It's a long road.

Lin Feng looked at the majestic city in front of him and felt full of emotion in his heart.

It hasn't been long since I came to this world, and nearly a month has passed since this trip to Yuzhou.

Fortunately, this trip was not in vain, and the unstable factor of the Moon Worship Palace was solved, and the next thing was to concentrate on dealing with King Ning and the forces in the capital, although this is more difficult than solving a Moon Worship Palace, at least there is no need to worry about internal and external strife breaking out at the same time.

This stormy dynasty is already in shambles, and it is not appropriate for any more major upheavals.

Otherwise, it will affect the whole body, resulting in too many variables.

As the sun sets, the sky is a little dark.

"Enter the city!"

Lin Feng stayed in front of the capital division for a while, and with an order, the team entered the city.

"Gonggong Lin, when he arrived in Beijing, the duties of the last general were completed, so he led the soldiers back to the camp first. After entering the city, Sun Desheng came up and hugged his fists and saluted.

Lin Feng was stunned for a moment.

This man has been lukewarm to him since he set out to meet, and his words surprised him a little.

Others greeted each other with smiles, we shouldn't be too cold, Lin Feng also smiled and said: "General Sun is loyal to his duties, this line of work, tired of the general, when he returns to the palace, this prince will make it clear to the queen mother."

Sun Desheng clenched his fists again, and then left with the five thousand soldiers of the Nanda camp.

Lin Feng was about to go to the palace to recover his life, turned his head to look at Qin Mengyao, and said gently: "I'm going to the palace, you go back to the East Factory with Qin Qianhu first." Along

the way, the sisters are in a much better mood, and they don't have the initial loss.

Listening to Lin Feng's words, Qin Mengyao nodded, very obedient.

Lin Feng didn't delay any longer and headed towards the palace.

In the Shohito Palace.


Xia Siyao sat there alone, and none of the palace maids and eunuchs were seen.

Lin Feng saw the woman looking out the window, walked over quietly, hugged the moving delicate body in his arms, and lowered his head into the white swan neck.

I took a deep breath of the aroma and refreshed my heart.


The palace maids and eunuchs inside and outside Zhaoren Palace were all arranged by Lin Feng, Xia Siyao exclaimed, Lin Feng was not worried about anything.

Hugging this soft delicate body, Lin Feng said jokingly: "What are you thinking? Aren't you thinking about me

?" This familiar voice, Xia Siyao relaxed, a touch of surprise rose on his face, and he turned around and said, "You are back, this trip is still going well, have you encountered any danger?"

Once you are truly attached to a man, no matter how high or low his position or status is, he will be this man in his heart.

Lin Feng smiled indifferently: "It's okay, it's just a trivial matter, if I don't want to, who can hurt me, by the way, in the days when I'm not there, nothing has happened in the court, has King Ning made any trouble?"

Xia Siyao glanced at Lin Feng.

This man has never refused to show weakness, King Ning has tried his best, how can this line of work be peaceful.

It's just that Lin Feng didn't say anything, and when he returned safely, Xia Siyao didn't ask anything more.

"It's nothing in the court, King Ning tried to let the palace release King Jing several times, but those people you arranged testified and were suppressed by the palace.

"This palace is a little worried, King Ning may not be good for them.

Xia Siyao knew that Lin Feng planned to let these four families take over the position of the four imperial merchants, so he reminded him.

Lin Feng smiled, it's okay if it's not a big deal.

As for the four family heads, with Dongchang taking care of them, I don't think anything will happen to them.

A long absence is better than a newlywed.

The worry in his heart was put down, and looking at the delicate woman in his arms, Lin Feng lowered his head and pressed down, and at the same time, the big quiet hands moved uneasily.


Xia Siyao's pleasant voice made Lin Feng feel even more uncontrollable.

Stretched out his hand to pick up Xia Siyao and walked towards the back.

Spring is full of colors.

It wasn't until late at night that the wind and rain gradually stopped.

After Xia Siyao slept lazily, Lin Feng quietly got up and left.

There was already a curfew in the palace, the palace gate was closed, and he was still preparing to go to court tomorrow, Lin Feng did not leave the palace again, and went back to his residence in the palace directly.

The next day, early in the morning.

Lin Feng got up from the bed and came to the little emperor's side.

"Xiao Linzi

, are you back?"

"You're not here these days, I'm almost bored to death, those eunuchs are all stuffy gourds, it's not fun at all, you change some people for me, I'm almost bored to death." When

the little emperor saw Lin Feng, his face was very happy.

Lin Feng smiled helplessly, the eunuchs around the little emperor were all carefully selected by him, all to protect the safety of the little emperor, and he didn't dare to go beyond it at all, how could it be interesting.

Looking at the little emperor who was full of interest, Lin Feng couldn't bear to refuse, and nodded in response.

Afterwards, the two went to the Xuanzheng Hall together.

Inside the Xuanzheng Palace.

The civil and military officials are already in place.

When Lin Feng followed Xia Siyao and the little emperor into the court, the hundred officials saluted and shouted in unison.

Lin Feng found King Ning in the crowd, wanting to see what kind of wonderful expression this prince who had tried so hard to put him to death would have when he saw him standing here safely.

However, when he looked at King Ning, King Ning seemed to be in a foreign state, as if he didn't see him.

This surprised Lin Feng a little.

A man who wants to perish must first make him mad.

The more King Ning gritted his teeth at him, eager to get rid of him as soon as possible, it was easier for him to find an opportunity to defeat the enemy.

This King Ning, who had calmed down, made Lin Feng secretly vigilant in his heart.

I don't know what medicine is going to be sold in Ning Wang's gourd.

"Do you have something to do?"

Xia Siyao looked around and asked lightly.

"The Queen Mother, the minister has something to do. He

Jingluo, the right attendant of the Criminal Department, stood up from the court column and said: "Yuzhou disaster relief, Lin Gonggong worked tirelessly, and the disaster relief was meritorious, especially this disaster relief program in exchange for work, which created a precedent for Daewoo, and such merits should be rewarded."

As soon as He Jingluo's

words came out, there was an uproar in the hall, and all the officials looked at each other.

It's not clear what this is.

It was Yang Wenxuan, the first assistant of the cabinet, who couldn't help but look at King Ning on the other side, and couldn't figure out what he was going to do.

He knew in his heart that King Ning absolutely hated Lin Feng to death, and it was not an exaggeration to say that he was peeling the skin and pulling the bones, but the faction of the Criminal Department was obviously King Ning's people, and at this time, he actually stood up to ask Lin Feng for credit.

It is absolutely impossible to make peace


King Ning's hand, even Yang Wenxuan was a little incomprehensible.

Lin Feng was also surprised.

But he didn't speak, just watched quietly.

He didn't believe that King Ning would be soft, and he didn't believe that King Ning would have such a good intention, if nothing else, the big move was still to come.

This alerted him a little.

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