courtyard gate, I heard a noise coming from inside.

"Li Sande, don't go too far, this internal affairs office will send things to each palace every month, how can it get to you, you must give money. Listen to the voice, it's the maid beside Su Li'er.

"There are rules in this palace, if you want something, you must give out the silver, otherwise who will send it to you. A shrill eunuch's voice sounded.

"Didn't you give it to you yesterday, why do you want it today?" the maid was still arguing.

"Yesterday is yesterday, today is today, this rule cannot be broken. The eunuch said proudly.

"Xiao Cui, don't fight with him. Su Li'er's beautiful and tactful voice sounded.

"Miss, this eunuch has to inch in, most of our money has been given to him, and now... It's gone now. The more the maid spoke, the lower her voice became.

"Alas... Don't I still have some jewelry in that jewelry box, and I can't use it anyway, so you can pick one for him. A soft sigh, helplessness, sadness.

Hearing the constant voices coming from his ears, a wave of anger rose in Lin Feng's heart.

Evil slaves bully their masters.

Su Li'er is too quiet, even if she suffers a loss, she doesn't like to fight with others, such a pure heart, when she meets a greedy slave, she is easy to be bullied.

With anger, Lin Feng entered Xinnan Garden.

At this time, in the courtyard, a eunuch was looking at the jewelry box opened by the maid, his eyes lit up, and he wanted to go up and grab it.

"What are the rules in this palace, why don't you know about this palace?" Lin Feng said sharply as he walked.

The eunuch was about to stretch out his hand, when he heard a voice behind him, and turned around with an unhappy face, wanting to see which one of them was making trouble for him.

As soon as he turned around, he was stunned when he saw Lin Feng coming in.

"Grandpa Lin, why did you come to such a place. The eunuch knelt on the ground, a disgusting smile on his face, and his previous arrogance was completely gone, and he nodded like a pug.

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