Looking at the extremely well-behaved little woman, Lin Feng was very moved.

He walked behind Qin Mengyao and rubbed the delicate body into his arms, the warm nephrite in his arms, the extreme silky touch, made him secretly refreshed.

Qin Mengyao bit her red lips tightly, her face was red and her ears were red, but she didn't dare to break free at all, so she could only let Lin Feng maintain this posture.

Her feelings for Lin Feng in her heart were very complicated.

At the beginning, this man ruthlessly took away her innocence, and her heart was full of hatred, and the deep affection that this man later showed made her a little confused.

Now, knowing that this man did not hesitate to confront King Ning and commit danger in order to relieve the disaster in Yuzhou, she had an indescribable feeling in her heart.

Complicated, tangled, confused.

This is Qin Mengyao's state of mind at this time.

The bodies of the two were tightly pressed together, feeling the fragrance between the snorts, Lin Feng's hands moved quite dishonestly.

Then, his chin was placed on Qin Mengyao's shoulder, and he exhaled hot air and said, "If Mengyao can... I can think about it.

Qin Mengyao's whole person was stunned, and her delicate pretty face was extremely red in an instant, like a tempting red apple, and at the same time, even the crystal white earlobes and the snow-white swan neck also appeared a touch of crimson.

It can be seen how much impact Lin Feng said had on her.

How could she do such a shameful thing?

If she did, wouldn't she...

"No... No way... I can't. "Qin Mengyao is about to die of shame.

"Huh?" Lin Feng said softly.

"I... I..."Qin Mengyao's heart trembled, and she was incoherent for a while.

She didn't even know what to do.

Who will save her!,

she felt that if she continued like this, she would have to be spoiled by Lin Feng.

At this time....

"Overseer, the envoy of Qinglong Town has arrived!" An

announcement came from outside the house, waking up Qin Mengyao, who had no master of the six gods.

She came back to her senses, gasped for breath, broke free from Lin Feng's arms, and stumbled out.

Feeling the discomfort of her body, Qin Mengyao's face became more and more red.

Oh my God, she was...

Seeing the figure of the woman fleeing in embarrassment, Lin Feng smiled faintly, if you want to experience wonderful happiness, comrades still need to work hard!

Then, after sorting out his mood, he regained his calmness, and said lightly: "Come

in!" "Qinglong greets the factory father!"

After Qinglong came in, he saluted respectfully.

"Get up, this palace has summoned you over, there is a very important thing for you to do, and there must be no mistakes. Lin Feng explained solemnly.

"Qinglong is willing to go to the soup and fight the fire, and he will never give up. Qinglong replied very solemnly.

The four of them were originally brothers, and after returning from school, they wanted to do something for the country, but the original commander made Han Zhan flattering and doing many evils, and they could only abide by self-discipline.

And after Lin Feng took over Jinyiwei, although he acted ruthlessly, he could kill all the people who should be killed, and for the benefit of the people, which made him willing to submit sincerely.

Lin Feng nodded and said: "The Chang family has a workshop on the outskirts of Beijing, and the workshop here is where King Ning secretly builds standard armaments for the Moon Worship Palace. "

Yes!" Qinglong gave his hand.

"You bring more men, be careful. Lin Feng admonished again.

"By the way, you send someone to keep an eye on Ning Wangfu, and this palace will know every move of Ning Wangfu. Lin Feng thought for a moment and added.

With King Ning's temperament of retribution, it is impossible to give up after suffering such a big loss.

This murderous intent towards himself has never stopped, and Lin Feng has to guard against it.

"Let's go!" The

situation was urgent, every second counted, and Lin Feng didn't dare to waste time.



When King Ning returned to the mansion from Fan's mansion, he began to be furious.

The things in the house were smashed completely, and King Ning still couldn't vent the anger in his heart.

"Lin Feng, a dog thief, why is his life so big. "

That Shi Hu is also a waste, don't you know how to bring more people, and it was taken down by Dongchang and Jinyiwei." "


King Ning slammed the last vase to the ground, splintering all over the ground.

"The prince was angry, it was not that Commander Shi was careless, but that Lin Feng had obviously calculated and waited for King Jing to throw himself into the net.

"The four imperial merchants are only afraid that they will not be saved, and now they still have to bail King Jing out as soon as possible and re-establish candidates, and this line cannot be broken in business, otherwise, there may be chaos on the side of the Moon Palace."

"There is also the batch of armaments built by the Chang family, which must be shipped out as soon as possible and handed over to the Moon Worship Palace, otherwise once he can't withstand the torture of Dongchang and confesses, we will lose all our efforts."

Liu Yong's words made King Ning wake up suddenly.

"Yes, yes, the Chang family's armaments can't be lost, immediately send someone to transport that batch of armaments out, destroy the workshop, and execute everyone, even if Lin Feng finds out anything, there is no proof of death. "

Don't worry, your subordinates have already arranged for someone to go, but King Jing is on his side, and he wants the prince to walk around in person." Liu responded.

"This king knows!"

"By the way, has the news been passed to the Moon Worship Palace, this Lin Feng must die, and this king can't wait for a moment."

When King Ning thought of Lin Feng's hateful appearance, he couldn't help but be angry.

Until this time, he no longer had any underestimation of Lin Feng, this little eunuch who he had not looked down on at all, in just a few days, he had caused him a lot of trouble, and if Lin Feng was not completely killed, Ning Wan would not be able to sleep well.

"The letter has been delivered.

"However, that Lin Feng is now holding Dongchang and Jinyiwei in his hands, his ears and eyes are all over the sky, if he wants to assassinate him in Jingshi, it is unlikely, one is not good, I am afraid that he will be like a little saint again, but it will fall into his hands."

Liu Yong's face was a little worried, and he felt that it was not a good idea to let the Moon Worship Palace come to Beijing to assassinate Lin Feng.

King Ning was immediately angry, and said in a deep voice: "Then what do you say, just let him be so arrogant, and let him continue like this, when will this king be able to cause trouble?"

Liu Yong sighed helplessly.

This prince was not like this before, and he was also quite ambitious in the city, and even the cabinet was faintly suppressed, but how could he be here in Lin Feng, he was always angry.

It's a pity that he will never know that it was Lin Feng's slap in Zhaoren Palace that made it difficult for this prince, who was known as the city government, to calm down when facing Lin Feng.

"Lord Wang, it's not easy to do it in the Jingshi, but once you get out of the Jingshi, even if Lin Feng has all kinds of abilities, it's not up to us to handle it. "

I have a plan, but I can make Lin Feng leave the Jingshi, when the time comes, the sky will be wide, and it will be much easier to get his life again."

As Liu Yong told his plan, a smile began to appear on King Ning's face.


"This time, this king wants him to die. "

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