
At this time, in King Ning's mansion, chickens flew and dogs jumped, and everyone was silent, not daring to touch King Ning's moldy head.

King Ning's eyes erupted into flames, and he slammed a vase on the ground again, making a snapping sound.

He raised his head, his eyes full of resentment: "Xia Siyao, a slut, has been so kind to this king, as well as Yang Wenxuan, an old thief, who has always been with this king, and when this king ascends to the throne in the future, they will all have to die!"

"By the way, there is also Lin Feng, a eunuch, relying on the favor of that slut, who has repeatedly mocked this king, and this king wants to put him to death. Next

to him, Liu Yong, a strategist of King Ning's Mansion, stood there.

"The prince doesn't have to be so angry, the queen mother favors the eunuchs, and sooner or later it will cause the courtiers to be dissatisfied.

"Today not only suppressed us, but also suppressed the cabinet faction, Yang Wenxuan's old fox will not sit still, as long as the courtiers are centrifuged, then our time will come, when the time comes, we will ascend and shout, set things right, this world, it is all yours."

Liu Yong was thoughtful and persuaded on the side.

"But I can't wait!"

"A eunuch dares to mock this king again and again, how can this king swallow this breath."

When Liu Yong heard this, a trace of strangeness flashed in his eyes, and then he continued to persuade: "Lord Wang, now is not a good time, those who achieve great things must know how to be patient, don't be impatient!"

Liu Yong was still about to continue to persuade, but saw King Ning suddenly raise his head, his face was extremely cold, and there was no anger from Fang Cai.

He has been able to get to this point, in addition to his prominent status, he also has his own qi cultivation skills.


At this moment, the housekeeper in the mansion came in to report: "Lord, someone put a box in front of the mansion, and the old slave came to report." "

What man?"

The man behaved strangely, and soon disappeared after putting down the box, and the guards of the house did not catch up. "


the box?"

Soon, the servant lifted the box.

"Lord Wang, be careful!" Liu Yong reminded and waved his hand to signal his subordinates to open the box.

Suddenly, three bloody human heads appeared in the box, and everyone was shocked when they saw this scene, and their hearts were pounding.

"It's our secret agent lurking in Dongchang!" Liu Yong said with a strong look at the smell of blood.

Hearing this, King Ning, who had just calmed down, immediately exploded.

He finally understood what the playful smile was when Lin Feng looked at him in the early dynasty.

Laugh at his incompetence, laugh at his incompetence.

"Lin Feng!Lin Feng!, you deceive people too much!" King Ning roared angrily again.

"This king can't wait, this king must let him die, send a message to the Moon Worship Palace, let them find a way to kill this dog thief, their conditions, this king agreed. After a pause, King Ning gritted his teeth and commanded.

Liu Yong groaned slightly, as long as it wasn't happening now, killing a eunuch wouldn't affect the overall situation.

"Lord Wang, since Lin Feng dug out all our spies, the little saint girl Qin Mengyao must also fall into the hands of this dog thief, the little saint girl was originally just here to deliver the message, but we rashly asked her to assassinate Han Zhan, I'm afraid it's not easy to explain to the Moon Worship Palace. Liu Yong was a little embarrassed.

"What is there to explain, just say that she was caught by Lin Feng, the dog thief, and if she killed Lin Feng, she would naturally be rescued, even if they knew the truth at that time, they would dare to turn against this king. King Ning's killing intent rose, and he didn't seem to want to see Lin Feng's face for a moment.


"By the way, inform the twelfth brother again, let those grain merchants hide all the grain for this king, don't they want Old Man Wei to preside over disaster relief, this king will see that there is no food, what kind of disaster relief will he take."

King Ning had a hideous smile on his face.

In the court, he can't make a mistake and speak out, but he wants everyone to know that he can't do it, and no one wants to do it.

Lin Feng didn't know that the gift he gave to King Ning had caused King Ning's boundless anger and attracted murder for himself.

Of course, even if he knew, he wouldn't back down.

King Ning's murderous intent has never stopped.

At this time, Lin Feng was sitting calmly in the seat of the commander of the East Factory, looking at several figures wearing brocade robes in front of him.

Everyone's gestures are faintly with a master's demeanor.

"Jinyi Weinan Town Fu Si Zhen Fu envoy Chang Lin, meet Lin Gonggong. "

Jinyi Weibei Town, Fu Si, Zhen Fu envoy Qinglong, meet Lin Gonggong. "

Jinyiwei is divided into the North and South Town Fu Division, the South Town Fu Division is responsible for the internal military discipline and punishment of Jinyi Wei, and the North Town Fu Division is responsible for the supervision, arrest, and punishment of hundreds of officials, so the murderous reputation of the North Town Fu Division is the source of everyone's fear.

Since Han Zhan was arrested by raiding his house, the title of Jinyiwei's commander fell on Lin Feng's head, and Lin Feng didn't immediately make a move on Jinyiwei, he was waiting.

Let the bullets fly for a while.

Sure enough, these people didn't disappoint him.


are Qinglong?" "I heard that there are four masters of Qinglong, White Tiger, Vermilion Bird and Xuanwu in Beizhen Fusi, are you here today?"

As Lin Feng's words fell, three figures behind Qinglong walked up, plus Qinglong, three men and one woman.

The male is powerful and looks extraordinary, while the female is heroic and beautiful, and has a bit of chivalrous taste.

"Meet Gonggong

Lin!" "Hmm!"

Lin Feng nodded with satisfaction, his gaze lingered on the woman named Suzaku for a moment, and then said lightly: "Bengong remembers, Jinyiwei also has a deputy commander, right?"

The faint voice contained majesty, which made the people in front of him feel cold in their hearts.

Qinglong glanced left and right, and could only respond stubbornly: "Back to my father-in-law, Deputy Commander Wang seems to be in poor health and recuperating in the mansion."

Lin Feng sneered in his heart, recuperation or wait-and-see?

Give you a chance, you don't use it!

Then don't blame the young master for being polite.

"Hehe, it turned out to be sick, that Bengong should be more concerned, Qinglong listened to the order, and the deputy commander made Wang Xie disrespectful, and now he will be dismissed from his post and taken home, since he wants to recuperate, then come to the dungeon of Dongchang to raise it!"

These words made everyone stunned, and Qinglong also hesitated.

"Why, didn't you hear the order of this palace?" Lin Feng was not angry.

"Subordinates obey orders!" Qinglong didn't dare to look directly, and gave up his hand.

"No matter how you turned out to be, who you are loyal to, now give you this opportunity, be loyal to this father, this prince will ensure that you will soar, if someone eats inside and outside, and the yang is against the yin, then don't blame the father for turning his face and being ruthless!"

"The means of this palace, I think you all know!"

"The subordinates don't dare!" After

the Jinyi Guards left, they watched the sky gradually darken, and they had no intention of returning to the palace.

As soon as he walked into the inner courtyard, he saw Qin Mengyao lying on the window, looking at the scenery in the courtyard in a daze.

Suddenly seeing Lin Feng coming through the courtyard, Qin Mengyao stood up suddenly, her heart was tense for a while, and her hands had nowhere to put them.

In that way, it's like Little Red Riding Hood meeting the Big Bad Wolf.

Oh my God, who's going to save her!

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