Inside the Drunken Immortal Tower, Lin Feng looked at Jiang Han, who was dragged up by the two guards, and sneered.

"You... What are you going to do?"

"My father is the commander of the East Battalion, and he has tens of thousands of soldiers and horses under his command, if you come over again, my father will not let you go." Jiang Han was inwardly stunned and shouted strongly.

The two guards beside him also looked vigilant, looking at Lin Feng and his party.

Qin Zhong's shot was so fast that before they could react, they were sent flying.

They knew in their hearts that this one person was more than enough to clean them up.

But the problem came again, if they didn't protect Jiang Han today and let Jiang Han do something here, when they returned to Jiang Mansion, the old man would not give them good fruits to eat.

I had no choice but to hold on.

"Yes, I think you'd better be at peace, or I'm afraid of a bloody disaster today. Lin Feng squinted his eyes and smiled.

"Okay, you have the ability to wait here, today, either you die or I die. Jiang Han retreated, still with cruel words in his mouth.

He had already made up his mind, and after leaving the Drunken Immortal Building, he would go back to complain, today, he must let the blood of these three people be spattered on the spot.

However, as soon as the person approached the door, he was blocked by Qin Zhong.

"You... You..."

Jiang Han shuddered, his heart panicked.

Qin Zhong's powerful skills gave him a deep fear, so much so that when he spoke, his teeth chattered.

It's a pity that Qin Zhong has no intention of talking to him at all, one person faces the three of them, and he starts directly, and the two guards still intend to resist, and they are not enemies at all.

The screams, one after another, sounded in this drunken immortal building.

The people in the Drunken Immortal Tower seemed to have forgotten what beauty they were, and they couldn't close their mouths when they looked at this violent picture.

Everyone looked at Lin Feng and his party with strange eyes.

What is the origin of these people?

Knowing Jiang Han's identity, he was beaten correctly, and besides, the contrast between the arrest of the Dongcheng Soldiers and Horses Division was so great that Jiang Han couldn't even take care of it, so he left in a hurry, which was too crazy.

This Jiang Dagongzi, it seems that he has encountered a hard stubble today.

No one has pity, but they are all gloating, and it can be seen that Jiang Han is not so good.

After Qin Zhong beat Jiang Han like a dead dog and lay on the ground unable to move, he reached out and lifted the person up and threw it out like garbage.

In the Drunken Immortal Building, it resumed its previous liveliness.

It's just that when everyone looked at the staircase, there was some awe in their eyes.

"Lin Feng, why..."

The little emperor turned his head in confusion and looked at Lin Feng, Lin Feng's methods in the court, he had seen it, how could he be so kind today, and let this Jiang Han take a dog's life.

"This Jiang Han is still a little useful, young master wait and see!" Lin Feng said with a smile.

The only son of Jiang Zhiyi, the commander of the Eastern Battalion.

When Lin Feng knew Jiang Han's identity, he secretly sighed in his heart, stepping on the iron shoes and finding nowhere to go, it didn't take any effort to get it.

With such a stupid son, it's no wonder that Jiang Zhi's righteous life is not good.

"Nangong girl, the gentleman has been sent away, can you dance for my young master now?" Lin Feng turned his head, looked at the woman in red, and said with interest.

"Please!" The

woman in red glanced at Lin Feng and the little emperor and smiled lightly.

In the spacious and exquisite private room, the woman in red is barefoot, the red dress is fluttering, and the moving dance posture is fascinating.

I have to say that this woman always gives people a fatal temptation, she is simply a female goblin who brings disaster to the country and the people, and will make people unable to suppress their innermost desires.

A dance falls, and the piano sounds again.

The sound is pleasant to the ear.

The little emperor was once again attracted by the pleasant sound of the piano and immersed himself in it.

Lin Feng felt that this woman was versatile and had deep attainments, and when he looked up, he saw that this woman's beautiful eyes were also looking at him, and there was some inexplicable smile in his eyes.

At the end of the song, people are scattered.

As soon as the song ended, the little emperor reluctantly left the Drunken Immortal Tower, and when he walked to the door of the Drunken Immortal Tower, Lin Feng noticed the gaze from his back and turned his head.

Upstairs, the woman in red stood there, still quietly watching him.

What a smart woman.

Lin Feng smiled, it seemed that this woman had probably guessed their identity.

By the time I got back to the palace, it was already afternoon.

Lin Feng sent the little emperor back to the palace and told him that after letting the guards enter the palace tonight, he didn't stay any longer, and left the palace directly.

Today's business is not over, he still has some things to deal with.

A gentleman would dare to threaten him and the little emperor, if it weren't for the father behind him, Lin Feng wouldn't let him go, he didn't have such a good temper, and he was indifferent to being threatened.

Among the Beijing divisions, the hussar battalion is the most elite, and the most powerful is the five military battalions.

Among the five military camps, the middle camp, the south camp, and the west camp are still under the control of the general soldier Su Xingchang, while the east camp and the north camp are infiltrated by King Ning's forces and become King Ning's faction.

In order for the tiger of King Ning to completely lose its threat, the tiger teeth must be pulled out.

After explaining Qinglong last time, Qinglong did not disappoint, and he had already disposed of the hussar camp in an orderly manner, and I believe that it would not be long before he could completely control it.

