Ji Changqing's eyes were split.

If his son made a mistake, Lin Feng wanted to beat, scold, and punish, he could accept it, but Lin Feng was too ruthless, and he was going to execute their father and son when he opened his mouth, and all the people in the house would also be exiled, leaving no room for anything, and he had no way to compromise and beg for everything.

"Lin Feng, this is Yuzhou, not a Jingshi, the dog has made some mistakes, but the crime is not death, it is not the official who seeks rebellion, you deceive people too much

!" "Come on!"

Anyway, it is a capital crime, and there may be a glimmer of life that can be fought for.

"Oh, is it?"

Lin Feng's expression remained unchanged, he just glanced at Ji Changqing lightly, and in the next moment, a fine light suddenly flashed in his eyes.

At this time, Qin Zhong walked out from next to Lin Feng, with murderous intent in his eyes: "Rebellion, disrespect to the overseer, looking for death!"

While speaking, the long knife in his hand suddenly came out of its sheath, and a cold light swept through the air.


Ji Changqing's bloody head flew out, scarlet blood spilled out, splashing all the officials, as well as Ji Chen next to him, all over his face.

The smell of blood from the snort frightened everyone.

The governor of a state, from the official position of the second rank, even if he commits a crime and wants to be killed, it stands to reason that he should be escorted to Jingshi, tried by the judicial department, convicted of the crime, and finally executed.

But now, just like that, the soul has returned to the west.

At this moment, everyone's thinking was about to stagnate, it was difficult to breathe, and they looked at Lin Feng blankly, only feeling as if they were dreaming.

This minister is terrible.

"Ah!!" "

My lord spares my life, I don't want to die... I don't want to die..".

Ji Chen was frightened, he was just a gentleman, where had he seen such a scene, the whole person was like crazy, running towards the outside of the mansion, where was there still wanton arrogance on the street.

Before he could run two steps, he was taken up by the fans of the East Factory.

Lin Feng glanced at the officials and the officials who rushed out, took out the token of the minister from his arms, and said loudly: "This prince is ordered by the Holy Lord and the Queen Mother to come to take charge of the disaster relief in Yuzhou. "

Ji Changqing is in trouble, and he also intends to rebel, and he is wrongdoing to his father-in-law, and now his father-in-law has executed him on the spot, do you have any objections?"

Lin Feng's voice was flat, but when it fell on everyone's ears, it was like thunder.

His eyes were like torches, and his face was full of majesty, which made everyone's hearts tremble.

I saw them secretly glancing at each other, and finally under the terrifying pressure of Lin Feng, they recognized the reality and didn't dare to make another mistake.

"Meet Lord Lin, I will obey my wishes.

At this time, Lin Feng looked at Yao Jun, the leader of the official squad who was kneeling on the ground, and said, "You, come here!"

Yao Jun was panicked at this time.

His whole face was pale, he knelt in front of Lin Feng, and kowtowed wildly: "The little one didn't know that it was an adult in front of him today, and he didn't deal with it impartially, and he was willing to be punished." "

Really?" Lin Feng smiled playfully.

Yao Jun was even more panicked, his forehead was bloody on the ground, and he trembled and said, "Please punish your lord." "

Alright, get up!" Yao

Jun secretly breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this, which showed that Lin Feng would at least not kill him.

It's good to be alive.

"As the head of the official team, you naturally don't dare to offend Ji Changqing, the governor, and my father understands.

"Now give you a chance to make meritorious contributions, immediately lead people to raid the Ji Mansion, and put the officials in the house into prison, if you do a good job, you can be exempted from the death penalty, once there is favoritism and fraud, this public will forgive the crime and punish it, and will not be spared." "

Little people also have the use of small people.


After Yao Jun continued to kowtow on the ground, he didn't dare to delay for a moment, and led a group of his subordinates towards Ji Mansion.

"Ladies and gentlemen, haven't you prepared a banquet for the main palace, let's go together!" After explaining, Lin Feng looked at the officials who were at a loss for what to do there, and laughed loudly.

Everyone was relieved and hurriedly followed.

Food and wine.

Lin Feng tasted two sips and felt that the taste was not bad, but he saw that the officials were like schoolchildren who had made mistakes, sitting there, not daring to move.

"Eat together, everyone, such a good dish, this palace can't finish it, don't waste it, the victims outside can't eat it if they want to." Lin Feng smiled playfully.


Everyone moved at this time, but the hand holding the chopsticks was trembling, and they always felt that Lin Feng had something to say, and eating delicious food in his mouth was like chewing wax.

At this time, Lin Feng slowly spoke: "My lords, when my father left Beijing, the Queen Mother also specially told me that Yuzhou is rich in products, which is the weight of Daewoo, and there must be no mistakes, but when I came, I found that Yuzhou was a loose government and the military equipment was not organized, resulting in the disaster victims all over the wilderness, and the Moon Palace was rampant.

"My lord, it's not that we don't do anything, it's really that this drought is too widespread, and there are too many people to save it!"

"And the Moon Palace, acting sneaky, often before the government soldiers arrived, they scattered in a hurry, and they couldn't catch it."

Listening to these prevarications, Lin Feng snorted coldly: "If there are too many victims, they won't come, and they can't be caught... Hum... Do you not want to catch it, or you can't catch it! When you withhold the people's life-saving food, aren't you afraid of retribution?"

Lin Feng's voice became louder and louder, deafening.

"My lord, you are wronged!" "

Wronged, you are still embarrassed to shout injustice, open your eyes to see what this is."

Lin Feng was extremely angry, and slammed the information found by Dongchang Fanzi on the table.

"Come, read to them. "

The members of the prefect Yang were corrupt and perverted the law, withheld disaster relief grain, exchanged silver taels, and embezzled 1.2 million taels of silver, and the evidence was conclusive..."

Dongchang Fanzi came to Yuzhou early, these days, not only the governor Ji Changqing has been investigated, including many officials below, and the crimes have been investigated clearly.

"Wronged, this palace wants to ask, where are you wronged?"

"Come on, take down all these traitors, no matter how big or small, they will all be confiscated and beheaded


At this moment, an old man in the room who was nearly sixty years old knelt in front of Lin Feng, with tears in his eyes: "The people of Yuzhou are finally saved, and the lower officials kowtow to the adults." Lin

Feng knows this person, Anyang knows Zhao Yi, and he can be regarded as a rare Qing official, because he doesn't know how to flatter, he has been in this position for more than ten years, and he can't be promoted.

Now that the traitor has been eliminated and Liwei has been established, this person can be used.

"Lord Zhao, please get up, now that the disaster relief food has arrived, the disaster relief thing still depends on Lord Zhao's busyness.

"The lower officials will do their best to live up to the trust of adults. "

As soon as the disaster relief matters were arranged, everyone received orders one after another, and then left.

And at this time.

In a hidden manor outside Anyang City.

Qin Mengxue returned here and reported that she had met King Ning.

When the Moon Worship Palace Lord heard that this person was holding King Ning's token, she no longer doubted it, she knew how heavy King Ning's murderous intentions were towards Lin Feng, and it was reasonable to arrange someone to come.

"Mengxue, since this person is King Ning's person, you can unite with him.

"Tomorrow, you go to the city again, secretly meet General Xie Shen, and ask him to find a way to bring our people into the mansion.

"When the time comes, it will be the death of Lin Feng, the dog thief!"

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