Lin Feng smiled dumbly.

This woman is simply a killing of men, women and children, looking at the little emperor's excited appearance, Lin Feng didn't know whether the little emperor was in love with someone or dance, from his heart, he believed that it was the latter.

This is not difficult for Lin Feng.

He gave the little emperor a reassuring look and took out a 10,000-tael silver ticket from his sleeve.

"There are 10,000 taels here, which should be enough for the girl to dance for my young master!" Lin Feng's faint voice sounded.

The old bustard was standing at the staircase on the first floor, smiling and watching a group of rich sons competing for wind and jealousy, spending money like dirt, when he suddenly heard Lin Feng's voice shouting, he was stunned for a moment, and then trotted all the way over, and his face was full of flattering smiles.

"Enough, enough, this master will go upstairs with me, and I will arrange it. "

Ten thousand taels of silver tickets, this is by no means something that ordinary people can take out casually.

Even if the drunken immortal building is positioned at the high-end, 10,000 taels of silver, and only dances a dance, no matter how you look at it, it is very tempting.

Wouldn't it be a huge loss for such a proud customer not to serve well.

At this moment, those rich businessmen who were still fighting with caution and wanted to get close to the beauty suddenly extinguished the little caution in their hearts.

Ten thousand taels of silver, they may take out.

But for a woman in a flower building, they threw tens of thousands of dollars at will, such courage, they didn't have it, and they couldn't do it.

Of course, if someone is convinced, someone will fight, such as the young man at the front of the hall who took the lead in taking out the ticket.

"Mom and slow, Nangong girl is peerless, admirable, isn't it 10,000 taels of silver, today, I will give 12,000 taels, please Nangong girl to accompany you. After the young man finished speaking arrogantly, he turned his head and glanced coldly at Lin Feng in the back.

Today, he is the most beautiful boy here, and no one can steal his limelight.

It's just that when I turned my head, the flesh pain flashed in the depths of my eyes, but I thought of the face of the woman in red who was captivating the country and the city, and the moving dancing, and then gritted my teeth.

The bustard was just about to go upstairs when he heard the sound and suddenly stopped.

looked at Lin Feng behind him, his face was embarrassed.

"Thirty thousand taels!" Lin

Feng smiled noncommittally, then took out two silver tickets of ten thousand taels from his cuffs and put them in the hands of the old bustard.

As soon as these words came out, the young man's face changed, and the arrogance and confidence on his face disappeared without a trace, replaced by a pair of vulture eyes.

Inside the Drunken Immortal Building, there was also a sound of gasping cold air.

For a dance, 30,000 taels can be taken, there is a mine at home?"

"Lin Feng, you are really good!" The little emperor turned his head and looked at Lin Feng, with a bright smile on his face.

In that way, it was as if two people were fighting and their side was victorious.

Even, the little emperor turned his head and glanced at the boy and brother provocatively, as if to say, if you have the ability, you will come!

The competitive child's temperament is fully exposed.

This action was to add fuel to the fire, making the young man's face more and more gloomy, and his eyes were staring at Lin Feng's side, as if he wanted to eat people.

"What kind of person is this, he dares to fight with this woman, doesn't he know how to write dead words?"

"This person can make 30,000 taels, and he is not an ordinary family, what you said is a bit exaggerated!"

"Hehe, it seems that you don't know the identity of this person, this is Jiang Han, the son of the commander of the Dongda Battalion, what's the use of having money, power, and military power, and he is tough when he speaks." "


Knowing the identity of this young boy, many people widened their eyes and gasped.

It is true that there are many rich people in Jingshi, but no matter how rich you are, if you don't have a deep background, you don't have to bow your head and bow your waist in the face of court officials, like a pug.

Not to mention, the commander of the East Battalion makes this kind of bigwig who holds military power.

"In this way, I'm afraid there is a good show to watch today.

When everyone looked at Lin Feng and his party, there was pity, pity, and there were many people waiting to see the joke.

No one is hated by others, and one is rich and envied.

So much for.

Lin Feng's eyes lit up when he heard the whispers of the people around him.

If this Jiang Han is interested, he should get out of here, if he is not interested and comes to make trouble, then he is really a cheater.

The commander of the Eastern Battalion, in the eyes of others, is an unattainable and terrifying existence, for Lin Feng, but Er'er, not to mention, this is the little emperor himself named, looking for trouble with the little emperor, that is really looking for death.

It's a pity that the gentleman is the gentleman, otherwise how did the word "cheat" come about.

As soon as Lin Feng and the three of them walked to the staircase and were about to go upstairs, Jiang Han took the two guards behind him to block the way.

Lin Feng looked at the three people in front of him, smiled indifferently, and protected the little emperor behind him, while Qin Zhong walked up from the side.

At that moment, a gentle voice sounded.

"Several sons are here to have fun and have fun, so why make trouble unpleasantly because of a little thing, wouldn't it be better to value harmony. The woman in red walked out at some point and slowly descended the stairs.

The intoxicating aroma rushes to the face, and in the eyes, it is the face of the world with an exotic style.

The voice is very beautiful, but it is not weak at all, just like a person, giving people boundless reverie.

Jiang Han's eyes were fiery, revealing Chi Guoguo's desire, and said with a smile: "If Miss Nangong can accompany me well today, I am also willing to sell the girl's face and let them go. Saying

that, Jiang Han looked at Lin Feng and said coldly: "Nangong girl pleads, there are a lot of adults in this son, so you can get out of front of your father as soon as possible, otherwise, you will never have to go out..."

Before he could speak, he saw Lin Feng take a sharp step up, stretched out his hand and slapped Jiang Han in the face.

The movements were clean and neat, the slap sound was crisp, and at this moment, the entire Drunken Immortal Building was quiet.

Silent and audible with a pin drop.

Everyone's eyes widened, and in their eyes, Lin Feng shook his palm, which was a little painful because of the excessive force, and his face was full of coldness.

"I don't know what is dead or alive, here the dog barks, disturbs people's interest, and immediately takes your people out of the way. "Since he took the little emperor out to play, Lin Feng didn't want to disturb the little emperor's interest, this kind of gentleman, it's not too late to clean up later.

The audience on the side was once again stunned by Lin Feng's domineering words.

beat the son of the commander of the first army, and dared to make such nonsense and speak wildly, this person is not crazy.

Jiang Han was stunned by this slap, brought it back to his senses, touched the corner of his mouth, it was full of blood, his whole eyes were cracked, his eyes were red, and he became crazy.

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