Lin Feng walked in and saw Xia Siyao hugging the little emperor and crying bitterly.

On the side, there was also the doctor from the Tai Hospital, discussing something, and after a while, they all shook their heads secretly.

Obviously, in the face of this situation, there is also some helplessness.

Seeing this, the imperial physician led by him sighed secretly, stepped forward, lowered his head and said: "Queen Mother, Your Majesty's pulse is weak, and your anger is like a gossamer, I'm afraid it is..."

"The imperial court has been eating and drinking all day long, but now you are helpless one by one, what is the use of this palace wanting you?" Xia Siyao heard this voice, and the white jade flawless face was even more poignant, and he raised his head violently and shouted in a deep voice.

"The ministers are waiting for ten thousand deaths, please forgive the queen mother!" The imperial doctors knelt on the ground in response, all of them trembling.

As the imperial doctors knelt down, Xia Siyao saw Lin Feng coming in from outside the door.

She has no owner, as if she has an instant support, and tears can't stop flowing.

Lin Feng nodded and walked up quickly.

didn't have time to appease Xia Siyao, but first observed the situation of the little emperor.

In this era of backward medical technology, many simple first aid measures have not been developed, and even drowning, the mortality rate is very high.

Since he still had a heartbeat and pulse, he had to figure out the situation of the little emperor first.

"The imperial doctors have used methods to spit out the water swallowed by the emperor, but people just can't wake up. Xia Siyao said and cried again.

Lin Feng nodded.

What Xia Siyao said, he knows.

In the first aid measures of later generations, after the drowning person was rescued from the shore, the first step of first aid was to clean up the debris in the mouth and nose of the drowning person, and then empty water.

The so-called empty water is to discharge the water from the drowning person's respiratory tract, lungs and inhaled abdomen by artificial means.

In this era, although there are no first aid measures, there are countless people who have figured out the means.

"Niangniang put your majesty down first, maybe I can try. Lin Feng took a deep breath and said slowly.

Drowning first aid, Lin Feng is no stranger.

In other words, most of the people in the future generations are no strangers, but they are just empty water, and they are far from achieving the purpose of saving people.

Xia Siyao didn't understand what Lin Feng was going to do, but after a long period of trust, although she had some doubts, she still put the little emperor down.

Lin Feng didn't dare to delay, crossed his hands, pressed on the little emperor's heart, and pressed it rhythmically.

Chest cardiac massage.

When the drowning victim is rescued from shore and the heart stops or is extremely weak, the heart is squeezed by chest cardiac massage to make it contract and relax, which can restore the heart's pumping function.

While doing chest heart massage, Lin Feng couldn't care so much, and at the same time gave the little emperor artificial respiration.

Now he seems to be majestic and majestic, and all officials are not afraid.

But only he knows in his heart that the premise of all this is to ensure the safety of Xia Siyao and the little emperor, if something really happens to the little emperor, everything will be wiped out.

Which is more important, Lin Feng is very clear.

Seeing Lin Feng's busy appearance, Xia Siyao and the imperial doctors all frowned, not understanding what Lin Feng was doing.

Xia Siyao did not open his mouth out of trust.

The imperial doctors were secretly muttering in their hearts, this move was really disrespectful, if it was usual, they would definitely open their mouths to reprimand, but now, His Majesty's life is hanging by a thread, and the Queen Mother has not spoken, so they naturally dare not say anything.

Just looking at Lin Feng's strange movements, he frowned and shook his head.

The heartbeat is weak, and the breath is like a gossamer.

With their vast experience, this man is basically impossible to recover.

Isn't this action a desecration of His Majesty's dragon body?

Time passes minute by minute.

The atmosphere in the hall is solemn and suffocating.

Seeing that Lin Feng was still doing those two actions repeatedly, the imperial doctors couldn't help it, although they were helpless, they couldn't see people desecrating His Majesty's dragon body like this.


Before the words could be spoken, a violent cough sounded in the hall that was so quiet that it was almost deadly.

The little emperor woke up.

The little emperor, who had been lying there, suddenly half got up and spit out a lot of water again.

This sudden change woke everyone in the hall up.

"The Emperor... Emperor..."

Xia Siyao's dim eyes suddenly flashed with a hint of brilliance, and he hurriedly leaned over.

Lin Feng got up slowly and turned his wrist, which was a little sore.

Fortunately, people were rescued.

The stone in his heart finally fell, but then, a boundless killing intent rose up.

And at this time.

The imperial doctors looked at Lin Feng as if they were looking at a god.

Although they didn't know much, they also knew that Lin Feng was a eunuch beside the emperor, and it was impossible for him to use medical skills at all.

But this unpredictable method made them puzzled.

Just as he wanted to go up and ask, he saw Lin Feng's murderous eyes, and he was horrified for a while, and he involuntarily took two steps back.

The words he wanted to say were also stuck in his mouth, and he couldn't ask anything.

Lin Feng ignored these imperial physicians and got up and walked towards the outside of the hall.

The palace maids and eunuchs in this palace, when he first took over the head of the inner court, cleaned them up, and the palace maids and eunuchs arranged by the little emperor's side were also carefully examined, and there should be no problems.

If it was really King Ning's hand, how did he do it.

I don't know what happened to Qin Zhong's side of the investigation.



The night was already deep, and in the main hall of King Ning's Mansion, there were still many people gathered here.

At this time, the main hall was quiet.

King Ning sat on the throne, and everyone sat on both sides, all quiet, no one spoke, as if they were waiting for something.

After a while, Liu Yong walked in from outside, walked to King Ning's side, and whispered a few words in his ear.

Hearing this, King Ning's serious face suddenly showed a little smile.

"Are you saying that Lin Feng's dog thief has also entered the palace?" King Ning asked, turning his head.

"I was in a hurry, and I just entered the palace not long ago, and I thought I got the news from the palace. Liu Yong replied.

The closest thing to the Queen Mother Xia Siyao is Lin Feng, if something happens to the little emperor, he will naturally notify Lin Feng as soon as possible, which is normal.

I didn't expect it to succeed in such a way today.

King Ning couldn't hold back any longer and laughed out loud.

"By the way, there is no aftermath, right?" asked King Ning uneasily.

"Don't worry, the prince has no proof of death, so even if Lin Feng has all the ability, there is no way to find out.

Liu Yong continued: "In addition, the subordinates have secretly informed the cabinet, presumably the cabinet will also rush to the palace, and will not lead to the prince."

"Okay, well, when this king sits on the throne, I won't treat you badly.

King Ning looked at the officials in the main hall and said, "Ladies and gentlemen, follow this king into the palace. A

group of people left King Ning's Mansion and headed towards the palace, everyone's faces, there were smugness and joy, and they were secretly glad that they were in the right position.

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