Woo woo woo ~

The horn sounded, the noon gate was opened, and the civil and military officials entered the court in an orderly manner.

Hundreds of civil and military officials entered the palace.

With Lin Feng and Xia Siyao, the little emperor entered the court, and hundreds of civil and military officials saluted together.

Today is the last meeting of the year.

The civil and military officials are very conscious of keeping to themselves, they have nothing to do, and they all want to have a good New Year.

The court was full of joy.

During this period, some courtiers played two things, but they were inconsequential and trivial, and they were dealt with on the spot.

Yang Wenxuan, the first assistant of the cabinet, stood in front, and his eyes couldn't help but fall on Lin Feng.

Although he didn't know what means Xia Mingda would use to deal with Lin Feng, he was also from the scholar clan, and he never underestimated that old man Xia.

Perhaps, this will really be an opportunity for him.

In the past year, Lin Feng pacified the disaster in Anyang, and Liaodong created the first victory over the Jurchens in many years.

However, this is not necessarily good news for the Jiangnan Shi clan led by him.

Lin Feng was too strong, and even touched their interests repeatedly.

Even if he had no intention of starting a war at the beginning, for the sake of the rights and interests behind him, he had to bring Lin Feng down.

The country cannot die, but it must not be too strong.

In this way, the rights and interests in their hands can be maximized and meet the expectations of their scholars.

After the last court meeting, a heavy snow came, and under the heavy snowfall, the majestic palace complex was shrouded in a white world.

Inside the palace walls, the forbidden soldiers braved the wind and snow, patrolling with soldiers in hand.

Lin Feng came out of Zhaoren Palace, and the civil and military officials had already left early, and there was no one else in the palace city of Nuoda, except for the forbidden army and sentry posts that were patrolling.

Walking through the Xuanzheng Palace, in front of it is the wide white jade square.

Lin Feng stopped and let the snowflakes fall on his shoulders.

That night, it was here that he sent the powerful King Ning to the guillotine and regained the power of the royal family.

Now, in front of him, there are many enemies that can be seen and cannot be seen.

No matter how the sky falls, he can't back down.

Because, in this world, there is a kind of struggle not for survival and wealth, and this kind of struggle often does not compromise, there is no retreat, because compromise and retreat often means defeat, and the end is obvious.

This kind of struggle is a struggle for rights.

The cold wind howls and pierces the marrow of people.

Lin Feng left the palace and got into the carriage, originally preparing to return to the Lin Mansion, but with a turn of thought, he gave an order, and the carriage drove towards Dongchang.

These days, the weather is already cold, and this snow falls, and the temperature is afraid to drop a few degrees.

Since you have this condition, why should you grieve yourself?

After arriving at the East Factory, Lin Feng went directly to the firearms workshop.

In the hot firearms workshop, because of the existence of a small blast furnace, I don't know how much warmer it is than outside.

In the inner room, Lin Feng sat down, picked up the pen, and drew drawings on the paper with his memory.

Soon, most of the hour passed.

When Lin Feng raised up, on that piece of paper, a diagram of the structure of a water furnace had already appeared on it.

In addition to the overall structure of the water furnace, Lin Feng also drew a three-view of some components.

These things, for him who was born in engineering, are not too difficult, and what should be considered is nothing more than water circulation to ensure heat dissipation.

This kind of water stove is actually divided into two layers.

On the innermost side is the place where the fire is burned, and the charcoal fire is added to it to produce heat, while on the outside, there is a water tank separated by iron plates, and the water in the tank is heated by the heat generated by the charcoal fire.

Below, there is a row of iron bars and an iron drawer.

The charcoal fire burns on the iron bars, and after it is burned to ashes, it falls into the iron drawer, which is more convenient when it is cleaned up.

In general, it is no different from the water stove used by every household in the countryside in his previous life.

Now that the drawings are in place, the next step is the problem of manufacturing.

After a while, Xing Ling was called in.

"Xing Ling, look at the water stove on here, can you make it here in the workshop?" Lin Feng handed the drawing to Xing Ling and asked.

Xing Ling took the drawings and looked at them carefully, his brows furrowed from time to time, and after a while, he suddenly came to his senses.

Half an hour later, Xing Ling finished reading the drawings.

"My lord, dare you ask this..."Xing Ling asked, pointing to the three views of some of the parts.

"It's three views, and if you look at it this way, you can understand it. Lin Feng said, and began to give Xing Ling a brief overview of the three-view view relationship.

Listening to this, Xing Ling's frowning brows gradually relaxed, and then, a look of joy appeared on his face.

"Wonderful, wonderful, the way you draw is so wonderful, with this view, even a craftsman who doesn't know the principle can create a suitable object. Xing Ling couldn't stop praising it.

At this time, he was no longer talking about a water stove, but some components of a fire gun and artillery.

Compared with a simple water stove, the components of guns and guns are much more precise, and often a little mistake becomes a waste product.

Because it is necessary to mass produce and assemble line operations, there can be no mistakes in every step.

These days, Xing Ling is still worried about this.

Today, from Lin Feng, I suddenly saw a solution to the problem.

It took a moment for the excitement to calm down.

Sensing that Lin Feng was looking at him, Xing Ling realized that he had digressed, smiled abruptly, and immediately said, "It's not difficult for adults to make this stove, and the workshop can make it." "

How long will it take?" Lin Feng asked.

"If you're in a hurry, one day is enough to finish everything. Xing Ling groaned and responded.

"Okay, then you guys can get busy!" Lin Feng explained.

"By the way, let's do the last three first. Just about to go out, he suddenly remembered, Lin Feng turned his head again and said.

In this era of backward technology and lack of materials, winter is often the most difficult.

Even wealthy businessmen and magnates could only wear bloated and lucrative leather coats to protect themselves from the cold.

Now that there is a way to keep warm, in addition to his own Lin Mansion, Su Li'er's side, and Xia Siyao's Zhaoren Palace, they are all arranged.

It's all their own women, and they should be cherished or cherished.

Out of the firearms workshop, Qin Zhong had just returned from outside.

"Overseer!" Seeing Lin Feng, Qin Zhong greeted him.

"Is there something wrong?" Lin Feng waved his hand, and then walked towards the house.

Subsequently, the two of them entered the main hall on the inside of the East Factory.

"There is news from Jinyang that Lu Zhenghao, the governor of Jinyang, has stepped down, and in addition, the Lu family has funded 20,000 sets of armaments and materials from various health centers in Jinyang in his private name, and now he has sent them over. Qin Zhong said.

Hearing this, Lin Feng couldn't help but laugh, daring to love this is the matter.

It was also because he instructed Lu Tiangong in advance, so he didn't worry about this matter anymore, after all, with Lu Tiangong's position in the cabinet, it was not difficult to get the cabinet to agree to his son's transfer.

And these days, when he was not in the court, Wang De approved it on his behalf.

"Lu Tiangong has already taken refuge in his father, how could I have instructed him to do this. Lin Feng said with a smile.

Hearing this, Qin Zhong was slightly stunned.

The six books of the imperial court can be said to be the mainstay of the court, and what a miraculous means of the superintendent of his own family made this secretary of the Ministry of Industry not hesitate to betray the cabinet and turn his head here.

"Subordinates understand!" Qin Zhong arched his hand.

While the two were talking, a fan came in to report.

"Overseer, Lu Shangshu asks to see you.

Lin Feng turned his head and smiled dumbly.

Said Cao Cao, Cao Cao arrived.

However, he had already thought of the purpose of Lu Tiangong's visit.

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