Lin Feng was still thinking about how to move the forces in King Ning's fifth military camp, but he ran into Jiang Han, a cheat and sent to the door.

Such an opportunity, how could he miss it.

As soon as I returned to Dongchang, I saw two people kneeling at the door, one of them was Ding Yuanbin who I saw in Zuixianlou, and the other was not very familiar.

Seeing Lin Feng coming, the two of them hurriedly knelt down, and the other person burst into tears and said: "The next official is Gao Chenghua, the commander of the Dongcheng Soldiers and Horses, I don't know if it's Your Majesty today..."

Today, the Dongcheng Terracotta Division is also acting impartially, Lin Feng didn't have any displeasure in his heart, but he didn't expect that they were all allowed to leave, and the commander of the Dongchang Terracotta Division actually came to make amends in person.


soon as Lin Feng sat down, Gao Chenghua and Ding Yuanbin pounced and knelt down again.

"Today, the people below don't know that His Majesty is in front of his father-in-law, and he is slightly disrespectful, and the lower officials specially came to ask for the guilt, and I hope that the father-in-law will forgive the sin!" "Please forgive the father-in-law!"

With Gao Chenghua's words, Ding Yuanbin hurriedly kowtowed and prayed.

"You are also impartial in enforcing the law, what is the crime?"

"I, Daewoo, have strict laws, and I need such a person who is impartial in law, not only is there no mistake, but my father is very pleased. "

Today, Ding Yuanbin did not immediately defect because of Jiang Han's identity, but acted impartially, but he was also loyal and courageous, Lin Feng naturally would not blame him for this kind of thing.

"Thank you for your kindness, and your subordinates are willing to smear your father-in-law's liver and brain, and never give up. "

Gao Chenghua is also a person who knows how to see things.

Seeing Lin Feng and Yan Yuese, he suddenly had a careful thought in his heart.

There are contacts between the Five Cities Soldiers and Horses, thinking of Zhao Heng's boasting and proud appearance in front of him, Gao Chenghua also moved his mind, if he can also climb Lin Feng's thigh, in the days to come, it will not be delicious, why is it so frightened.

Who doesn't know, Dongchang Lin Gonggong is very protective of his subordinates, and it is right to mix with such people.

Lin Feng smiled secretly in his heart.

Unexpectedly, a farce even attracted the surrender of a Dongcheng Terracotta Division.

"Alright, get up!"

"Today's event, this palace doesn't want a third person to know, you know.

Lin Feng didn't refuse, waved his hand, and asked the two of them to get up.

"Father-in-law, rest assured, even if the lower official dies, he will never reveal half a sentence.

Although Lin Feng didn't say it explicitly, Gao Chenghua also heard the meaning, and in his heart, he was very excited, and kowtowed again and again.


the two bowed away.

Walking outside, especially Gao Chenghua's face, the smile was as bright as a flower.

When I came, I was worried and scared, but in the blink of an eye, it felt like flying up to the clouds, and the ups and downs of life were always so sudden.

A merry heart makes a cheerful countenance.

On such a good day, you have to have a drink and celebrate.

And at this time.


When Jiang Zhiyi, the commander of the East Battalion, saw his baby son who was beaten half dead and unconscious, he was angry, as if he wanted to eat people.

The two guards were still awake, and they didn't ask anything for a long time, and in his rage, he immediately asked the two guards to pull them down, and the baby son didn't know if he was alive or dead, what was the use of keeping this kind of guard.

Subsequently, Jiang Zhiyi took the people and horses in the house and headed towards the Dongcheng Soldiers and Horses.

Gao Chenghua was still celebrating this great day, drinking outside and chic, where could Jiang Zhiyi see people, he could only run in vain, he had nowhere to vent his anger, and returned to the house depressed.

If it weren't for the dereliction of duty of the Dongcheng Soldiers and Horses, how could his precious son be beaten like this.

In a fit of rage, Jiang Zhiyi began to write a recital, preparing to impeach the Dongcheng Terracotta Division tomorrow.

At this time, Jiang Zhiyi didn't know that his son was offended by ordinary people at all, if he knew that one of them was the current little emperor and the other was Lin Feng, he didn't know how he would feel.

Of course, if he knew, I'm afraid he wouldn't have so many thoughts.

It's a pity that Jiang Zhiyi doesn't know anything, in his mind, he only thinks about avenging his son, as for who is right and who is wrong, it is so serious, anyway, no matter who is right and who is wrong, if he dares to beat his precious son, then he must pay the price.

Not only does he want to impeach the Dongcheng Terracotta Division and make the Dongchang Terracotta Division pay the price, but he also has to find the murderer who beat his precious son and make him pay for his life.

Everything was fully prepared, and Jiang Zhiyi stopped.

The next day, it was dark.

Jiang Zhiyi, who had been guarding by his precious son's bed for half the night, prepared for it, and then walked towards the palace angrily.

In the court, as soon as Lin Feng entered the Xuanzheng Palace, he saw Jiang Zhiyi with an unkind face.

Lin Feng smiled in his heart.

I'm not afraid that you will come, but I am afraid that you will not come.

Now that you're here, get ready for the storm.

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